The space ring is pierced by a passage, just like a hole in a spaceship.

In an instant, the whole space ring defense system was completely activated. In that laboratory, the emergency steel gates fell in an instant, and all the channels leading to other directions were locked.

At the same time, in Steve's body, a biochemical armor also emerged to wrap it.

Even Dr. Otto was put directly into an experimental platform, and a protective layer was dropped to completely protect it.

Only Robert Reynolds, at the first time when he fell into the space environment, was a little difficult to adapt. His whole body was frozen and his breathing became more and more difficult.

However, this kind of situation didn't last long on Robert. The bright yellow light came out of Robert's body. After a while, Robert got rid of his maladjusted state. After a look at Jordan and Steve, he flew straight out along the broken passage.

When Robert was flying out, Steve instinctively tried to stop him.

But when Steve was ready to make a move, Jordan grabbed each other and said, "Steve, the outside is the right battlefield!"

In the internal war of the space ring, the ultimate destruction is the space ring defense system.

And what's more clever about Jordan is that when Robert was flying out, he had already informed Jarvis that a portal to outer space was directly opened at the entrance.

This Robert Reynolds is a dangerous man. He is not only difficult in his ability, but also has the power of nothingness injected into him. It is a disaster whether the other party has completely taken refuge in Mephisto and the master of the abyss and left him in the defense system of the space ring.

It's just a blink of time. Robert has been through the whole passage quickly.

Outside the passage, Robert can clearly feel that the super sunlight directly shining on the space ring has a strong complementary and strengthening effect on himself.

At this time of outer space, a hell fortress around.

Tony, Dr. Benner, Carol, Saul, sever, Casillas and others all stopped their fierce attack on the hellbastion, and gathered together to guard against the demons in the hellbastion on the one hand, and watch the portal suddenly appear in the center of the battlefield with great vigilance on the other.


A sound wave of speed crushing the void comes out, and then Robert's bright yellow figure has flashed out of the portal and landed in the space, stretching his arms wildly and wirelessly, as if enjoying the sunbathing from the space.

"I am the eternal sun, I will reset the order of the world, I will become the new God of mankind..."

The sun is falling. At this time, Robert is like a dry engine, injected with a lot of fuel. The strength of the whole person is soaring at the speed of a rocket.

At the same time, Jordan and Steve also came to the battlefield in space.

Tony and others in this moment, all looked at Jordan and Steve two people, eyes are full of questions.

Jordan asked arilia to send all the information directly to everyone present.

But when Tony and others were on hold, a Morpheus of Mephisto came out of the hell fortress and saw Robert in space, making a fretful and angry roar.

"Robert Reynolds, why are you here?"

"What about shadow nightmare?"

Shadow nightmare and Robert's plan are Mephisto's last chance after taking refuge in the Lord of the abyss.

Once this opportunity fails completely, according to the contract between Mephisto and the master of the abyss, Mephisto will lose the right of the hell king and become a slave under the master of the abyss.

A devil of ten thousand demons, a hell monarch who has been king and dominating in hell for countless years.

It is absolutely unacceptable for Mephisto to make Mephisto a servant of others, even the master of the endless abyss on the back of the universe.

In Mephisto's eyes, Robert is just a little man, who is created by himself and shadow nightmare.

But for Robert Reynolds, whose mentality has obviously expanded to the limit, the roar and questioning of Mephisto makes people angry.

"It turns out that you are the master of the shadow nightmare, the ugly and despicable devil. You are blaspheming God. I will break your hell, suppress you in the sun, and make you suffer..."

Robert Reynolds in space is covered with bright yellow light, and even every word he says has an old aristocratic opera tune.


All of you: --

For a long time, Tony looked at Robert in the middle of the air, and said, "Dr. Otto's experiment doesn't make this guy crazy, does it?"

There was no word.

Clint pondered for a moment and said: "it should be gone with the wind. When I investigated the information on the other party, this product used to be a Broadway opera fan. Now he doesn't have a tenor. He should have been under control."

All of you: --

When all the members of the Avengers alliance were speechless, Mephisto in the hell fortress could no longer help roaring. The hell fire came out of the hell fortress and burned towards Robert in the middle of the air.

Hell fortress is a connecting point between hell and reality plane.

In the hell fortress, nemphisto can still use the law and power from hell, and let go. The monstrous magic fire is like a tsunami blocking the sky, burning everything.

What's more, Mephisto wants to completely destroy Robert. Only in this way can he take out the power of nothingness from Robert's body.

Murphysto didn't care whether the shadow nightmare was alive or dead.

If you mess up the whole plan, even if the shadow nightmare comes back to hell alive, Mephisto will swallow it to let off his hatred.

The key is the power of nothingness. Only by taking back the power of nothingness can Mephisto have a chance to turn over the game again and open up a channel through the abyss, hell and the world.

Both shadow nightmare and Robert are not important, but for Mephisto, the master of the endless abyss on the back of the universe is the existence he can't afford.

When a fight broke out between Mephisto and Robert, the Avengers were on the other side.

Saul was a little confused and said, "regarding the current situation, shall we go up and help?"

Rocky looked at Saul scornfully and said, "who are we going to help? To help Robert the lunatic or Mephisto the devil