No one thought that as soon as they entered the atmosphere of Igor, Jordan and others encountered extremely difficult things.

Originally, Jordan and others thought that removing the electromagnetic and energy components of the escape capsule might be able to avoid the induction from Igor, but in fact, the whole planet is Igor's body, and even a particle of dust can't escape Igor's ears and eyes when it enters the planet.

On the contrary, the escape capsule is too closed, which obscures the detection of the external environment by jordani and others. The response is too slow, and they are in trouble.

Dr. Benner and Saul are better, but Tony's side is much worse.

Different from the situations of Jordan, Saul, Dr. Benner and others, Tony himself is just a physical foetus in his steel armor.

For energy attacks, physical attacks, etc., Tony may have a way to easily solve them.

However, neither Tony nor Jarvis has experienced this kind of attack, which is similar to weather control and natural response. When they react, they are already a little late.

After hearing Jarvis's call for help, Jordan didn't delay at all. For the first time, he rushed to the ice cloud in the sky.

In this process, the flames all over the sky constantly form a vast energy impact, but they are all chopped by Jordan one by one.

But when Jordan got close to the range of ice clouds, the flames that originally surrounded Jordan gathered into a thin line, and they went directly into the deep ice clouds along a gap that the ice clouds were avoiding.

Jordan was stunned for a moment. He didn't know what the operation was.

At this time, Jarvis's voice came again from the communication channel, saying: "Sir, the temperature in the escape capsule is rising rapidly, and the internal defense mechanism of the armor is insufficient..."

what the fuck!

At the first time when Jarvis spoke, Jordan had already guessed the intention of naigo. The goods actually knew how to use the hot and cold way to destroy the life inside the escape capsule.

What's more, the goods even know how to hurt ten fingers. It's better to break one finger.

This is a demon planet.

It's useless to be anxious. The ice cloud under Igor's control didn't try to attack Jordan, but kept changing its shape, blocking Jordan's approach again and again.

If the delay continues, even if Jordan spends enough time to break through the ice cloud, I'm afraid Tony will be GG by then.

"Jarvis, I need a specific coordinate position!"

"Sir, positioning sent!"

A message is transmitted through the neural connection system on the micro headset, such as in Jordan's mind. Jordan's eyes become extremely sharp at this moment.

Delay is absolutely can't continue to delay, after another shock failure, the whole person stretched out in mid air, like a tight bow, and then suddenly burst out, throwing the sword in his hand towards the depth of the ice cloud.

Jordan's body is full of energy, so it's easy to be blocked by the ice cloud again and again.

However, the holy sword in Jordan's hand was different. It was sharp, with a small force area and a strong penetration. With a terrifying force, it broke through layers of ice clouds and flames. With a clang, it directly inserted into the escape capsule deep in the ice clouds.

The light is coming!

With the holy sword as the conductor, Jordan almost burst out most of the power of light in his body at this moment. A bright pillar of light spread out from the endless void, and then turned into a pillar of decaying energy, directly into the core of the ice cloud and fire, wrapping the whole escape capsule.

"Ding, the energy dredging device is activated..."

"Life support system started..."

"Life recovery system activated“

A series of cues, like running water, resounded through Tony's armor. After two minutes, Tony, who was almost in his last days, woke up from a deep coma like a nightmare.


Inside the armor, Jarvis just wanted to say something, but he was directly stopped by Tony when he woke up. With Tony's instructions, the steel armor on Tony's body squirmed like mercury, and soon switched to another form.


Laser beams converged and quickly cut a hole in the escape capsule.

"Jarvis, put all the power on the runway and leave the planet at full speed!"


With the sound of a sonic boom, Tony's armor almost turned into a streamlined shuttle. With a flame, he broke out of the rolling ice clouds and flames, rushed out of the atmosphere at a very fast speed, and soon disappeared on Igo.

This is the best response for Jordan and others.

