After the orc shaman gathered the orc army to attack the earth, and was summoned by Jordan to blow up the whole plane, there were almost no green orcs left in this broken world.

In this broken world, the only remaining creatures are just some powerful creatures such as Warcraft and elves eroded by the power of evil energy.

Only strong enough creatures can survive the impact of the broken continent.

These surviving creatures are very powerful and difficult to deal with. After licking hawk's blood, almost all of them have changed a lot.

You know, at the beginning, bronsky, an ordinary special forces soldier, directly incarnated into hatred after the introduction of hawk serum.

Nowadays, the countless monsters and Warcraft that are besieged by Jordan, Tony and cassilias are comparable to the cosmic powers in the second stage, and the powerful ones can even be compared with Saul and rocky.

There are hundreds of monsters in the second stage. Even Jordan can't hold them for long.

Looking at the impact of the mighty monster, Casillas turned pale and asked Tony, "Tony, do you need more productive time to confirm the whereabouts of Dr. Benner?"

Tony was also sweating, and said, "there are traces of blood from hawk all over the place, and it's also destroyed by a lot of creatures. I need a little more time..."

The mighty impact of those monsters is almost in front of us. Hundreds of meters away, a large area of dense forest has been broken, like a hill of rocks, which is in disorder.

Eroded by evil energy and infected by hawk's blood, these monsters are just fierce enough to scare ordinary people to death.

Casillas had seen a lot of big scenes, but his legs and stomach were still a little weak at the moment, and he said, "how long is a little bit of time?"

Tony sweated on his forehead and said, "five minutes, no, three minutes. I only need three minutes!"

It's just a few hundred meters away. For those monsters, if it wasn't for the chaotic force of the other side in the rush and the fierce internal strife, I'm afraid they could not even use a few seconds to rush directly to the front of the three.

Hundreds of second stage monsters, let alone three minutes, if they can resist for 30 seconds, it's God's blessing.

Cassilias face egg pain, a hand, began to have a huge portal, appeared in front of those monsters.

These monsters, though powerful and in a mess, have no brains and wisdom at all. They are just like a torrent, rushing directly into the portal.

However, this portal is not omnipotent. After carrying the first wave of monster impact, more monsters occupy a larger range and attack with a more ferocious and violent torrent posture.

A large number of monsters were squeezed into the portal, but many monsters were pushed aside and hit the edge of the portal.

The force of space is extremely strong. Those monsters who hit the edge of the portal are cut off instantly, but with a strong impact, the whole portal is shaken to pieces.

If the portal is used well, it's really a bug.

But the teleportation itself has its own limit. Casillas, with his own power, has a limit whether he expands the teleportation or bears the impact.

Judging from the impact of those monsters regardless of casualties, the whole portal will be burst soon.

"Why don't we withdraw first, wait for these monsters to leave here, and then come back to continue?"

Cassilias tried to maintain and control the portal. His face turned a little red. In his busy schedule, cassilias suggested to Jordan and Tony.

Tony focuses on operating the instrument, looking for clues and traces of Dr. Benner.

Jordani glanced at Casillas in agony. The magic of light shield, dark bondage, death imprisonment and other defense restrictions were all around them.

Click, click!


In one minute and three seconds, Casillas tried his best to maintain the portal. Under the impact of countless violent monsters, it was smashed. A large number of monsters were killed on the spot by the power of sputtering space. However, there were more monsters, and the mighty impact came to the front of Jordan and his three men.

All the magic lights bloom, and the restrictions and defense magic set by Jordan finally work.

A large number of monsters, restricted by magic, become a wall instead, blocking all those monsters in the rear temporarily.

At the same time, Jordan has been the first step, into the monster group.

The shield of holy light gathered around Giordani. As soon as the death mark opened, countless cross marks appeared on the monsters. The cross sword light was vertical and horizontal, and the floating gun wheel fired accurate and sharp death bullets.

Jordan doesn't need to kill all these monsters.

These monsters were infected by evil energy, brutality to the limit, and even mutual phagocytosis. Those monsters who once licked hawk's blood, after being surrounded and swallowed by other monsters, blood spread more widely. Almost most of the monsters have more or less some hawk's blood. Their defense and vitality are extremely strong, and it is difficult to kill them with one blow.

To deal with these monsters, what Jordan has done is to create chaos as much as possible and block these monsters in the periphery.

The cross sword light and death power are extremely destructive. They knock over a lot of monsters and break the defense of the opponent. When the blood of those monsters flows out, the monsters in the rear can no longer look forward, but devour the fallen monsters first.

In a very short time, Jordan found the biggest weakness of these monsters.

Brutal, only killing instinct, mutual phagocytosis is very strong.

This way of blocking does not really block all monsters, nor can it block those monsters for a long time.

But what Jordan has to do is to stop these monsters for a while, which is enough.

A small number of monsters coming from the chaos were blasted back by Jordan. Two minutes later, Tony, who was highly focused, finally waved his hand and showed an excited smile on his face.

"Found it, right here!"

Tony's arm, there is a projection light screen for guidance, but along the direction of guidance, including Jordan, all can't help but slightly stunned.

The direction of the light curtain is a pile of ruins and rocks.

It should be a small mountain collapse, the original valley or ravine to completely buried and fall, just left a vast and spectacular rubble.