The three-dimensional space ring is a spherical space in the middle, with three ring-shaped steel rings outside, which are fixed on an iron frame.

With the orderly turnover of the three annular steel rings outside the spherical space, the spherical space in the middle will also operate spontaneously.

This is a kind of amusement device evolved from the simulation device for training pilots and astronauts.

The projection model designed by Tony looks advanced and complicated, but it's not reliable to use it to cover the earth.

"Well, Tony, that's a good idea. Well, I'll meet Master Gu Yi another day and have a chat with her. Now, I seem to be a little drunk. I can't do it. I'm dizzy. I have to go home..."

Jordan's perfunctory, even the blind can see.

Take this thing to go to master Gu Yi to discuss cooperation. Jordan is afraid that he will be killed on the spot.

However, Tony spent more than ten days in the laboratory watching the surveillance video. He finally took a chance and caught Jordan in the bar. Naturally, it was impossible for him to leave so easily.

With Tony's high fives, a series of mechanical doors and defensive iron walls in the originally open bar soon fall, completely closing the whole bar.

"Joe, I can't tell you too much. You just need to know that this is definitely the greatest idea and invention in the 21st century. With these..."

Tony, who had been prepared for a long time, sat down at the bar with an old look on his face and watched Joe Denny squat down.

"Why?" he said? Why can't you talk to me too much? "

Tony took it for granted and said, "it's about quantum physics and the most advanced science and technology in gravity. Can you understand what I said?"

Jordani: "it's..."

Knock NIMA, who do you look down on!

Anger is angry, but Toni make complaints about it. Jordan Ni Man is Tucao, but he finds no Fuk.

After a pause, Jordan looked at Tony and said, "Tony, you should know the situation we are going to face best. Are you sure this thing really works?"

There is still no news about the negotiations on the battlefield, but the war with hell may come at any time.

And before rocky left, the army of exterminating hegemony had begun to march towards the earth, but I didn't know when it would arrive.

These two wars are inevitable.

It can be said that the period before the war is the only opportunity for the whole earth to accumulate strength and deal with the war.

On earth, there are many choices, whether it's the development of energy weapons, or the manufacture of space fighters, or the deep excavation of fortresses, defense and counterattack.

Human beings have limited time and resources, and what they can do is to prepare for one aspect.

If we choose the right one, we still have the chance to win the future war, and even walk out of the earth and into the universe.

And once the wrong choice, the whole earth, all human beings, will be faced with a catastrophe.

Why did jordani get possessed of "cultivating immortals" and "Enlightenment" in the past ten days.

In fact, this may not be an external manifestation of Jordan's psychological pressure. Jordan is not as smart as Tony in science and technology, nor does he have Nick Frey's ability to coordinate everything. Even Steve's charisma and scheduling ability on the battlefield are not as good as Jordan.

What Jordan can do is try his best to improve his strength by one point.

In fact, it's not only Jordan, the other members of the Avengers League, who don't have any spare time in these ten days. Everyone is trying to prepare for the war.

At this moment, listening to Jordan's words, Tony can't help but be silent.

Tony is very smart, almost one of the greatest geniuses on earth, but even so, in the face of the choice of the future fate of mankind, Tony dare not completely say that his plan is foolproof.

As one of the world's most charismatic and fighting power.

As one of the leaders of the Avengers alliance.

In this special period of time, Tony is undoubtedly one of the few people who has put forward suggestions. But once he has put forward his own suggestions, he will be responsible for it, and the pressure he needs to bear will become as heavy as a sea of mountains.

The reason why Jordan wants to avoid Tony is not that he is really afraid that Tony's space ring fortress plan is unreliable. With Tony's mind, he can come up with such a war preparation plan, which is undoubtedly after thorough consideration and careful consideration.

What Jordan really worried about was that after Tony made the decision, he couldn't bear the pressure that came with it.

As a member of human beings, Jordan's behavior is very selfish.

But as a friend, Jordan is even more reluctant to see Tony suffer from severe anxiety disorder and even sleep uneasily, as in the movie world.

