In the New York temple, it is Casillas, who presides over the overall situation in the New York temple, who receives Jordan and Tony.

To tell you the truth, every time I see Casillas with his hair combed meticulously, Jordan always has the feeling of acting. There's no way. Who can make Casillas and uncle Barry elegant cannibal scheming? They look a little too similar.

Compared with the last time we met, Casillas felt more tired this time.

Argo motorcycle seal is mainly located in New York, London and Hong Kong Island. With the help of the magic net left by three ancient magic gods, Argo motorcycle seal protects the earth in a trinity way. However, it requires the mages in the supreme sanctuary to consume their spirit and draw energy from infinite dimensions to maintain the consumption of Argo motorcycle seal.

In ordinary times, this kind of consumption may not be big. The guardians arranged in the three temples are enough to maintain.

But once there is a war with the outside world, especially in the absence of master Gu Yi, all the burden will fall on the other mages in the supreme sanctuary to cope with the erosion of the whole hell power.

Nowadays, even the novice apprentices of mages in the supreme sanctuary have been urgently transferred. Every mage has been arranged smoothly, almost in a way of three shifts, and is struggling to maintain.

Cassilias is not only the proud disciple of guru Yi, but also the director of the temple in New York. Compared with those ordinary mages, cassilias is only more tired.

In addition to arranging daily work and occasionally going to the boundary of dimensions to kill alien creatures, the consumption on the seal of the Argo motorcycle needs to be supplemented by Casillas at any time.

If you can't eat well and sleep well, you still need to fight, work and output your mental strength.

Even if Casillas has not yet been put into the arms of domam, the two dark circles under each other's eyes have begun to become very obvious.

"Now the mage, have you worked so hard?"

Tony knew Casillas, but he didn't know Casillas very well.

But even so, after recognizing Casillas in front of him, Tony was shocked, because Casillas in front of him was so different from the meticulous, elegant and strict Casillas before.

Cassilias didn't even have the thought to return to the last sentence of Tony's words. He cleaned up his embarrassment, nodded to Tony, then looked at Jordan and said, "Joe, what's the matter with you this time? If it's not too important, to be honest, I'm a little busy here. At the dimension boundary of Australia, there are different dimensional witches who have just sneaked in, and only some mage apprentices are dealing with them. I'm a little worried! "

Other people are so busy to maintain world peace, and they come to disturb again and again. Facing Casillas, Jordan's face is quiet, but his heart is still a little guilty.

After thinking about it, Jordan said, "Kathy, is it a lot of trouble? Why don't I take someone over and help you? "

Jordan can swear, it's just being polite.

However, what Jordan didn't expect was that just after his voice fell, cassilias's face had already shown a little bit of excitement and blush, and he said with a surprise: "what you said is true? It's really great. To tell you the truth, modu and I have communicated for several times. We want to ask the Avengers Alliance for help, but we have no good intention to say... "

Joe Denny: "well“

After a pause, Jordan felt that it was just the Avengers league that jumped into the pit. It was really unfair.

After a bit of thinking, Jordan said, "of course it's true. I'd better contact aegis, X-Men and sky eye again to gather a group of idle people to come out, hoping to relieve some of your pressure."

Casillas almost didn't smile a flower on his face. He said, "that's really great, Joe. You know, our mage doesn't have much to repay. How about this? I like to study cooking best. I'll cook a big meal, and then we'll discuss it carefully on the table..."

Jordan shivered and said, "no, I still can't. Cassie, you're so polite. You don't have to eat. This way, Tony, you should know each other, right?"

Casillas didn't show his cooking skills. With a little regret on his face, he knew the importance of it. He said, "of course, Tony Stark, I was very impressed in the battle of Arctic ice giant and Siberian base!"

"Kathy, this is what happened. Tony recently studied some problems about energy response and application technology, and put forward a proposal on the combination of magic and technology. He hopes to focus on secular resources and some knowledge of the magic world, and build a defense plan of Space Fortress around the earth..."

