Wormholes and black holes, in a sense, are a manifestation of the laws of the universe, similar to infinite gems, but more intuitive.

Black holes exist in an odd number, devouring all matter.

Wormholes pass through all matter in even numbers.

In a sense, wormholes and black holes are the limits of reality and nothingness.

Jordan and cassilias don't know much about this, but Tony has already given thanks to God a thousand times.

Fortunately, the original plane was broken, which led to wormholes instead of black holes. Otherwise, the three of them would be burping farts now.

But even so, Tony's face, is still not very good-looking.

Wormholes are not as dangerous as black holes, but nobody knows what the hell is behind them.

If only the space transmission is good, no matter how the wormhole beeps, it is impossible to send Jordan and others to another universe. As long as they are still in this universe, everyone will have the hope to come back.

But if it's worse, this wormhole, if it carries the time attribute, may even send the three of them to another space-time in the universe. It may be in the next 10000 years, or it may be in the past several hundred thousand years. If it wants to come back, it will be much more difficult.

After hearing Tony's explanation, Jordan and Casillas were completely silent.

This kind of thing, time and space shuttle, sounds very interesting, but without the protection of special forces, the time and space forces in the wormhole can easily make three people die of old age, or directly return to a baby.

What's more, behind such a dangerous wormhole, in case Dr. Benner has hung up.

For a moment, the three of them were entangled.

Casillas was the first to say: "there is a saying in the East, which is" plan before move ". I think before making a decision, we should consider the merits and demerits of the matter, the possible results and the situation clearly."

Tony also agreed, saying: "Cassie is very reasonable. In fact, I'm very worried about Dr. Benner's situation. But now the earth can't lack the top fighting power like Joe, and I'm also such a super scientist..."

Two counsels!

Jordan looked at them scornfully and said, "Tony, can you see how long this wormhole will last?"

Tony was a little stunned, and then asked Jordan to take out all kinds of spare instruments in the space backpack.

I saw a golden red steel box full of the size of the implantation bed. Under Tony's start, a light blue energy light bloomed around, suspended in the air, and began to deform.

In a short time, a compact small laboratory appeared directly in front of the three people.

When they came here, they didn't expect to encounter wormholes. In order to detect the existence time of the wormholes, even Tony needed to make a lot of instruments.

Fortunately, although the small laboratory is simple, its efficiency is not low.

After Tony detected the energy index around the wormhole, with the help of Jarvis, he soon began to manufacture a large number of small instruments, which flew up like a bamboo dragonfly, forming a huge field to cover the wormhole.

Until then, a series of data began to be projected on the computer of one side of the laboratory, forming a huge space-time cycle.

With Tony's intelligence, even if there is no contrast and reference, as long as there is enough time, he can create a time-space shuttle device.

Now, with a ready-made wormhole in front of him, Tony has constructed the main structure of the wormhole in less than two hours.

"Seven hours!"

Although the construction of the wormhole of the main body, but Tony's face, not very good-looking.

This wormhole, which has existed in this broken plane world for more than half a month, has begun to dissipate completely. In only seven hours at most, this wormhole will completely disappear into the universe.

Once there is no wormhole, it almost means that people can no longer find Dr. Benner's trace.

This wormhole did not give Jordan and others time to plan and then move.

"Tony, can you figure out where this wormhole leads to?" he said? Or, to what era? "

Tony nodded, then shook his head, and said: "the main body of the wormhole has been built. I have a little idea. If you give me enough time, I may be able to build a complete and Limited space-time shuttle device, but the amount of computation involved in the space-time universe is too huge. At least, it can't be successful in seven hours."

The voice fell, and the three were silent again.

For a long time, Casillas just said: "it's really no good. Let's fight. I can split a part of the spiritual origin of the soul and mark it into the dark dimension. Maybe I can find a way to come back if I have a chance!"

Tony shook his head and said: "this is not the way. Once this wormhole involves time, we cross the past and enter another time axis. That is to say, even if we can use the positioning of the dark dimension to come back, we will just go back to this time axis..."

Good explanation, Jordan and Casillas are still a little confused and confused.

But Tony's general meaning, they have also understood, through time and space, in fact, is to enter into the parallel universe of this side of the universe.

Cassilias's positioning method can only be used in the field of space, but not in the field of time.

A painful situation.

Jordan finally said: "fight, anyway, Tony is here. As long as we find Dr. Benner, we have a lot of time even on another timeline. With time, Tony, you should be able to find the timeline coordinates here, right?"

Tony nodded and said, "theoretically, as long as there's time and resources, there's no problem!"

Tony has recorded the main structure of the space-time wormhole. With this main structure, as long as there are enough equipment and time, it can be pushed backward, and then the space-time shuttle device can be made, and then it can cross back.

Of course, it's just a theory. This process can be completed in a few days, or it can take years or decades.

With a point of hope, there is a chance to fight.

After all, if you just leave Dr. Benner alone, the three of you can't do it anyway. You can make a plan and then move something. Just make a joke.

Jordan soon became firm, and said, "if it's hard, just fight!"

Just when Jordan put the small laboratory away again, Tony suddenly said: "well, there is another problem. In case of time travel, we will be disturbed by time in the process. We need special protection. It's OK to make a kind of protective clothing, but..."

Jordan shook his head, said: "no time, or I come, the war horn is the supreme artifact, has immortal attribute, enough to protect us from the influence of time and space velocity."