Thor's hammer, Milner, Saul's weapon, is one of the most powerful artifact in Asgard. It is forged from a dying star. It is as strong as Odin and Hella, two generations of Asgard kings. They used this weapon when they were young.

The quality is unknown. If the user needs it, the hammer will have infinite weight.

Of course, this is only the ability that can be developed in an ideal state, but that is the case. If the user is strong enough, it is not impossible to throw it out to break a piece of crust.

For Igo, the God of heaven clan, the power of this thunderbolt is a great threat to him.

This kind of threat comes from Thor's hammer itself. Even the archangel sword in Jordan's hand may not have such a magical effect.

I saw the hammer of Thor gathering infinite lightning and hurricane, constantly sinking, all the soil, stones in front of it, like tofu was easily destroyed.

There seems to be a wonderful resonance between the heart of Igo in the heart of the earth and the hammer of Thor.

"Damn Asgard!"

Just as the hammer of Thor was advancing toward the ground like an artifact, the whole earth's surface was suddenly stirred up, as if the void was shaking. Igo, who was everywhere, uttered a roar of anger.

Then, the bright energy veins spread in the earth, forming a huge mountain giant.

Looking down from a distance, it seems that in the middle of the earth, there is a huge God like a mountain reviving, which makes the whole earth cracking and the whole planet turbulent.


In the dust of the earth fissure, a huge fist with hundreds of meters soared up into the sky, with extremely violent power, and the hammer of Thor in the air collided heavily.


The lightning burst, the hurricane dissipated, and the rolling rocks and soil splashed into the air for several kilometers.

With one hit and one collision, sol, who was in mid air, suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood. His face showed a kind of weak look. He suddenly stretched out his hand and pulled it. The meow hammer, which flew out of the air and didn't know how far away, quickly returned to sol's hands.

Fog grass, beat cattle across the mountain, no, beat brother hammer across the hammer?

Do you want to be so mysterious?

Jordani silently Tucao, gather together a light, pour into the body of Saul, let his face slightly make complaints about that.

It was only at this time that Saul took a breath and said, "Igor has awakened. The Gaia consciousness of this planet has separated me from Asgard and the will of the universe!"

Jordan squinted slightly and looked at sol with some pain.

"Life in the universe, where it evolves, needs to rely on some powerful cosmic power. With the help of the power of the cosmic power, it can gradually strengthen itself and gather extraordinary power. For example, I am Asgard's God of thunder and storm, and generate the most basic evolutionary power based on the power of the world tree..."

The world tree, heaven, hell, and the dimensional power of Argo motorcycle seal are the embodiment of the original power of the universe.

Only by relying on the power of the origin of the universe can the endless life body survive and grow.

These things are like signal towers in electronic information technology, while life evolutors such as Jordan and sol are like mobile terminals. Once the signal tower is blocked, mobile terminals will naturally become useless.

Like the existence of the world tree, heaven and hell, countless planets in the universe are also the embodiment of the original power of the universe.

However, compared with the world tree, heaven, hell and so on, the original power of the universe in ordinary planets is not obvious, but exists in various natural ways, such as fire, frost, soil, thunder, hurricane and so on.

As the Gaia consciousness of the present planet, Igor has stolen the power of the origin of the universe and become a real intelligent creature, an extremely rare God family.

In general, the gods seldom use this kind of power, because every time they consume a little, they reduce it.

But now, Igor is obviously enraged by the power contained in Thor's hammer, and even does not hesitate to urge the original force to materialize the noumenon and shield the extraordinarily ability of outsiders.

That's the real reason for Sol's injury and weakness.

But to Jordan's surprise, he didn't seem to be affected.

The dark wings behind him vibrated. Jordan could feel the power of death and the power of light. Although it became slower, it did not disappear. He could still give himself great power.

Saul became more and more painful, and said: "my father said that your extraordinary power, the real sustenance is the power of the universe, death is everywhere, light never goes out, where there is death and light, your ability will not disappear!"

Joey, give me a slap on the lip.

It turns out that I'm such a bull!

