Jordani tortured the shadow nightmare like crazy, as if the other party had taken everything from him.

Steve had the heart to organize Jordan to wake him up, but it was urgent. After seeing Dr. Otto's action, he quickly came to the experimental platform.


A stream of light, in that Robert's body flow, bloom.

Steve stretched out his hand to pull out the energy source directly, but there was a strong bright yellow light on Robert's body, which flicked Steve's palm away.

Several attempts were fruitless.

As a last resort, Steve slapped a big ear to protect Dr. Otto's face.

With a loud slap in the face, Dr. Otto was also separated from his original dream. He looked around the room with a dazed look.

"How can I be here? What a strong energy wave..."

Dr. Otto just wanted to say something, his eyes fell on Robert for the first time, the whole person also restored the previous memory, fell into a kind of surprise, shock, guilt mixed complex emotions.

"Dr. Otto, tell me how to shut down the energy input system now?"

Steve didn't know why he took special care of and manipulated Dr. Otto and injected a lot of energy into Robert's body, but at this moment, Steve felt a great sense of uneasiness and fear.

The source of uneasiness and fear comes from Robert's body. To be exact, it is a strange energy in Robert's body.

Dr. Otto was a bit dejected, and said: "it can't be turned off. The body of the experimental body has fused Superman genes, and under the influence of a strange energy, a change has taken place. If my calculation is correct, this force will grow to the extreme, and it will have the same vast power as millions of stars..."


As for Dr. Otto's words, even with Steve's heart and quality, he couldn't help being rude.

Then, Steve's face flashed a color of perseverance, stretched out his hand and clenched his fist. The Zhenjin shield, which had fallen on the ground, was directly attracted to Steve's arm.


At this moment, Steve is going to directly drop the Robert, pouring huge fighting spirit and terrifying power, but strangely, he penetrates through Robert's body and directly collapses the experimental platform.

Dr. Otto swallowed a mouthful of water and said: "it's the power of nothingness. It's the power of nothingness brought by the shadow nightmare from hell. It can't be destroyed. Mephisto, the demon king in hell, has reached some agreements with the powerful existence of the endless abyss. This power of nothingness will open the door of hell and open the channel to the abyss..."

Dr. Otto was controlled by the shadow nightmare for more than a month. Even though he was in the dream all the time, he was aware of the plot between the shadow nightmare and Mephisto.

Listen to Dr. Otto's words, Steve has an impulse to strangle each other.

However, when Steve took back his Zhenjin shield and gathered great fighting power again, he suddenly fell down the energy pipeline.


A bright yellow light suddenly exploded, and Steve's whole body flew tens of meters, smashed into a steel wall and made a hollow hole.

Steve didn't get hurt too much. He turned over and came to Robert again. His face was dignified. He lost his Zhenjin shield and put his hands on the energy pipeline.

"Open it for me!"

At this moment, Steve's face became twisted, his steel teeth almost broke, and the muscles on his arms swelled, as if they were going to burst at any time.

With Steve's high concentration of will, the energy pipeline, this time, was gradually pulled out inch by inch.

The power of fifty fifty, the power of will.

This may not be the most powerful force in the universe, but it is definitely the one that creates miracles most easily.

At the first time when the energy pipeline was pulled out, Robert, who had been imprisoned and anesthetized, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment. There was a bright yellow light, which turned into a heat ray and directly hit Steve's chest, beating his chest to pieces, and the whole person was shot out again.


Steve fell out of mid air and struggled to get up. His chest wound was burning and he was obviously badly hurt.

With Steve's roar, at this time, Jordan finally gritted his teeth and pulled away from the endless anger. With a wave of his hand, he sealed the shadow nightmare into the endless death and darkness of the original isolation layer of the universe.

His eyes are red. At this moment, Jordan, like a fierce beast coming out of the wild world, sweeps over Dr. Otto and falls on Robert.

After being swept by jordani, Dr. Otto felt as if he had walked around the edge of death. He was so scared that he directly fell on the ground.

Robert, however, was looking at his hands, with an incomparable satisfaction and infatuation on his face.

A moment later, Robert and Jordan opponent, stretch their hands, said: "how powerful, how intoxicated feeling! Avengers, you will all die. From now on, the earth will be guarded by me. I am the only true God on the earth. "

A hermit, a criminal, a monster created by the power of the abyss and the demons of hell.

At this moment, he said that he wanted to protect the earth, just like a big joke.

This is a dangerous person who is more inclined to the evil side. He wants to eradicate all the people of the Avengers alliance and become the only true God on the earth.


In the face of Robert floating in the mid air, he waved his hand slightly. The floating cannon appeared in the mid air and moved in circles. With the true meaning of death, darkness and so on, he was more fierce than Gatling. He burst out a barrage of torrential rain and covered Robert directly.

"Stupid waste, I am the immortal God, I am the eternal sun..."

All over the sky, the bullets were extremely violent, but just like Steve's attack, they penetrated through Robert's body and couldn't hurt him at all.

Jordan's power is far more powerful than Harry, Peter, Mindy and others. I don't know how many times.

Although arilia's burst of magic barrage could not be directly absorbed by Robert, she could not get the nothingness of the other side.

A torrential barrage of bullets actually penetrated the whole laboratory and opened a channel to the outside world on the space ring.