The luck of the three of them is not good or bad.

After some negotiation, Tessa finally decided to take jordani to meet the ruler of Saka, Gao Tianzun, and take the controller from Tony's neck.

Compared with Gao Tianzun who ruled the whole Saka, Tessa was just a senior mercenary under Gao Tianzun.

If you want to find someone on Saka, whether it's hawk or Dr. Benner, it's the right choice to go through Gao Tianzun. Otherwise, even if they find someone, they may not be able to take it away.

However, it is different from the casual and luxurious style in Raytheon 3 in Giordani's memory. After entering the high heaven's sphere of influence and gorgeous palace, you can feel a very tense atmosphere everywhere.

The crowd was colorful and bizarre, but there was only one thing in common, that is, everyone was armed with weapons and armor and looked nervous.

Walking in the palace of alien style, Tony has woken up from coma, the sequelae of convulsion has disappeared, but his face is still with a thick discomfort, saying: "what's going on here? Wow, look at this guy. This guy has twelve arms. Have we come to the kingdom of goblins? "

Tony, who is good at everything, is the prodigal style and poisonous tongue, which is too easy to cause ridicule.

The aliens in those palaces, who are good tempered, don't pay attention to Tony's advice. When they see Tony's behavior, they directly make a provocative roar, as if they can fight at any time.

Even Tessa, for Tony's behavior, also shows a very uncomfortable feeling.

"Is this guy always so arrogant in the atrium? I doubt very much how this guy lived to this day, but he was not killed! "

Tessa walked carelessly beside Tony and cassilias, looking at Tony's appearance in front of her, her mouth twitching.

Jordan and Casillas smile bitterly, but they don't know what to say.

After walking in the palace for more than half a year, Jordan ignored Tony's behavior. After all, he asked his question and said, "Tessa, what happened to Saka recently? It seems that everyone here seems to have a sense of war. "

Tessa nodded and said: "recently, the whole universe is not peaceful. In some cosmic channels on Saka, there are often some hells or even monsters on the abyss plane..."

Just as Tessa was explaining something, there was a lot of noise in front of her.

Then, a large number of aliens, all nervously picked up their weapons, converged into a torrent, and ran towards one direction of the palace.

Roar, roar!

Bang bang!

With the noise coming near, Jordan and others soon heard the roar and smash from the source of the incident.

Almost for a moment, Jordan, Casillas and Tony were shocked and looked at each other.

"I think we may have found Benner," said Jordan

Tony's face was brilliant and he said, "I think we may have found hawk!"

Let's know with Tessa. Under the leadership of Tessa, everyone goes in the direction of the origin of the incident.

Tessa's position in Saka is obviously not rival, where the vast majority of the aliens are very honest salute to Tessa, have to get out of the way.

Soon, Jordan and his party came to the door of a huge transparent room.

In the middle of the room, it's a place full of sci-fi color, surrounded by extremely powerful energy defense membrane. In the middle of the room, a green fat man is frantically smashing everything, making a furious roar.

The three of them looked at each other and didn't say anything for the first time.

Jordan spoke to Tessa and said, "Tessa, what are you holding here?"

Tessa spread out her hand and said, "this is a powerful soldier who was picked up by a group of garbage collectors from the dump three days ago, but it seems that her head has been hurt and she is very irritable."

three days ago!

The three of them were a little puzzled, and it was not surprising to think that Saka's velocity of time was different from that of the outside world.

Just when the three of them were silent, Tessa had already brought them to a group of fabulous people. She saluted the middle-aged people with silver hair and a silver vertical line on their lips.


"Oh, my sweetie, you're here in time, little Tessa. I need you to help me control this big green man. He's one of the most powerful fighters I've ever seen in endless years!"

Gao Tianzun looks a little nervous. He directly ignores the three of them. With a little sissy, he quickly grabs Tessa's arm.

Seeing this, Casillas is better.

Jordan and Tony look at each other for no reason.

In front of us, this high God is very similar to the one we met in the middle of the barren land when Jordan and Tony were wandering the universe a few years ago.

The same white hair, the same silver vertical lines, a look of heavy makeup.

"What do you feel like doing?"

"I think it's better not to reveal the identity first. It's said that because of the soul gems, the whole barren land of the universe collectors has been destroyed and become the vagabonds of the universe."

"What do you mean?"

"What if this man is related to the space collector?"

Just when Tony and Jordan communicate secretly, Tessa has brought Gao Tianzun to Jordan and started to introduce Gao Tianzun to them.

"Joe, Tony, Casillas, this is the ruler of Saka, the elder of the universe Gao Tianzun..."

Very familiar with a series of introduction process, we can see that Tessa has done similar things.

As the strongest of the three, Jordan did as the Romans do in a universal ceremony in the universe, saying: "the elder of the universe, I'm very glad to meet you. I'd like to pay my respects on behalf of Midgard!"

After seeing Giordani, Gao Tianzun looked a little more serious and said, "the new God in the universe, you come to Saka, don't know what happened?"

To get to the point, I don't want to look decadent at all.

At this time, Gao Tianzun came down from his strange seat, holding a walking stick with a ball. His expression was full of prudence.

The existence of Tessa is just the second stage of life evolution. It can see the extraordinary of Jordan, but it can't see through his real strength at all.

However, this high God is different. He has no too strong power on him. However, he doesn't know how long he has lived in the universe. At a glance, he can see that Jordan is the leader of the third stage.

A life evolutor in the third stage already exists like a cosmic God. No matter where he is, he will get due respect.