In terms of single round strength and evolution, Jordan is far less powerful than Carroll and Guyi. However, if we only talk about the damage and restraint ability to domam, Jordan is the strongest of the three.

The power of the third stage is very strong, but it's too much worse than domam who has half a foot in the middle of the heavenly father.

Fortunately, with the help of master Gu Yi and Carol, domam was harassed by Jordan, and tried to free up his hand to deal with Jordan, but it was destroyed.

Master Guyi and domam are old rivals. They are even more proficient in infinite magic. They use various means.

Carroll is like a well tempered super shell, which was knocked out of the air by nadomam. I don't know how many times, but it can always turn quickly, causing a great impact on it again.

At the strength level of Jordan and others, fighting itself is a boring thing.

It's hard for anyone to kill anyone. It's more like a kind of mutual killing and more like a kind of competition for patience.

However, Jordan can clearly feel that the cooperation between master Guyi and Carol is becoming more and more tacit. In silence, master Guyi must have realized a kind of communication with Carol.

Sure enough, when Jordan realized this, he soon found that master Gu Yi had a magic glow, and inadvertently disappeared into Jordan's body.

It's a strange feeling that the magic brilliance is a kind of sputtering energy afterwave, but there is a clear and incomparable information hidden in it.

Be ready to do it.

Jordan's spirit is highly condensed. At this time, master Gu Yi stirred the dimensional energy to form a huge magic vortex, which blocked the vision around nadomam.

In an instant, the overwhelming figures came out of master Gu Yi.

These personal figures, compiling the dimensional lines in the void, are like a whip, sweeping towards nadomam, confining them in the light and flint.

At the same time, the holy sword in Jordan's hand split, in the void, but also abruptly tearing out a huge crack.

In that crack, we can clearly see that a holy world with eternal light looms.

Domam soon noticed the actions and plans of jordani and master Guyi. When he saw that the door of heaven was opened, he made a furious roar and struggled wildly.

However, just at this time, a meteor like figure directly hit nadomam's body, like a small light spot, pushing a dark mountain, pushing it into the gate of heaven in a flash.


Domam roared wildly, abruptly broke the infinite dimensional lines on his body, extended tentacles, and grabbed the outer sides of the gate of heaven.

Different from the infinite dimension void, it is also different from other dimensional worlds.

Domam knows the plane of heaven, which has eternal light and holiness. For ordinary people, it is a beautiful and comfortable world.

But for domam and hellish creatures, heaven is a huge oil pan.

If you fall into heaven, domam will not endanger his life, but his dark power will be completely dissolved.

Moreover, heaven was once opened up by God and kept in the endless high density energy region.

Domam can't break through the dimension of heaven at all. Once he falls into it, if he wants to break away from it, he can only escape from it by consuming a lot of dark dimension origin and rebirth.

Peace day was taken away a little bit of the power of the dark what the difference, the consumption of the origin of the dark dimension, this for domam, it is really bone breaking.

The dark dimension is one's own essence.

Only domam himself knows how difficult it is for a whole dimensional world to add a little bit of origin.

Not to mention the dark dimension, even the real universe, if you want to increase the source, you also need to rely on countless years of development and the promotion of the will of the universe, with the help of the protagonist of the universe, to succeed.

Such as the ospilin mountain in the Greek era, the world tree cultivated by the ASAR Protoss and so on.

In the real universe, there are countless races and creatures that can be developed by virtue of development and wisdom, but in the dark dimension, there is only one of them.

Consume the origin of the universe, every point can be distressed to death.

So even at the limit state, Domaine is still struggling.

However, at this time, Jordan had swung the sword again, cut out a bright sword, and cut off all the dark tentacles above the gate of heaven.


Without the help of the dark tentacle, domam can't bear it and falls into the heaven world. At the same time, the gate of heaven also rolls up an infinite dimensional storm and closes in a mighty way.

As the only successor of heaven, through the endless void, Jordan can feel that there seems to be a small black spot in heaven.

If you zoom in, it's like an extra drop of ink in a white world.

The overwhelming and continuous holy light, just like the vast ocean, envelops and purifies the dark body of domam all the time. Even domam's consciousness seems to be burning.

Domam is the master of the dark dimension. The whole human soul and will are permeated with unprecedented darkness.

In heaven, domam's only end is that his divine power, including will, soul and Godhead, is completely consumed and then reborn from the dark dimension by the binding of the dark law.

Or many MAMS will not die, but there is no doubt that the end of being completely cleaned up will not be very good for domam.

After domam was finished, Jordan, master Guyi and Carol were all relieved.

Carol couldn't wait and said, "Joe, master Guyi, let's hurry up and go back to the earth. To tell you the truth, we are worried!"

Carol can't tell whether she is an earthman or a Kerry man.

But there is no doubt that Carol has deep feelings for the earth. Even Carol has relatives and friends on the earth.

If the earth had made its present achievements decades ago, Carol would never leave the earth to fight for justice in the universe. Isn't it good to fight for justice on the earth.

The reason for Carol's departure at the beginning may be due to the influence of Kerry's memory, or the idea of yearning for the colorful universe, but the most important thing is the fear of disaster to the earth.

Whether it was Dr. Laura's photon energy engine or Carol's unexpected power, it was undoubtedly a great temptation for the Kerry empire.

Even in the eyes of the high-level of the Kerry Empire, the photon energy engine and Carroll are the property of the Kerry empire.

The destruction of the photon energy engine is enough, but the existence of Carroll will definitely attract the great attention of the Kerry Empire, and even the Kerry empire may threaten Carroll with the whole earth and the whole mankind.

Even the 20 or 30 years of life in the universe has made Carol used to the life in the universe.

But if the earth is in trouble, Carol still cares.

Looking at Carol's worried face, Jordan said: "Carol, don't worry, it won't happen. After returning to the earth, remember our plan. Don't expose our existence before those traitors, scum, king of disease and Kerry Empire join the net!"

This is a big plan to clear up the internal threats of the earth, along with strangling the king of disease and hurting the Kerry Empire, so as to gain enough time for the rise of the earth.

Carol naturally carried it clearly, and the anxiety on her face calmed a little.

But master Gu Yi didn't say a word. He stretched out his hand directly, and a dark red aperture appeared directly in the dimension void world.

This is a short time indigestion after master Gu Yi absorbed too much dark power. On his forehead, the dark mark never disappeared.

However, this is not a bad thing. After digesting this wave of dark power, the evolution of guru Yi can be improved by one or two.