No one thought that there was a heavenly Father hidden in the four war puppets.

If the Fairy Queen really exists at the level of heavenly Father, according to the truth, no one should be able to obliterate the will of the other party. The strong one at the level of heavenly father is different from Jordan's situation in which her body is integrated with the laws of the universe, and can realize the integration of the will and the laws of the universe.

Unless all the laws of the universe are rewritten on the plane where Orc shaman olena is located, it is impossible to erase the will of a father level strong man, even if it reaches the level of God in the past.

Looking at the fairy queen, all of a sudden, Jordan's heart jumped.

Is the fairy queen alive?

Almost in an instant, the power of light on Jordan's body began to rise at an amazing speed. His body, which was originally hundreds of meters high, quickly turned into the size of an ordinary person, like a small sun in the space battlefield.

"Carol, don't get entangled, go back to the space ring!"

Wave after wave of the power of light emerged. The ferocious power completely drowned the behemoth. Jordan's voice, following the endless light, appeared in Carol's ears.

Carroll is reckless, but he is not an idiot. After hearing Jordan's extremely serious words, without saying a word, he turned his head and flew towards the direction of the space ring.

At Carroll's speed, no one in the orc camp can stop him.

And Jordan thinks his action is very hidden, but Carol just turned and ran away, the originally empty, dull fairy queen, eyes, very abrupt, flashed a touch of surprise.


Jordani stares at the fairy queen's every move. After seeing this scene, he doesn't want to think about it. As if he is using the tortoise school Qigong, he bursts out a terrible light wave and goes to kill the fairy queen.

It's better to start first, but it's worse to start later.

In the face of the existence of the heavenly Father, Jordan did not dare to have any carelessness.

In this world, as long as the light doesn't weaken, Jordan's power of light will never end. Where the fierce light waves pass, patches of green orcs will directly collapse into ashes without even a dull sound.

Even the demonized dragon, the nine headed snake and the behemoth in the void are burned by the terrible power of light at this moment. The evil energy is vaporized and burned, and the roar comes unconsciously.

The powerful light wave force can almost be called a small solar flare, which is more powerful than nuclear weapons.

In addition, there is the divine will of Giordani in this powerful power. This divine will, similar to the noble and righteous spirit of the East, is the power of sages and sages. It has a natural and natural power to restrain the evil mind, evil energy, dark power, etc.

However, what made Jordan thrilled was that the terrible light wave and afterwave could pierce the defense of the demonized dragon, the nine headed snake and the behemoth, and burn all the evil energy in the three war puppets. But after he met the fairy queen, the mighty power of the holy light directly disappeared a few meters in front of him.

The power of light also belongs to the power of nature. It can't hurt the natural darling of the fairy queen.

As for the holy power contained in the endless light, it broke through the distance of several meters and broke into the surrounding of the fairy queen, but there seemed to be no evil or darkness in her body.

All over the sky, the holy power is not strong at all. On the contrary, it is as meek as a cat.

It's very special. I can't fight it at all!

Seeing this scene, jordani is filled with a feeling of unparalleled egg pain. It's too difficult. Otherwise, he or she would give up the earth and take his family to settle in the deep universe.

"You are the heir of the Lord's sage?"

When Jordan was thinking about whether he should run away directly, a kind and gentle voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

The voice is very nice, kind, gentle, with a kind of maternal love like kind of inclusion, but it seems as if thousands of years, tens of thousands of years, never speak the same, between the words, there can be some stumbling and astringent.

Then, in Jordan's mind, appeared a light yellow dress, gentle and elegant woman figure.

In this woman, you can't see the difference between beauty and ugliness. It's just that there is an endless kindness. In her body, there is endless kindness, compassion, benevolence and so on.

Jordan's instinct is to urge God to expel the figure that suddenly appears in his mind.

But after hearing the woman's words, there was a strange look on Jordan's face.

"The Lord, the sage? You're not talking about God, are you? "

In my mind, there is pure communication between consciousness, and there is no language barrier.

The woman's face first showed a hint of doubt, and then showed some sadness and mourning. When Jordan mentioned God, he had seen the news of God's fall from Jordan's subconscious, and said: "it turns out that the existence as strong as the Lord sage can't resist the erosion of the abyss, and will it also fall in endless time?"

The woman just in a flash, showing a sad counter current into the river.

Under the rendering of his strong will, Jordan also felt like crying.

This NIMA!

Jordan forced himself to hold back the impulse of tears, said: "this great lady, do you know God his old man?"

The woman didn't have much words, still immersed in incomparable sadness, but there was a touch of consciousness, let Jordan understand the relationship between the woman and God.

It turns out that this woman is actually one of the most powerful gods in the plane where the green orcs are located, the goddess of life.

Before endless time, heaven was still in the era of dominating the universe. God had traveled to the infinite dimensional plane and reached the plane where the green orcs were.

In that plane, God once swam the whole continent as a sage, and the goddess of life and the God of light were the two followers of God at that time.

The goddess of life has learned the love of God and the law of life.

God of light, learned the goodness of God, understood the law of light.

In a sense, the two most powerful gods in the whole plane of the green orcs are disciples of the former God.