Guru Yi and Delia, the goddess of life on the green Orc plane, do know each other. To be exact, guru Yi and Delia, the goddess of life, knew each other hundreds of years ago.

At the beginning of his magic, guru Yi once roamed the universe and multiple spaces. He got the eye of the Argo motorcycle from a supreme god of the universe. He used the power of the eye of the Argo motorcycle to enter the long river of time, to trace the footprints of many powerful people in the universe, and to find the limit of life evolution.

The understanding with Delia, the goddess of life, was made by master Gu Yi when he was pursuing the footprints of God.

Only that acquaintance was just an accident caused by the turbulence of time. After master Guyi gradually became powerful and became a real Supreme Master, he went to find Delia, the goddess of life again.

But at that time, the plane of Delia, the goddess of life, had been completely dragged into the endless abyss.

Master Gu Yi's search was fruitless, but he didn't expect that he would meet his old friend again in the sea of Jordan's consciousness.

From the conversation between master Gu Yi and Delia, jordani found out the general situation.

At this time, Jordan finally interrupted their conversation and said, "master Gu Yi, I just want to know how you appear in my head. To tell you the truth, it makes me a little uneasy."

I don't want any privacy when I'm in my mind anytime and anywhere.

In the face of Giordani's question, master Gu Yi said with a smile: "it was sol who sent me a call for help through the gatekeeper of Asgard. However, there are still some things I can't get back to the earth in the nine kingdoms, so with the help of the authority of the gods of the assassins, I realized the connection with you in thinking."

At the beginning of the evolution of his life, jordani was granted the title of God King Odin. Even now, jordani is still the nominal Prince of Asgard.

Using the connection between the name of God and the name of God to connect the mind, Jordan also knows.

However, in Giordani's memory, this special way of contact, even for King Odin, is also a matter of great consumption of divine power and energy. Therefore, Asgard seldom uses this way of contact even if he uses the power of rainbow bridge to transmit everywhere.

After all, the power of rainbow bridge comes from the nine countries and the world tree. It's endless.

And their own divine power and energy need to be accumulated bit by bit by themselves.

Jordan's thoughts turned, and he immediately said, "master Guyi, what happened to Asgard?"

Odin would rather use this way to let master Gu Yi contact himself than use rainbow bridge to send master Gu Yi back to the earth. There must be something special happening in Asgard.

Sure enough, master Gu Yi said: "the poisonous dragon niderhog in the endless abyss revives, wakes up the fire giant surter who destroys Asgard in fate, and summons the army of dark elves and malkis in the endless dark airspace, so that the whole Asgard is in danger."

Niederhogg, the poisonous dragon, surter, the flaming giant, and malkis, the dark elf.

These are the great enemies of Asgard. No wonder Mr Odin refuses to let Mr Guyi back. I'm afraid that once Mr Guyi withdraws from Asgard, I'm afraid that Asgard will be completely destroyed.

Think of Asgard and look at the green orcs that the earth needs.

By comparison, the crisis facing the earth is nothing.

After giving an account of Asgard's tragedy, master Gu Yi saw that the crisis on the earth had been relieved. He gave an account of Jordan's words, and left from Jordan's mind.

At this time, Asgard was still engaged in a cruel and difficult war.

With master Gu Yi's guarantee, Jordan was relieved of Delia, the goddess of life in front of him.

After Gu Yi's will left, the will of Delia, the goddess of life, also quickly dissipated in Jordan's mind.

Compared with the heyday of guru Yi, Delia has already fallen for countless years, leaving only a wisp of will to live and hide in the seeds of the tree of life.

If it wasn't for the inheritance of God, there was a quarter of the life attribute power in the Godhead, which came down in one continuous line with Delia, the disciple of God. Delia said no, she would continue to hide in the seed of the tree of life, until the vitality of the seed of the tree of life disappeared, and Delia's residual will would eventually dissipate in the world.

Thinking will return to the real world, but it is only a moment in the past.

On the battlefield in space, with the help of Giordani, Carol has broken free from the entanglement of the behemoth and returned to the space ring after the seal of Argo motorcycle.

At the same time, the demonized dragon, Hydra monster and bimont beast on the battlefield, after adapting to the suppression of the power of light, have also been separated from the confinement. Under the control of the orc shaman olenna, they gather together with the fairy queen, exuding the incomparable power of evil power, and confront with Jordan.

The four war puppets, after all, have reached the acme of existence in the third stage.

Even if it is only by fighting instinct, it can suppress the whole Avenger alliance. At this time, olena's will is in charge and United. That kind of powerful evil power, like a storm, will submerge the whole space.

Vaguely, Jordan is surrounded by four war puppets.

It was only at this time that olena came out of the darkness and said, "a powerful God of light, you will be the best sacrifice to sacrifice and please the great shadow demon!"

Three war meteorites were destroyed one after another. It is obvious that orener did not intend to continue to push the war meteorites out. Instead, he planned to carry on the war plan after clearing all the threats around the void portal.

Somehow, he was taken as a prey, and Jordan was a little upset.

However, even Jordan has to admit that even if he is now in the bright position and pushes his strength to the sub heavenly Father level, his advantage is not obvious in the face of the four war puppets.

The borrowed power is vain after all.

It's because there is a whole heaven behind him that Jordan can rely on a part of the power of the law of light. However, Jordan's physical body can't bear this level of power all the time.