For Tony's technical means, Jordan and Casillas have absolute trust.

Maybe in normal times, Tony seems to be a little unreliable, but at the critical moment, this evil tongued Playboy has never let people down.

But at this moment, seeing the direction of Tony's guidance, Jordan and cassilias were still slightly stunned.

Tony pointed out the direction, in addition to the vast and spectacular rubble, nothing else, even the rubble, has been piled into a hill like, no way.

Casillas frowned slightly and said, "are you sure? Tony, this is not the time to joke! "

Tony, too, said, "I swear in the name of stark, no, I swear in the name of the Jovovich family, it must be this direction."

Mom, I'm so vindictive.

Jordan glanced at Tony and said, "is it under that rocky hill?"

Tony nodded seriously and said, "yes, it's very possible that Dr. Benner is under pressure!"

It's a hill tens of meters high, but with Jordan's understanding of hawk's power, let alone a pile of rocks, even a super iron mountain made of special alloy can't hold hawk down.

You can't guess by guessing alone. You can only open a road and go in and have a look.

Without saying a word, Jordan's sword light shockwave stopped the monsters again for a moment, then turned into a white light, wrapped Tony and Casillas, and directly bumped into the rocky hill.

Boom boom!

The floating gun controlled by arilia tells the circle to burst out a magic light barrage like a waterfall, and forcibly opens a passage among the rocks.

Along with the advancement of the three men, the rear passage was quickly submerged by a lot of rocks.

The three of them don't know whether the monsters will directly crush this rocky hill into dregs after they get out of trouble, so they dare not stay for a moment in the process of advancing.

So, when the distance was less than 100 meters, the barrage of the floating gun suddenly burst through the rubble.

"Is that the way to pass?"

In the dark, Jordan reaches out his hand and turns a touch of light into a natural light source to illuminate the environment around them.

It is only a distance of more than 100 meters to enter the rocky hill.

According to the truth, the three people should still be under the boundless rubble pile, because when they were outside, they saw that although the rubble hill was not high, it was continuous, with a wide range of several kilometers.

Tony quickly projected a small light screen on his arm, fiddled with it twice, and said, "no, we are still under the chaos, but I don't know why, there will be a passage under it that hasn't been buried!"

This is a very unscientific situation.

The passageway where the three people lived meandered forward and couldn't see the end at a glance. Above the crowd, the rubble pile was not a whole structure, but a sky full of gravel.

But in the middle of the passage, there was no roof or pillar, but the gravel on the top of the passage did not fall even a grain of sand.

Although there are more and more unscientific things on the earth today, this strange situation still attracts Tony's attention.

On the contrary, Casillas, after entering the passage, kept looking around, quickly pointed to a corner on the left side of the passage and said, "look, green blood traces, is this what hawk left?"

Casillas voice, let Jordan and Tony two people's attention, also quickly transferred.

Tony's arm had a scanning light curtain falling on it. He said quickly, "it's very strong gamma energy. This should be the mark left by hawk. Let's go ahead and see if there are any clues!"

Even if Tony doesn't say it, the three of them have only one choice to go forward.

The passage they had opened up had been completely sealed by falling rocks and sand for a short time. If you listen carefully, you can still hear the roar of those monsters.

No more words, the three walked along the passage.

On the left side of the passage, you can see some traces of blood left by Hawke from time to time. However, the area of this kind of blood is getting smaller and smaller. After more than 2000 meters, you will never see it again.

"It should be hawk's self-healing ability that repaired his own injury!"

"Well, let's keep looking forward!"

Three people discuss two sentences, the mood is not as dignified as before, and soon continue to move forward, at least, this kind of sign shows that hawk's life is not in danger.

After the bloodstain disappeared, it moved forward several hundred meters again. Soon, a strange miniature wormhole appeared at the end of the passage.

Tony's face suddenly showed a look of sudden realization, and said: "no wonder there will be an unscientific strange channel, which is a space field formed by spatial turbulence. This channel should have been a space crack in the rubble. After the spontaneous repair of the space, the field has not disappeared..."

Tony's analysis is very reasonable, but Jordan and Casillas are dignified and don't care at all.

That's not good news for the three.

The whole passage is not straight, but there are no forks in the more than 2000 meter long passage.

This is the end, but it only leaves such a wormhole that makes people feel numb. In other words, this may be the only place where hawk disappeared.

Cassilias had a sore face and said, "Dr. Benner has not passed through this wormhole, has he? Damn, my space and dimensional magic can't play any role in this kind of space wormhole. "

Space wormhole is something that even Jordan and cassilias have heard of no matter how scientific they are.

No one knows whether the space behind the wormhole is a space storm or a time-space turbulence. It is even possible to send people directly to another universe.

For a moment, Jordan, Tony and Casillas looked at each other.

If it's a dimensional crack or something, people will catch up with it. Anyway, with the strength of Jordan's three people, as long as they don't meet a multi-dimensional giant like domam, even in the endless dimensional dimension, there won't be any problems.

The wormhole in this space is different. Whether it is dangerous or not, once you enter this thing, even if you are Gu Yi and god Odin, you may not dare to say that you will find your way back.