The golden thread in the sky faded away. Cassilias, who was hidden in the shadow, just realized that the three of them had already made a big circle at the gate of death.

Although I don't know what the fading golden silk thread in the sky is, cassilias can clearly feel the huge energy hidden in it when it appears.

With a long breath, Casillas just looked at Jordan beside him.


Just as Casillas was about to ask Jordan secretly, the woman in armor outside the shadow was alert for a moment. She pulled out the long sword on her waist with one hand and pressed it on an alarm on her waist with the other, ready to fight at any time.

"Hey, relax, we're not enemies!"

Before the woman in armor pressed the alarm completely, Jordan's light golden light suddenly bloomed, showing his figure, and his hands came out of the shadow.

Seeing Giordani's action, Casillas was stunned for a moment, then showed his figure and walked out slowly.

But the woman in armor didn't relax at all. She looked at Jordan and Casillas with solemn eyes. Her sword was still in the air, and she was very alert: "who are you?"

With a friendly face, Jordan said, "Earthlings, we are earthlings who came to Saka by accident from Midgard. There is no malice. Take it easy, OK?"

Armor woman is still vigilant, slightly side head looked at the ground twitching Tony one eye, said: "you and he are a group of children?"

Jordan couldn't help looking at Tony and said, "yes, this is the brain in our team, the smartest person on earth!"

The woman in armor looked at Tony again and rolled her eyes in silence.

Seeing that the other party was a little relaxed, jordani continued to say, "are you the female warrior God of ASAR? As like as two peas in your hand, I saw the same thing!

The armored woman frowned and instinctively wanted to touch the wine pot at her waist. She soon froze slightly and stopped. She said, "although I don't know where you know some information about the assassins, you deceived the wrong person. There is no more female warrior in the world. I'll give you another chance. Who are you?"

A thousand hundred years ago, civil strife broke out in Asgard. The female warrior God was responsible for suppressing Hella, who was possessed at that time, but almost all of them died.

Although this armored woman looks different from that in the movie, her identity is exactly the drunkard female warrior God in Raytheon 3 that Jordan guessed.

Seeing the expression of the woman in armor, Jordan finally put down his hand and said, "Mr. valkiri..."

As soon as the woman in armor raised her eyebrows, she interrupted, "call me Tessa. As I said, there is no more female warrior in the world!"

Valkiri is the unified title of the female warrior God, and it is also an honorary title of Asgard, which is similar to the title of "general and Prime Minister".

Seeing the woman in armor disgusted, Jordan changed his words and said, "well, Tessa, I'm Jordan Jovovich, a member of the earth Avengers alliance. This is cassilias, a mage of the supreme sanctuary of the earth..."

Jordan soon introduced his three identities to Tessa.

Jordan, Tony and the Avengers alliance are all the guardians of the earth in recent years. However, the supreme Sanctuary has existed for thousands of years. There have been supreme mages in all generations. Even though Tessa has been away from the outside world for thousands of years, she also knows about the supreme sanctuary.

After confirming the identity of the three men, Tessa relaxed completely and took back the Dragon tooth sword. Finally, her eyes fell on him and said, "you are very strong!"

Dragon tooth sword is one of the most powerful weapons of the female martial god, and also one of the most painful memories of Tessa.

If she had not sensed the powerful power of Jordan's third stage, Tessa would not have used the Dragon tooth sword, which has brought her painful memories for more than a thousand years.

Jordan nodded with a smile and said, "in fact, I'm half an asgardian. It's his majesty Odin who gave me the name and started my way of life evolution."

People of the same clan of the ASAR Protoss can sense each other's existence in the way of divine name echo.

Tessa's face finally softened after sensing the atmosphere of Jordan's fame. But for Jordan, she didn't have the kind of villagers' enthusiasm as she imagined. On the contrary, she was indifferent and alienated.

Casillas doesn't understand what this is.

However, jordani knew that it was because Odin had conspired to suppress his brother, the superior God King, and in order to get rid of the dissidents, he let the female warrior God, who was finally the last God King, deal with the extremely powerful Hella after being eroded by death.

In a sense, Hella can only be regarded as a knife, and Odin is the one who holds it.

As a female warrior God whose natural mission is to protect Asgard, even if she knows about Odin's plan and plot, even if she has hatred in her heart, she can't hold up her butcher's knife and retaliate against Asgard.

It is impossible for Tessa to get revenge and play for Odin, which is the real reason why she has been drinking and escaping in Saka.

In a flash, Jordan understood each other's attitude and wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

At this time, lying on the ground twitching, Tony just said: "since we are all friends, do me a favor, let me get up first, OK?"

Tony's strength is in that smart brain, and the remaining 10% or 20% is all above that armor. His physical quality is better than ordinary people, but his strength is limited.

I was shocked by the electric shock controller on my neck, and I still feel weak.

Joe dennington laughed and said, "genius Tony, can't you solve it by yourself?"

Tony looked at Jordan bitterly and said, "sheter, Joe, I'm wrong about you. You're revenge and jealousy. What the hell is that on my neck? Don't you see that it's hindering the internal treatment and life support system of armor? Hurry to help. We're still not friends?"

Jordani pours a magic of life into Tony's body to help him get rid of his weakness and pull him up from the ground.

Tony took a painful look at Jordan and said, "next time you look for someone to be a bait, find a guy with thick skin, OK?"

With Tony's cleverness, after things happened, he naturally understood the reason why Jordan hid before.

Although knowing that with their friendship, Jordan will not put himself in any danger, Tony still feels extremely uncomfortable at this moment.

I was cheated by a technological idiot. That's revenge. Damn it.

During the conversation, Tony stretched out his hand and pulled on his neck. A burst of electric current broke out again, and the whole person suddenly twitched. Before he passed out of coma, he was full of resentment and said: "Damn, what the hell is this..."