Perhaps even niederhogg did not expect that he would die so miserably as the abyss demon, who had been in countless planes for countless years.

The violent law storm is like a tornado and hurricane existing in the infinite dimension, which carries the power of the universe and is enough to destroy everything.

To be exact, the origin of niederhogg's law was not destroyed by Guru Yi, but devoured by the will of the universe.

This is the origin of the father level strong man in the abyss plane. Even for the whole universe, it is a good meal.

As a tool of the will of the universe, master Gu Yi is just a man who pries the power of the universe.

After the death of niederhogg, the burden of Asgard for thousands of years has been completely removed. From now on, the king of Asgard will not only have boundless power and strength, but also will not have to worry about the weakness of Asgard, and will not fall into deep sleep or die prematurely because of the burden.

For Asgard, the rest, such as Sirte, the dark elves, the rebellion of the nine kingdoms, the invasion of hell demons and so on, are just minor troubles.

Even if it's just Haila's little sister, after a period of silence, she can easily wipe out these disasters.

Jordan and others, among Asgard, took another week.

Tony has reached a critical point in his research on Rune writing and magic technology. Unless he can really understand the mystery of this kind of writing in the future, it is difficult to make greater progress in a short time.

However, even so, based on arcane technology, Tony combines some of the essence of Lu en characters and magic technology, and broadens his knowledge interface to a new level.

As far as Asgard is concerned, Rune writing and magic technology are just minor AIDS.

In addition to the contributions of Jordan, Tony and others to Asgard, when Tony stealthily learned other people's technology, he just chose to turn a blind eye and didn't stop him.

When Tony's road of stealing learning reached the critical point, Jordan and others just put forward the request to return to the earth.

However, to the surprise of jordani and others, and looking back at the earth with jordani and others, there is also Odin who has completely resigned from the position of Asgard God King.

After Odin really recognized the authority of little sister HeLa, Odin was not suitable and continued to stay in Asgard.

After all, there will be no two days. After Mr Odin solved niederhogg, his strength will no longer decline and he will be able to live for a long time. If he continues to stay in Asgard, it will have some influence on the governance of little sister Hella.

On the other hand, since heila's little sister returned from the underworld of Heim, Odin has been separated from his queen, Freya, for a long time.

Such a big man wants to settle down on the earth. Naturally, it's hard for Jordan and others to refuse. Of course, they can't refuse.

Fortunately, after the most dangerous situation in Asgard, old man Odin has long lost his nostalgia for power. He just proposed to build a small wooden house and circle a farm in the North Sea of Norway.

Jordan estimated that this should be the beginning of the legend of hermits.

If you can't refuse it, you'll have to treat it well.

Before leaving, on the endless sea of Asgard, old man Odin and little sister HeLa staged another touching scene of their parents' parting. About half an hour later, a rainbow burst out on the rainbow bridge, encircling Jordan and others. In a flash, they disappeared into the void of the universe.

After the end of the familiar sense of teleportation, Jordan and others directly appeared on a huge space fortress outside the earth.

This is a kind of place similar to the diplomatic space city built outside the earth in a state of temporary peace after Jordan, Tony and others went to Saka.

Today's earth has completely entered the interstellar age.

The combination of space ring and the seal of Argo motorcycle, such as rainbow bridge, interstellar jump and other methods, can not directly transmit people to the earth.

Such a space city dedicated to the reception of alien visitors is very necessary.

And because of the earth's proud achievements in the war with hell and abyss, and the popularity of infinite energy reactors in the universe, today's earth has also vaguely looked like a cosmic power.

In the space city, the flow of people shuttles back and forth.

In this space city, you can see thousands of aliens of various shapes. Under the arrangement of the special security team on the earth side, after receiving the security check, you can directly enter into a series of completely fixed transmission gates, and you can directly enter several super large cities on the earth.

"It's really creative. It looks like an airport on earth..."

"It's only been a few months. Has the earth changed so much?"

"Oh, MAIGA..."

Jordan, Tony, Benner and cassilias have only left the earth for a few months, and xingjue, bald Tang and others have only left the earth for a few years.

Seeing the earth again, Jordan and others suddenly feel that they don't know much about their hometown.

"Oreshette! Look, look over there, Peter. Is this your hometown? It's so beautiful... "

"With such a beautiful hometown, I don't know why you want to hang out in the universe. I'm afraid I won't be willing to leave such a beautiful place all my life!"

Just when Jordan and others were in a daze, Carmela suddenly looked surprised and looked towards the earth outside the space city.

With Carmela's cry of surprise, Jordan and others also look toward the earth.

In the boundless dark space, a tree of life, which blocks out the sky, radiates the green light of life miracle, shines on all sides and holds several bright pearls.

At the top of the tree of life is a precious blue bead, to be exact, the earth.

On some of the main branches of the tree of life, there are fiery red Mars beads, and Saturn beads filled with yellowish clouds.

Even the sun star, which has been planned countless times by the earth but failed to plan successfully, revolves around the tree of life like a jewel.

Incomparably bright, beautiful, and magical scene, let Jordan and others all Leng on the spot.

The earth, er, to be exact, the solar system, looks a little different from before.

On the other side, xingjue, who was caught by Carmela, was confused, but he still said stubbornly: "yes, this is my hometown. It's generally beautiful..."