Jordan and others can be very and very sure that before they went to Saka to look for Dr. Benner, the earth and the solar system were definitely not what they were looking for.

In the past, although the earth was beautiful, it was like a bright blue pearl in the universe.

But it is absolutely not so magical as it is now. It seems that the whole solar system has completely changed in just a few months.

It's like planting a sapling in front of your home before you go on a business trip. After you come back, the whole home has become the magic of the elf kingdom.

Especially as Tony with rigorous scientific thinking, after seeing that scene, he could not help but say: "Hey, Joe, this is not the solar system, right? It must be that the rainbow bridge's transmission direction is a little bit wrong, right? Sheter, this is unscientific. How can there be such huge trees in the world that they won't be ignited by the energy of the sun? "

In his heart, Jordan is also very confused. He can't pay attention to Tony. As soon as his whole body is pressed with energy, he has been flying in the direction of the tree of life like a meteor.

In a short time, Jordan came to the root of the tree of life.

In the place of this root, there is a figure with scattered hair and thin bones. The whole person has no spirit. It is like a grain of cosmic dust, entangled by a fine and tough root.

The root, it seems, is still in the body of this figure, constantly absorbing some mysterious energy.

"Robert Reynolds? Are you a sentry

As he looked at the miserable figure, there were questions in his mind.

Robert seemed to hear Jordan's voice, suddenly woke up, burst out with a strong light, struggling and said: "kill me, no matter who you are, please, kill me!"

Jordan was stunned for a moment and murmured, "this is..."

"This is the power of nothingness. In the abyss world, it is a very powerful law of the universe. It has more energy and the origin of the universe than an infinite gem!"

When Jordan is in a daze, Odin also comes to Jordan.

As the last king of Asgard, few people in the whole universe can compete with Odin if they are knowledgeable.

At the same time, Gu Yida also appeared lightly and said: "this man has been parasitized by the powerful demon God in the abyss, but he is confined and suppressed here by this powerful and sacred tree of life. Moreover, this tree of life seems to be growing rapidly with the help of the power of the abyss demon God!"

"Your Majesty Odin, master, welcome

"Jovovich, welcome back

Just as Jordan and others were talking, the huge tree of life trembled slightly and the stars gathered together. In front of them, a tall and beautiful figure came together.

"Delia? Are you Delia, the goddess of life? "

As soon as the shadow square appeared, Jordan had a sense of intimacy and familiarity.

This is the life goddess Delia that Jordan rescued from the broken Orc plane in the past.

But now Delia, compared with the original, does not know how many times powerful and sacred, even if the appearance has not changed, but that kind of strong temperament, still let Jordan dare not easily recognize.

"It's Delia. We finally meet again!"

Seeing the appearance of Delia, master Gu Yi was also surprised for a moment, and then showed a heartfelt joy.

Hundreds of years ago, guru Yi once followed the trail of Argo motorcycle to travel in endless dimensions and even endless time. He once met Delia, who had just become a God, in the orc plane. There was a long period of mutual learning between the two sides.

The goddess of life is the kindest, gentlest and least likely to have bad thoughts.

Respect for life is the most basic thing to become a goddess of life.

At this time, Odin also said: "it turned out that you were a student of the Holy Spirit of the Lord in the past. I didn't expect that you had been freed from the bondage of the abyss demon God. It's really good to have such achievements!"

Delia is very humble in front of Odin. After all, Odin is, in a sense, the protagonist of the universe who can compete with the Lord.

Bowing slightly to Odin, Delia said, "in fact, I just got some of Asgard's legacy. Thank you for your tolerance!"

Earlier on, Delia and the seeds of the tree of life became one.

When the tree of life took root and sprouted, it once devoured several roots of the world tree brought by the orc shaman from the abyss world. Only in this way can it possess part of the power of the world tree, which can run through the infinite dimensional void, grow between heaven and earth, absorb energy, and have nearly unlimited growth space.

In a sense, Mr Odin is entitled to take back the roots of the world tree. After all, Mr Odin's fist is big enough.

But now the earth and Asgard are a natural alliance, with Jordan, Tony, sol and others as ties. They are just a few roots of the world, and Odin is not going to turn over.

Several people exchanged greetings with each other, but Jordan was full of doubts and said, "Delia, I just want to know why the whole earth, no, the whole solar system, has become like this in a few months?"

"Damn, this chaotic state of celestial bodies in the universe has not destroyed everything on the earth, has it?"

Mad, the earth doesn't revolve. Instead, the sun begins to revolve around the earth. I'm not familiar with the laws of the universe. But this kind of change will definitely cause disasters such as tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and super earthquakes.

Looking at Jordan's anxious appearance, Delia was very gentle smile, said: "Jovovich crown, of course not! The tree of life is the ultimate guardian of all life, and the earth is the origin of all life... "

Jordan egg pain, said: "don't pull so mysterious, I just want to know, what happened?"

Delia was not upset. She looked at the sentry Robert and said, "all of them came from Mr. Robert Reynolds. Four months ago, Jovovich was crowned and Mr. Tony and others left. Mr. Robert Reynolds was not willing to be bound around the tree of life. He used his own nihility as the root to communicate with the powerful demons from the abyss world, And sacrifice the whole broken Orc plane to devour the tree of life, even the whole earth and solar system... "