In the case of not enough to deal with those natural forces, Tony's best choice is not to participate, otherwise, Tony can only become a laggard.

Any armor, any device, can withstand highly concentrated energy and physical attacks, but it may not be able to withstand nature's kind of gentle attrition.

Igor chose the smartest way to deal with Jordan and others.

After Tony left Igor, at this time, Jordan looked at the battlefield which was entangled by endless vines.

The power of death spread in his body, and the pale gold energy wings on Jordan's back turned dark in an instant.

The wings are folded up to block the ice clouds and flames all over the sky. Jordan is inside, but he takes out a pair of guns that he has not used for a long time from his space backpack.

The best way to deal with those plants, vines and other things with infinite vitality is the erosion of death.

Death markers.

Just in an instant, a series of cross marks appeared on the giant vine group in mid air. Nago could not directly catalyze a magic plant in a short time, but used a clever method to catalyze countless parasitic plants and plant plants on plants.

Countless plants entangled together, just formed the giant vine tree which is almost through the sky.

Bang bang!

Compared with the natural forces in the sky, such as flames, ice clouds, hurricanes and so on, the power of vegetation, in Jordan's view, is a better solution.

Although the plants produced by naigo are huge and resilient, their catalytic vitality has no resistance to the erosion of death.

The mighty power of death was gathered into bullets, which turned into black spears all over the sky.

After a long time, he didn't use the two guns, but the first time he started with the two guns, Jordan still felt a sense of blood connection.

It's like a rain of death, a lot of cross marks are hit accurately, and then burst open.

With the mark of death being hit, the endless vines that originally twined in the sky, like dominoes, disintegrated one after another, turned into plant ashes and fell from the sky.

In a short time, a deformed escape capsule with countless marks appeared in the sky.


After a thunder burst out and lost the winding and squeezing of the endless vines, sol waved the meow hammer and rushed up from the escape capsule, carrying the thunder all over the sky and roaring furiously.

Boom boom!

At this moment, the thunderclaps, like the punishment of heaven, were scattered on the ground by sol, breaking all the already weak plants and vines.

"Damn Igo, a villain who can only use sinister means. You don't deserve to be called the God clan!"

"In the name of Odin's son, thunder and hurricane, the hurricane dissipates!"

And Tony's experience is almost the same, sol was endless vine winding, a power nowhere to vent, almost alive suffocated, squeezed into a piece of meat cake.

After getting out of trouble, the boundless anger directly led to the explosion of Sol's divine power.

The thunderbolt after thunderbolt fell into the tornado in the distant sky. Under the crack of thunderbolt, the tornado and hurricane, which originally swept the sky and earth, soon broke away.

It was only at this time that the Hulk, disheveled and with vomit, smashed the escape capsule and landed on the ground with a bang.


Compared with Saul's depression, hawk's anger is more direct and violent.

On this planet, there are no enemies. The violent Hawk is just like a bulldozer, blasting the ground out of one huge pit after another.

At this time, maybe we can't help seeing the natural energy, and Jordan and others, the flames and ice clouds in the sky also completely dissipated.

Jordan wings a shock, soon came to sol's front, said: "sol, can you feel Igo's power core?"

No fire, no ice clouds, no hurricane, Jordan and others, but some egg pain.

Even the enemy can't find it. How can we fight this special thing.

Sol's body was shining with thunder, and the meow hammer in his hand turned quickly. In the process, he opened his mouth to Jordan and said, "his divine power core is in a space under the surface of the earth. I want to try to see if I can get through a passage!"

Sol is a Protoss of ASAR. Although he can only be regarded as a rookie among all the protoss in the universe, as a Protoss, he can naturally sense some energy reactions of Igo.

After that, Saul swung his meow hammer forward.

All of a sudden, with the rolling force of thunder and the power of the star core, meow hammer runs through a terrible air wave in the void, just like a earth drill, moving towards the underground direction.