Just when Jordan was a little narcissistic, on the ground, a super giant with bright energy veins had completely appeared in the sight of Jordan and sol.

This is probably the legendary indomitable.

Jordan swears that this is the biggest living creature he has ever seen.

Igor's whole body is composed of soil and rock. In the interior of his body, there are energy veins running through, occasionally emitting bright light, penetrating the soil and rock.

The high-rise buildings on the earth, in front of Igor, may be even with their feet.

If it wasn't for thousands of meters high, Jordan couldn't even see the whole picture of the giant, just like a living mountain.

"F.. K, is this the monster we're dealing with?"

Jordan looked at the whole world of ego, the whole person has a kind of muddled feeling.

In essence, this is just a life evolutor who has just been in the third stage. It's just that this evolutor is a little bigger.

Just like an ant entering the third stage and a dragon entering the third stage, there is a difference between the two.

"Joe, I think we have achieved our initial goal of exploration, we have seen the power of Igo, and I think it's time for us to leave this planet!"

It's not just that Jordan is muddled. Sol is carried by Jordan at the moment. He has no extraordinary ability, and the whole person is a little shivering.

Jordan tried to calm down and said, "well, Dr. Benner seems to be on the ground..."


When Jordan just opened his mouth, he saw a loud roar on the distant ground, which was several kilometers away. He didn't know that hawk, who had stacked several layers of angry aura, jumped out of the rubble, and then jumped on the ground with all his strength, and jumped to the giant Igor's knee.

Bang bang!

In a crazy state, Hawk has no sense. Anyway, it's just a word.

With hawk's ability, a building can be demolished in a short period of time, but it's hard for Igo, who is almost submerged outside the atmosphere.

Haoke's Duang Duang had just lost a few hairs.


It's like the sound of God beating a drum in the whole heaven and earth. Facing the toss of hawk, a huge hand grew out of Igo's leg, like a lice, beating hawk soundlessly.

what the fuck!

Jordan and sol were stunned on the spot.

After swallowing a mouthful of water, Saul said, "Dr. Benner is not going to die, is he?"

Jordan also difficult way: "this special who knows, hard to say ah!"

Igor is not a pure human being or a mountain giant. In essence, he is a planet. He can easily control the energy vein, land and rocks.

Bending down may be difficult for Igor's size.

But by controlling the energy vein in his body, Igor can grow any organ from any part of his body and launch any form of attack anytime, anywhere.

Originally, Jordan also thought, bullying each other's huge body, relying on flexibility and speed, to try to attack each other, or rescue hawk.

Seeing this scene at the moment, Jordan felt cool and cool in his heart.

Just as Jordan hesitated, there was a huge energy vein on Igor's huge body. It turned into a huge palm, which was like a mountain blocking the sky. It wanted to kill Jordan and Saul directly on the planet.

Just the wind from the huge palm of the hand was as strong as a force 12 storm.

There is no time to have any idea, Jordan carrying sol, wings shock to the limit, tearing out a white wave channel in the void, barely avoiding the sky like meteorite attack.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The energy veins spread wildly, and there are huge palms everywhere. Igor can control his body at will and extend countless attacks.

Jordani is like a boat in the tsunami, the whole person's divine power is pushed to the limit, carrying sol in the cracks of attack, constantly avoiding, trying to fly out of the atmosphere.

There must be no chance of winning against the giant who knows the whole world.

However, with his agility and small size, Jordan was barely able to avoid the attacks. After more than half an hour's hard struggle, he came to the edge of the atmosphere.

However, when Jordan was about to fly out of the atmosphere with sol, suddenly, Jordan felt that sol in his hand was pulled by something.

Behind Jordan and sol, there is the endless ego in pursuit.

Such a sudden meal made Jordan's whole heart cool. However, when Jordan bowed his head, he found that it was hawk who got out of there and jumped and ran along Igor's huge body. Finally, he jumped and grabbed Sol's two legs.


Seeing jordani and sol turn their heads, it seems that at this moment, Hawk is no longer the tyranny and ferocity of the past. He is wronged like a fat man crying into 300 Jin.