The plane world where the green orcs live is just a vassal plane formed by the explosion and convergence of endless energy in the expansion of the real universe for more than 10 billion years.

That plane is not the most powerful. Even the laws of the universe are not perfect. There is only one continent, and there are no concepts such as stars and the universe.

Before God arrived at that plane, the whole plane was in a muddle. There was no light or darkness. All living beings lived in darkness.

God has been walking in that direction for hundreds of years.

After God left, the God of light appeared in that plane, which made the whole plane have light. Similarly, the goddess of life also appeared, creating countless edible food plants, fruits and so on, so that the life of the whole plane can be extended.

After the God of light and the goddess of life, the whole plane gradually had all kinds of gods, and the whole plane gradually became stronger.

However, limited by the plane itself at that time, the greatest achievement of the God of light and the goddess of life was in fact the sub heavenly Father level. It was because in that plane, there was no continuation of light and the law of life, and they were created by two people. They were blessed by the whole plane, and they became the strong ones of the heavenly Father level.

This is also the reason why the God of light and the goddess of life became the only two main gods in the whole plane.

What they learned from God helped the whole plane grow.

However, this flourishing time did not last long in that plane. The tentacles of the abyss penetrated into the whole plane through Orc shaman ORENA,

The strong man of the heavenly Father level is naturally extremely powerful. In the whole plane at that time, he is the most powerful being.

But there are more powerful people in the abyss world, just a shadow demon, with a whole Shadow Council under his hand. The existence of countless strong people has endless evil energy to help in the abyss world.

The God of light and the goddess of life called on all living beings of the whole plane to resist the abyss for thousands of years.

But in the end, in the abyss world, there are still strong researchers in the fourth stage who pull the whole plane into the abyss universe.

In the endless abyss, the territory where the shadow God is located is eternal darkness. There is no light at all, which distorts the laws of the whole continent and leads to the fall of the God of light.

On the contrary, it is the goddess of life. As long as she is in the place where there are creatures, she can keep her will from being destroyed.

In order to prevent the shadow demon from sending herself to the kingdom of the dead in the endless abyss, the goddess of life deliberately chose to show her flaws and burst her body, leaving only a trace of will hidden in the body of the elf queen who has become a puppet of war.

Jordan's holy light means are all inherited from God.

The goddess of life is also a disciple of God. Although she only inherits the knowledge of life magic, she will not be hurt by the power of light.

That's the real reason why Jordan didn't do anything to hurt the fairy queen.

Under the impact of the huge torrent of conscious memory, Jordan's consciousness, for a long time in his mind, was dizzy.

When Jordan's consciousness fully awakened and looked at the goddess of life again, there was no great hostility.

No matter how to say, he and the other side can be regarded as the same elder martial sister, the other side should not hurt himself.

Tentatively, Jordan said, "well, under the crown of the goddess of life..."

The goddess of life shook her head slightly. She had come to her senses from her endless sorrow. She gave Jordan a smile and said, "when I followed the Lord, my name was Delia. You can also call me sister."

"Sister Delia, what? Is there anything I can do to help you? Or, if you come to my consciousness, what's your command? "

In front of the absolute bigwig, we should follow our heart. Anyway, we are all disciples of God. We are not ashamed.

Delia seemed to see through Jordan's careful thinking, but she didn't reveal it. She just said, "the world and plane I live in have been completely dragged into the endless abyss, but this time I'm here, it's the only chance for me to escape from the control of the shadow demon."

"The birth of the universal plane of the Lord sage is the only existence that can compete with the endless abyss in the infinite dimensional dimension. In the bracelet of the fairy queen, there is a seed of the tree of life. I hope you can take that seed down, and with the growth of the tree of life, I will be reborn in the world plane of the Lord sage..."

Delia's words were not particularly straightforward, but Jordan understood each other's meaning.

We are all in the same camp, and we are all disciples of God. I am not a bad person either. Please help me. After my rebirth, we will unite to resist the invasion of the abyss.

That's the meaning, but Jordan hesitated for a moment.

The orc shaman olenna is an extremely sinister guy. In his body, the Avengers alliance has suffered enough from conspiracy. Jordan has a little doubt that Delia, the goddess of life, is also a pit?

When Jordan hesitates, an illusory portal appears in his mind. Wearing a wide sleeve monk robe, guru Yi comes directly to Jordan's sea of consciousness with his usual honey smile.

Wipe, I'm not a bus, these people are too casual, even notice all can't?

If you want to, it's impolite!

Jordani make complaints about the first time of the arrival of the ancient master, and make complaints about the warm and friendly smile.

It has to be said that even Jordan and Carol have been gradually on the road of the strong, and can even compete with some real cosmic strong.

But in fact, the real mainstay of the earth, dinghaishen needle, is guru Yi.

Master Gu Yi came to Jordan's mind, first nodded slightly to him, then spoke directly to Delia and said, "Delia is crowned, we meet again after endless time and space!"

When she saw master Gu Yi, Delia also showed a look of surprise on her face and said, "master Gu Yi, you can see him again after endless years..."

The two men laughed and talked with each other.

Only Jordan, in his own sea of consciousness, looked like an outsider, watching the two chatting.

These two should be tens of thousands of years apart. Do you know each other?