As the saying goes, the older you are, the less daring you are.

In the west, there may not be such proverbs, but similar things can be found everywhere.

Xingjue's father is a star. On top of his essence, xingjue has at least the powerful power of the third stage life evolutor. However, it is not a big threat to Jordan, Tony, Saul, Dr. Benner and others.

After all, as a refined planet, only a small part of Igor's power can be derived from the outside of ontology.

After walking out of the observation module, it was initially determined that the first wave of personnel to go to Igo was only four people, including Jordan, Saul, Tony and Dr. Benner.

Among them, Jordan, sol and Tony have enough mobility to rush out of Igo at any time.

Dr. Benner, among all the people, has the strongest vitality. He is blessed with infinite anger. There is almost nothing that can kill hawk.

After confirming the members of the first wave of explorers, they soon came to the escape capsule of the space warship.

There is an unknown danger on Igo. The detection teams of dozens of waves of space fighters sent by Ronan have disappeared without a trace, so Jordan and others simply choose the strong defense escape capsule, which is both economical and convenient.

Bang bang!

There were huge earthquakes and roars. In the escape base of the space warship, four escape pods, like giant shells, separated from the whole warship and flew towards Igo at a very fast speed.

In a short time, the four escape pods directly penetrated layer after layer of cloud and air sea in a way of penetration, and directly crashed into the atmosphere of Igo.

Terrible speed, thick armor, in the friction of the atmosphere, burning a high temperature flame.

Moreover, in order to ensure that the escape capsule will not be discovered by Igor at the first time, all the electromagnetic control systems in the four escape capsules have been removed, and there is no constant temperature protection system. Even with Jordan's physical quality, he feels a trace of heat in this kind of closed cabin.

"Joe, do you feel it? Your escape pod is on fire

There are some strange voices coming from the rear of the mini headset. They don't care much, but they have a kind of watching tone.

"It's a natural reaction to the friction between the cabin and the atmosphere caused by too much speed. Tony, this is not the time to joke..."

In the communication channel, Steve's voice came from the spaceship.

But before Steve finished, Dr. Benner interrupted and said, "no, Tony means that Joe's cabin is wrapped in a large flame, not just the friction between the cabin and the atmosphere!"

Jordan also felt that the temperature in his cabin was not normal, and said, "Hey, guys, what do you mean?"


Under Jordan's headset, a micro nano magnetic sheet spreads to form a small monocle, covering the top of Jordan's left eye. In the lens, a picture pops up.

It was an escape capsule flying at a high speed in the blue sky. On the outside of the escape capsule, a large area of terrible energy gathered like a fire cloud, forming a kind of red high temperature zone. It seemed that someone was controlling the terrible flame and constantly melting the escape capsule where Jordan was. On the outside of the cabin, there were more than one third of the bulkheads, It's completely melted.

"F.. K, this damn guy, he wants to burn me in the escape capsule!"

I don't know. I'm scared.

The appearance of this infinite flame energy package is quite different from the normal friction between the cabin and the atmosphere.

Without even thinking about it, Jordan directly unfolded his energy wings, with an extra holy sword in his hand, and swung it round. In the process of escape, it was a series of chopping.


Originally wrapped in Jordan's escape capsule, in the sky suddenly burst from the inside out, a golden light shrouded in the human figure into the sky.


At the first time when Jordan breaks out of the escape capsule, the fire energy that originally surrounded him quickly forms a monster like a fire dragon, which directly collides with Jordan.

The light of the cross sword flashed by.

Facing this huge flame monster with hundreds of meters, Jordan's first reaction was not to retreat, but to take the sword light with him and smash it face to face.

The bright sword light is like cutting into the air, and the fire monster is directly torn into four pieces.

But what makes people headache is that Jordan's sword light doesn't seem to do any harm to this kind of flame monster. The split flame monster melts quickly, and then connects to form a huge ring of fire like a snake with a tail, wrapping Jordan in the middle of the air.


A terrible high-temperature flame was coming. Jordan's left hand stretched forward to support a shield of holy light, but he was impacted by the burst flame and flew backward.

At the same time, in the rear of Jordan, there are also flames sweeping all over the sky.

The sword lights rose from the flames, and the holy light power in Jordan's body poured into the sword. Each sword light spread more than ten meters in the void, cutting and breaking the endless flames.

But unfortunately, the flames all over the sky, just like the cotton candy that can't be broken, even if they are cut and ground by Jordan again and again, they are fused and intertwined again in a flash, binding Jordan to death.

"Sheter, I feel like it's a wrong decision to listen to Saul's direct intrusion!"

"Damn, why do I feel a little cold inside the cabin?"

"Well, guys? I feel like I've stopped. Have I reached the surface of Igor? "

A sword of Holy Light rips a cloud of fire in the sky. Jordan has no time to say anything more. He takes a few pictures in the sky and directly transmits them to the communication channel.

Behind Jordan, an ice cloud freezes the void, freezing Tony's escape capsule.

Behind Tony, a tornado from all over the world submerged Dr. Benner's escape capsule.

Just below everyone, a giant tree with a clear sky and no idea how many meters high spread endless vines, which entangled Saul's escape capsule.

Tony, Dr. Benner, and Saul were all silent, dealing with their own difficulties urgently.

At this time, everyone finally knew why the dozens of waves of space fighter reconnaissance teams sent by Ronan had no news as soon as they entered the atmosphere.

The most powerful force of Igo on this planet is not the evolution of some special creatures to deal with the invasion of foreign enemies, but the natural ability of that planet, which is the real killer of Igo.

Flames, hurricanes, ice clouds, vines, these are the forces of natural elements, and as long as this planet is not destroyed, these forces will be endless and can not be eliminated at all.

These are all natural reactions on the planet. It doesn't even need Igor to expend too much power. Just a little push and guidance can maintain this power. I don't know how long the invasion will last.

Igoben is the Gaia consciousness of this planet. It's as simple as eating and drinking water.

Jordan feels that he has been cheated by Marvel film in his previous life. The power of those villains that can really be reflected in the film is not enough.

Ronan, the kind of hero, can't be solved by awkward dance.

Igor, the God of heaven, really has the same ability as the God of heaven.

"Saul, aren't you the God of hurricane and thunder? If you can help dispel this hurricane, I will thank you very much. Damn, I feel dizzy, nauseous, vomit, f.. K, my vomit is flying to my face... "

"Dr. Benner, it's not that I don't want to help you, but I can't get out of the escape capsule now. Those vines have strengthened the resilience of the escape capsule!"

"Well, may I ask, where's Tony? It seems like I haven't heard Tony's voice for a long time! "

"Sir, Mr. Tony needs your help..."