Tony's plan involves too many highly professional things.

Jordan nifei did his best, and finally reluctantly told Casillas Tony's ideas and suggestions.

At the beginning of hearing what Giordani said, cassilias frowned a little. But as Giordani spoke more and more deeply, even Tony opened his own plan model. With a series of data appearing in cassilias' sight, cassilias' face became more serious while he was calming down.

Looking at the plan model opened by Tony, Casillas became more and more serious. Finally, he looked at Tony and said, "I have to say, this is really a genius idea, but there is a key problem, the nature of energy!"

"The energy driven by our mages comes from the long-term accumulation and exercise day and night. Relying on spiritual strength, we can communicate dimension dimensions and draw energy from other cosmic dimensions. It can be like making fingers, but if it's secular energy such as electricity, fire and water, the room for manipulation is too inefficient..."

Casillas is a very rigorous person, but also for very knowledgeable people.

In fact, to a certain extent, the mages who can become the supreme sanctuary are very erudite. Even if they don't deeply study some secular things, they will not be divorced.

Even guru Yi, who has lived for hundreds of years, has installed WiFi in kamataj.

Tony nodded and said, "master Cassie, I can call you that, right? That's the main reason why I'm here this time. I hope I can watch the core energy reaction mode of the seal of Argo motorcycle. If I can, my personal opinion is that if we can, we can use the energy of the seal of Argo motorcycle, Replace it with energy that can be mastered by real technology, such as wind energy, solar energy, nuclear energy, or the ark reactor produced by our stark group... "

The biggest difference between magic and technology lies in the way it is driven.

One is the dimensional energy driven by spiritual power, and the other is the solidified energy of reality.

Jordan Denny didn't expect that when Tony was talking to himself, he had hidden such a plan to cut down the salary.

At the moment, Tony's suggestion is actually very tempting.

Ordinary people and technology can't drive magic energy, but they can replace the energy of the whole Argo motorcycle seal with the energy that technology can control.

Once it is successful, not only the seal of the Argo motorcycle will not be damaged, but also the vast majority of mages in the supreme sanctuary will be liberated.

But one of the key points is about the ownership of the seal of Argo motorcycle.

Once the overall energy of the seal of the Argo motorcycle is replaced by the energy of science and technology, whose is the control and ownership of the seal of the Argo motorcycle.

If one day the secular world is not satisfied with the mage world and cuts off the energy directly, isn't it choking the fate of others.

Knock on NIMA, Tony. You're a natural jerk.

Jordan is tired.

In fact, Jordan can understand that when Tony put forward this proposal, all he thought of was the advantages and convenience, and there was no dirty mentality.

But the key point is that other mages don't think so.

It's like doing business. The supreme mage has a unique product, but it's a little cumbersome in the manufacturing process.

Tony also has some similar products. He thinks that there can be some cooperation between the two sides to expand the interests of both sides.

But as soon as he entered the door, Tony would ask for other people's core production secrets, and then he would have to replace other people's pots with his own. Who would NIMA replace? No one would have to think about whether the rice was too delicious and attracted a wolf.

Sure enough, with Tony's words, Casillas's face cooled down.

Tony has no eyesight, or at this moment, Tony has been immersed in the extension of his own thinking, but Jordan is a slap interrupted Tony's words.

Looking at Casillas again, Jordan said, "Casillas, I know it sounds impolite, but you have to believe that we have no malice, we are preparing for the coming war, we are doing everything for the earth, for the whole human race!"

Cassilias's face softened slightly, and said: "Joe, this matter, only teacher Gu Yi can decide. The seal of Argo motorcycle is very important. We must not neglect it at all!"

In a sense, this is a disguised refusal.

Tony wanted to say something else, but Jordan said directly: "of course, Cassie, you don't think it's better. Let Tony take it here, and you can help him learn more about magic. Avengers, X-Men, eye of heaven and others join in the fight against dimensional dimensional creatures. I'll go to the dimensional battlefield, How about discussing this matter with master Gu Yi in person? "