The atmosphere in the bar, quiet to the extreme, only two people, Jordan and Tony, one after another drink sound.

After a long time, Tony just put down his glass and said, "Joe, I can't guarantee that the defense plan of the space ring fortress will help us win the war. What I can do is to provide enough data and information to let everyone see my plan. This is also my responsibility."

After a pause, Jordan sighed and said, "well, what do you need me to do?"

Tony said: "I need to see the real Argo motorcycle seal, the trinity of energy coverage, I can only calculate a rudiment. The ultimate support of the space ring defense fortress is still based on the Argo motorcycle seal. I hope it can combine the power of magic and science!"

Jordan gasped and said, "sheter, Tony, do you know what you mean by this kind of plan? Do you know what magic is? "

Combine magic with technology?

Now scientists, the scope of research has been so broad?

Tony shrugged and said, "of course! Do you know the prices on Hong Kong Island? I have provided a million dollar job opportunity for Wang, so Wang has provided me with some information and data about magic. According to my preliminary analysis, the essence of magic is also a special energy reaction, just a magic switch, which needs a kind of mental power that I can't find for the time being. "

Jordan a face dull, did not expect between Tony and Wang, there are still such py transactions.

Hit a mouth, Jordan looked at Tony, a bit complex mood, said: "and then?"

Tony calmly spread out his hands and said, "isn't it obvious that the essence of energetics and magic is actually the same, but there are differences in application and driving methods. I can be sure that science and magic can coexist with the cooperation of mages."

Well, jordani said he understood half of it.

But if magic and science can really be combined, then Tony's plan for the space ring fortress is promising.

“OK! I'll take you to the temple of New York! " Jordan quickly got up, and then stepped again. He looked at Tony and said, "Tony, I just want to tell you that things may not be as pessimistic as you think. No matter what, I, Steve, Saul, everyone, we will stand behind you and support you. You know what I mean, right?"

Tony doesn't know. At this time, Jordan has begun to make up for what he looks like after his anxiety attack.

Tony is a little confused about the sudden sensationalism of Jordan.

But then, Tony felt that he should have some reaction at this time. With a stiff face, he said, "sure, of course I understand. We are friends and family. Really, I'm so moved that I'm about to cry!"

The words are very beautiful, but the expression is not very sincere!

“F..kyou!” Jordan felt that his sincere feelings were insulted. He beat his middle finger and turned to the outside of the bar.

From Avenger base to brick street in New York, it won't take long.

Tony, who appears in front of the temple in New York, has changed into a casual suit, a haircut and brown fashion glasses.

Looking at the wooden gate of the New York temple, and then looking at the water and horses on the street, but no one noticed the pedestrians, Tony even though he had seen the existence of magic many times, at this moment, he still had a feeling of extraordinary surprise.

"Brick street 177a, Joe, can you tell me why the temple of New York has been here for thousands of years, but no one ever knows? To be honest, I can't understand what's going on! "

"Optical stealth? Or is it a mind gem like energy that distorts consciousness? Or... "

Jordan's face was muddled by Tony's question, and he felt angry.

Knock NIMA, can't you combine science and magic together? Why don't you analyze the reasons by yourself? Lao Tzu is not a wizard. Why do you know the principle.

"Shut up, Tony!"

Jordan took a deep breath, suppressed his feelings of exasperation, sorted out his emotions, and then pushed the door into the New York temple.

"OK, you has the final say!"

"To tell you the truth, I'm a little disappointed. The temple of New York seems a little ordinary!"

"Oh, Shetter, this thing looks like an evil torture tool left by the middle ages. Isn't it an antique?"

"This suit of armor looks good, and this sword, er, this axe..."

"Joe, did anyone tell you that the mages here are hand to hand, I like..."

For magic, mage, Tony himself, covet is not two or three days.

After entering the temple of New York, Tony started the curious baby mode. He was not born at all, and he had a tendency to become a chatterbox.