The sudden appearance of Jordan and Carol really caught Domaine off guard.

Domam's strength is very strong, and the most important thing is that domam has long given up the normal life form and chose to integrate with the whole dark dimension.

Domam will never be killed until the whole dark dimension is broken.

But it doesn't mean that Domaine is completely invincible. He is divided by Carroll, absorbed by Guyi and purified by Jordan. This wave is like cutting flesh, and he cuts a piece from Domaine.

Death is not dead, but the pain is still very painful.

If you don't even make a call, it's a sneak attack, or a three to one attack. It's not ethical.

Local superheroes are so rude!

In the past, when I attacked the earth secretly, I was blocked by the damned girl Gu Yi every time, but I never suffered such a big loss.

The dark dimension is very big and strong, but its energy is not unlimited. How many years of power have you accumulated? In just a few days, you have suffered twice from great losses on the earth.

"Damn thief, damn bastard, I will drag you into the dark and torture you for ten thousand years..."

After being cut off, nadomam quickly restrained his strength and became extremely vigilant. However, he did not stop in his mouth and made a terrible roar.

For domam's roar, guruyi and Carol have nothing to say.

But Jordan couldn't help rolling his eyes and said, "how poor is this guy's vocabulary? He can't even curse people. I've heard this sentence more than three times!"

At this time, Jordan's focus is on such unimportant things.

Carroll was speechless, but master Guyi was calm. He said with a smile: "maybe the essence of domam is a repeater. I have heard this sentence from each other countless times in hundreds of years!"

Jordan Ni slightly obscure glance at a master Gu Yi.

I didn't expect you to be such a guru!

Jordani still had a little malicious spit in his heart. Carol had already opened his face with a firm face and said, "let's make complaints about this big guy first. Let's talk about other things."

After that, Carroll gathered a brilliant rainbow light again, and dashed directly in the direction of domam.

It seems that Carroll is more fierce than Sauer and, of course, more reckless than Sauer.

Jordan turned his mouth. As he expected, Domaine in the middle of the infinite broken dimension, after suffering a big loss, had already converged all the huge amount of time, and condensed into a body less than 100 meters. Facing Carol's head bump, he punched down in the air.


Bright rainbow light and ink like darkness are blooming in the void and splashing around.

How can domam really be a weak man if he can become the master of the dark dimension and dominate the universe for countless years.

After a big loss, Domaine had already put away his arrogance. After adjusting his attitude, he had already taken precautions against the three of them with his great strength.

With this punch, Carroll, instead of being able to break away the dark body of Domaine, was hit by his opponent and smashed countless dimensional images in the air, which made him look rather embarrassed.

However, Carroll is also a sub heavenly father. Although he was beaten in a mess, he was not hurt.

This level of collision, on the contrary, aroused Carroll's sense of war.

In an instant, Carroll turned into a real meteor in the infinite dimensional void. He was like a crazy vertical and horizontal catapult, hitting the Domaine again and again.

In this scene, Jordan couldn't bear to look directly at it.

Ignoring Carol's crazy collision, Jordan said to master Gu Yi, "master Gu Yi, what's a better way to deal with domam? We'd better solve the battle as soon as possible. There are still a lot of troubles on the earth, which may need us to solve!"

Master Gu Yi frowned slightly, as if surprised by the words of Jordan.

Jordan simply explained: "the king of disease and the Kerry Empire have united and appeared in outer space. In addition, there are many traitors and spies who want to take refuge in the Kerry Empire secretly. We have designed a plan to clean up the unstable factors on the earth and kill the king of disease outside the earth if we can, Maybe it can be a good deterrent to many powers in the universe, so that we can have a good period of peaceful development! "

In a few words, Jordan briefly talked about the situation on earth and the well-designed plan.

Master Gu Yi's face was full of thinking, and he quickly said, "do you want to trap domam?"

This is the meaning of Giordani's plan. Only when domam is trapped for a period of time and the Kerry Empire and hell are not informed, can Giordani, master Guyi and Carol quietly return to the earth and wait for all the fish to enter the net.

Otherwise, just driving domam back to the dark dimension, the other party may leak the news that the three of them have returned to the earth at any time.

The spies and scum on the earth may not get the news, but like the king of disease and the high-level of Kerry Empire, they will certainly get the wind and will not easily step into the trap designed by Jordan.

Master Gu Yi has lived for hundreds of years, but he has already guessed what Jordan thinks when he hears what he says.

Jordan nodded, not denying it.

For a moment, master Gu Yi said: "domam was once a very powerful mage on earth. In the process of life evolution, he was eroded by the dark law, fell into the dark dimension and integrated with it. Wherever there is darkness, it is difficult for us to confine it..."

The dark dimension is in the infinite dimension world. At first, it was not a very powerful dimension world.

However, with domam's deeper understanding of the law of darkness, more and more worlds and creatures have been swallowed up, and the dark dimension has now developed to a very powerful level.

Within the dark dimension, domam is the top Father of heaven, almost invincible.

Even in the outside world, Domaine often appears with infinite dark power. As long as there is darkness, he can communicate with the dark dimension. Although he can not reach the complete form of father level strong form, he also has part of father level strong power.

It's not difficult to block it or even drive it back to the dark dimension with the power of Jordan, master Guyi and Carol, but it's difficult to imprison each other.

When master Gu Yi was embarrassed, Jordan suddenly said, "what if there is no darkness? I can open a door to heaven in a short time. There is almost eternal light in heaven

Master Gu Yi's eyes lit up and said: "this is a good way, but I can't guarantee how long heaven can limit domam. Even if domam is thoroughly purified in heaven, the dark dimension will soon give birth to domam's consciousness again!"

With a smile on his face, Jordan said, "that's enough. The plan on earth is just fishing, not killing hell and Kerry empire. What's more, the earth is not suitable for chaos for a long time!"

Master Gu Yi nodded and said, "let's do it. I'll tell Carol the plan secretly. When I get the signal, you'll open the door of heaven."


Jordan left a short and crisp voice, and his twelve pairs of wings vibrated and turned into a streamer, rushing towards the direction of domam.

Before putting nadomam into heaven, Jordan also wants to have a try. How much is the difference between himself and the strong man of sub heavenly Father level.

Light shelter!

Blessing of the light!

Holy Aura!

Light of life!

A series of auxiliary skills are added to his body. Jordan unfolds the complete form of the sword of the archangel. The energy of the whole person escapes and turns into a spirit angel with a height of tens of meters. With a direct sword, he cleaves to nadomam.

Jordan is not without attack magic, but Jordan's magic manipulation level is rubbish.

Presumably, as far as magic attack is concerned, Jordan prefers and is better at this kind of frontal hard to hard attack.

The light of cross swords turned into rainbow.

Jordan's power is far less powerful than Carroll's. although he is close to nadomam to attack, he doesn't mean to be close to melee directly.

On the contrary, it was a simple cross sword technique, which was played by Jordan with a magical taste.

The half moon shaped sword light and rainbow converged and crisscrossed, forming a momentum of continuous cutting like a surging river. In a twinkling of an eye, it had already struck nadomam.


The power of light itself is the most extreme opponent of the power of darkness. There is a strong mutual restraint between the two sides. The crisscross cross sword light falls on domam, and the damage is even stronger than Carol.

Where the sword light passed, there were many potholes on domam's still huge body.

The extremely strong and cohesive Shengguang sword Qi can not only break the dark cohesive force of nadomam, but also corrode the wounds on him like sulfuric acid.