Rocky, it's a real worry.

But I have to say that although rocky stole the soul gem this time, he did a good thing before he left.

The gem of soul has the power to influence the mind and emotion of living beings.

This kind of power, unconsciously, can make a person's inner thoughts change, and can be used to deal with those who strongly oppose global unity. It's really very easy to use.

A seed of global unity is planted in the hearts of human beings on earth. With the series connection and support of Nick Frey, it will not take long to take root and grow into a towering tree for everyone.

However, when it comes to politics, power, and the distribution of interests, the Avengers are not interested in stirring up anything.

After the battle of New York, the battle of space Rovers and the battle of Austria, all of the Avengers need a period of precipitation.

For example, in this period of time, the two divinities of death and light in his body are rapidly changing.

In this stage, Jordan needs to guide his own divine power of death and heaven gradually integrate with his own divinity, and build the most stable divinity model. When the divinity accumulation is enough, Jordan finally needs to condense his own divinity model into divinity.

When the Godhead is stable, it is time for Jordan to finally break through the cocoon and enter the third stage of life leap.

For the vast majority of people on the road of life evolution, this will be a very long time.

It took sol hundreds of years to step into the second leap of life.

Rolfe, the ice giant, has lived for four or five thousand years, which is only the second time that he has reached the peak of his life.

However, in Jordan, this rule was broken. He was born with the right to die. After he got the inheritance from heaven from the holy sword, he got the inheritance of the whole heaven, which made Jordan accumulate faster than others. I don't know how many times.

What Jordan lacks is his understanding of death power and heaven inheritance in the process of evolution.

It's different from reading a secret book of miraculous skills. Whether it's the power of death or the inheritance of heaven, it's very abstract things in itself, such as human thinking and consciousness, which can be used instinctively, but can't be really touched.

Take these two kinds of unreal existence to build a divine model.

I'm afraid it's not for me!

In more than ten days, it is not that Jordan did not want to help himself understand, control and build a real divine model by analogy.

In dialogue with the dead, philosophy of death, existentialist psychotherapy, Lingbao Du Ren Jing and so on, jordani tried to wake up through some classics. Unfortunately, most of these books are too obscure and painful.

In addition to books, Jordan also sought help from philosophers, psychologists, priests, monks and Taoists.

However, what Jordan can get from these people is only some specious words, which has no effect on his own situation.

In terms of comparative Oriental discourse, Jordan has now embarked on the stage of seeking Tao.

Tao is very personal. Even another person who also has the right of death and the inheritance of heaven may have different understanding from Jordan.

The understanding of this kind of thing is rooted, and more often, it is very passive growth.

There are few people who can give play to their subjective initiative in the understanding of Tao, such as Laozi, Confucius, Sakyamuni, Mohamed and so on.

Jordan never thought he was a fool, but if he was compared with Lao Tzu, Confucius and Sakyamuni, he still knew himself very well.

The most difficult part of life evolution is to transform the scattered Abstract consciousness instinct into an orderly and solid model structure.

Knock on NIMA, it's really not a human thing.

Once again from the "Enlightenment" state of failure, Jordan is very decisive to the avenger base in the bar.

After a glass of wine and a cigar.

In the past ten days, Jordan felt that he was absolutely amused. He seemed to be "cultivating immortals" and "understanding the Tao". Is it good wine? It's not good to drink? Or the cigar doesn't smell good?

It's not suitable for you to work hard.

Just when Jordan made up his mind to salt the fish again, a slovenly figure also appeared in the bar.

It was Tony who had been in the lab for more than ten days.

Compared with Jordan's unreliable cultivation and enlightenment, Tony's time since the New York war has been really fruitful.

Photon energy application technology, cosmic science and technology, wakanda Zhenjin energy system, energy model of fire source, matrix core arrangement program, mechanical deformation technology of arctronics.

After many wars, Tony's accumulation of science and technology has reached a rather rich level.

After Tony digests these technologies, with the huge resources of the stark group, and when Tony's next generation armor is updated, it is uncertain who will be the most powerful in the Avengers alliance.

And it's different from people like Jordan, Saul, Steve.

The most powerful point of science and technology is its influence on the whole world after its high-speed manufacturing, popularization and popularization.

"Wow, look who this is, our Mr. Jovovich, isn't he practicing immortality today? Or am I dazed to see a fake Jovovich

Tony, as always, is making fun of Jordan. At the same time, he comes to the side of the bar and pours himself a glass of whisky.

For Tony's jokes, Jordan has been used to it for a long time, and even produced antibodies.

His eyelids drooped for a while, and Jordan was sucking his cigar. For a long time, he was bored and said, "Tony, how can you come out of the lab?"

Tony was black on his face and said, "don't mention it, sheter. Thanks to Hobbes' big mouth, pepper heard about us in the barren land. He came to the laboratory early this morning. My research for several days has been ruined!"

Jordan doesn't believe Tony.

Hobbes' big mouth is a well-known, barren thing in the Avengers League. Jarvis may have made a small report to pepper ten days ago.

Tony didn't come in early or late, but he came when he came to the bar. Obviously, he had something to say.

As he turned his mouth, Jordan put out his cigar and said, "Tony, your acting is really bad. What happened? Or, what do you want to say to me? "

The lie is exposed by Jordan, but Tony himself has no sign of embarrassment.

He touched the glass with jordani, and they took a few mouthfuls of whiskey. Tony's face became a little more serious and said, "Joe, are the mages in the temple of New York busy recently? I contacted Wang, but the other side didn't seem to respond! "

Jordan glanced at Tony and said, "what? What do you want to do? "

Tony casually knocked on the bar, a complete set of operating procedures appeared on the glass table, in Tony's operation, a miniaturized earth projection appeared between them.

Then, on the earth's projection, New York, London and Hong Kong Island are lit up, forming a huge energy loop that surrounds the whole earth.

With a frown, Jordan was a little surprised and said, "sheter, where did you get the seal structure of Argo motorcycle? This is the treasure of the supreme sanctuary. Cassilias and modu will kill you if they know it! "

Tony's face turned black, and he said, "no, this is not the structure of the seal of the Argo motorcycle. This is the energy structure of the earth's defense against space designed by me based on some theories of quantum space after studying the application technology of photon energy and the energy structure of the kindling source..."

Joe Danielle was stunned on the spot and said, "Tony, are you sure you made it yourself?"

Tony looked a little embarrassed and said, "well, I just heard Wang say something about the seal of the Argo motorcycle, and then I learned a little bit from their Trinity space structure. I have to say that the person who invented the seal of the Argo motorcycle is really a genius. I can't imagine that without the help of any computer thousands of years ago, How did the other side design this kind of complex energy closed loop... "

“Stop!” Jordan couldn't understand what the other person was saying. He said with a black face, "Tony, just tell me what your purpose is, that's enough!"

Tony's story was interrupted. With a sense of resentment, he said, "I want to see the real seal of Argo motorcycle. Then I have a space and dimensional defense plan. Maybe I can cooperate with the mages..."

With Tony's words and operation, on the projection between the two people, relying on the trinity of the Argo motorcycle seal, Tony quickly constructed one huge ring engineering body after another, constantly rotating, forming a protective layer around the earth.

The final form of this thing, Jordan looks familiar.

A few years ago, when the earth was not as chaotic as it is now, Jordan took Mindy to Disneyland. A kind of amusement measure called three-dimensional space ring that he used to take was just like this model.