Just as Hella said, with the control terminal of rainbow bridge in hand, Asgard is already in an invincible position. The tripartite alliance of fire giant, dark elf and hell devil is no longer a real threat to Asgard.

In this battle, as long as big brother Odin and big brother Guyi can win, even if sirtel gets the eternal fire, it is just a small spark that can be easily extinguished.

Among the various forces in the universe, various forces such as science and technology and the military are certainly important, but what is more important is the ultimate high-end force among their respective forces.

I can't be in a hurry, and I can't help it.

In this kind of almost tormented protection, until the first month of the war between Odin and niederhogg, in the endless nothingness, Gu Yi, who had been quiet for the first time, began to fight.

As Jordan said, Guyi has been waiting for a suitable opportunity.

That niederhogg is also the existence of the heavenly father. Even if he is defeated by Odin, he has enough strength to protect himself for a long time.

Even if it wasn't for the repression and seal of the whole world tree, with niederhogg's talent of penetrating the void, even the combination of Odin and Guyi, and even the ten eight heavenly Father level strongmen, would not be able to stop niederhogg who was bent on running away.

As the master of the eighty-eight layers of the world in the abyss world, niederhogg has existed for thousands of years, and has the most powerful talent and the most cunning cautious mind.

Otherwise, in the chaotic order of the abyss world, niederhogg would not be able to reach the present situation.

After more than a month's fierce fight with old Odin, niederhogg was always on guard against the old one nearby. Even though he suffered losses several times in the battle, he was not willing to leave a flaw for the old one.

However, there is a saying that if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it.

Even if niederhogg is extremely powerful, it is impossible to maintain the unprecedented firmness in the continuous fighting.

On this day, the three coalition forces that besieged Asgard for more than half a year withdrew completely.

Among the dark elves, malekis has transformed thousands of doomsday armies in a desperate way, but even Asgard's hair can't be retrieved. After the first World War, the elite dead and wounded are exhausted, and even malekis himself has been severely damaged by infinite gems, becoming a half dead sick.

Since then, the dark elves have been able to stick to the battlefield for more than a month, which is the reason why the fighting spirit of the dark elves is very strong.

More than a month later, malekis was about to die.

Therefore, among the three coalition forces, the dark elves have to choose to retreat first, retreat to the deep space of the universe, and rest. Only when the next stronger and more promising leader appears, will they challenge Asgard again.

As soon as the dark elves retreated, sirtel, a rough and incomparable giant of fire, was very clever. He realized that the situation had gone, and with a large number of giant of fire, he also retreated to the kingdom of fire.

Anyway, a long time ago, Sirte had already brought all the creatures of the flame kingdom to submit to Asgard once. This time, he shrank again, which was nothing. Anyway, he had no loss, and even got the Hellfire from hell for no reason.

As soon as the dark elves and the flaming giants retreated, there was only an army of hell demons left.

And the two leaders of the hell devil were killed by Jordan before, leaving only the headless knight. If he had no choice, he could only go back to the hell.

Hell's army retreated. Originally, by special means, the supply of the abyss magic gas to the black dragon nidhog was cut off.

For niederhogg, such a bit of abyss evil spirit is nothing. At most, it is just a little snack from his hometown.

But it didn't stop niederhogg's fury.

These damned hell demons came to the periphery of the nine kingdoms and offered countless sacrifices, saying that the Lord of the endless abyss is about to revive, and the army of the abyss will completely sweep the whole universe.

Then he wakes Nidhogg out of his deep sleep and deceives Nidhogg behind his back, causing great trouble to Asgard.

But now, this group of damned mole ants actually ran away. When they were fighting with the most powerful man in naasgard, they shamefully ran away.

In other words, it's a typical way to sell teammates.

This is not a particularly big thing. In fact, niederhogg is almost used to being sealed under the tree of the world, but the feeling of being used and betrayed by ants still makes niederhogg very angry for a while.

For the father level strong, this kind of spiritual fluctuation is the biggest flaw.

Almost in an instant, Odin broke out his most powerful and terrifying strike in the battle. A silver lightning, after gathering to the limit, had taken a touch of blue color and turned into a lightning spear that penetrated into the sky and nailed the body of niederhogg into the void.


This kind of injury is extremely serious and painful even for niederhogg, the most powerful man of the heavenly Father level.

Moreover, at the moment when niederhogg was settled, Gu Yi was like a wandering virtual shadow. He stepped across an endless distance and appeared in the center of the battlefield. Then, with such a light palm, he directly hit the ferocious dragon head of niederhogg.

Then, niederhogg felt light all over, and then in the void, he saw himself nailed in the same place.

Damn, I was beaten out of my soul!

For a moment, niederhogg felt an unprecedented sense of terror and horror. But before he had time to take any action, he saw the guru reach out and a strange orange fan appeared in the palm of his hand. Then, with a fan in his hand, his sleeves floated, and a confused silk thread swept towards niederhogg's soul.

At the beginning, the chaotic silk thread did not pose a great threat to people. It was even weak. But in a moment, it rolled through the void. The mass of silk thread seemed to absorb the infinite laws of the universe in the infinite dimension. Just in an instant, it had formed a huge storm of laws.

The violent storm of law swept the soul of niederhogg, using the power of the whole universe and infinite dimensional dimension, constantly obliterating niederhogg's soul, origin, law and even everything.

On the other side of the void, old man Odin was not polite. According to his father's and grandfather's wishes, he waved a complete thunder and lightning, and began to prepare to chop the body of niederhogg into countless pieces for soup.