Alien race, alien race (abnormal race), eternal race, the essence of these people, are all human beings. If they converge their own strength and walk in human society, even the most sophisticated medical instruments may not be able to detect any differences.

However, the alien race, with its own unique social order and values, also stands behind the shadow of the Kerry people.

It's not to mention that once the power is stimulated, another kind of creature will be formed, which is almost completely different from human beings. It's even more like colluding with Hydra. Since ancient times, it's not a good thing.

The eternal race should have been a solid shield among human beings. These people are extremely powerful, born out of human beings. If they want to continue, they must depend on human beings.

But now, in Giordani's intelligence, even the eternal clan has split into two groups.

With all the information of Giordani telling, Nick Frey, Tony, Steve, Natasha, Clint and Hobbes are all silent.

Jordan's worry is not unreasonable.

Although previously, Jordan had said that most of the intelligence and information he got had no real evidence, this kind of problem, which is enough to threaten the whole human race, can not tolerate any mistakes.

Evidence is not evidence. The dark Avenger itself is a unique dark organization that is superior to the law and the truth.

The enemies on the surface of the earth, such as Kerry Empire, mieba, hell and so on, now the earth has enough resistance.

But this hidden danger inside human beings is very different.

Once the concepts of eternal race, alien race, alien race and ordinary human are popularized all over the world, will the whole mankind be completely split?

Will mutants go to other races? Will the superpowers move closer to the eternal race?

Even many ordinary human beings, for the sake of powerful power and long life, will do what kind of things, no one can guarantee.

Because no matter eternal race, alien race, alien race, strictly speaking, all belong to human beings.

Even if people move closer to these groups, they will not feel guilty of betraying their own race. Instead, they will think that this is the direction of human evolution.

At that time, the whole earth, which has just been unified, will fall into unprecedented division and even war.

Once there is turbulence within human beings, what actions will be taken by those powerful beings in the universe? These are the potential crises that the earth needs to face.

If not, it will become the fuse for the complete destruction of human beings on earth.

After a long period of silence, Tony was the first to say, "I suggest that the Dark Avengers need to expand to a certain extent. We alone can't cope with the possible crisis!"

The dark avenger, full of money, now only seven people.

Even if it is really found what clues, with the dark Avenger's current strength, it is not enough to deal with.

You should know that before the concepts of eternal race, alien race and alien race are fully exposed, any action of Jordan and others must be carried out in the dark, and it is impossible to act in the name of any organization such as the coalition government, aegis and Avengers alliance.

If possible, even by means of assassination or secret annihilation, it is better to solve the problem in the dark.

Steve said: "I agree with Tony's proposal, but every new member of the dark Avenger must get the most rigorous investigation, even test!"

The dark Avenger is the purest secret organization to maintain the unity of mankind.

Among the Dark Avengers, the most basic one must be a pure human being, whether it is blood or belief in the heart.

For example, Carol, Saul, Saifu, xingjue and so on, these people, by nature, cannot enter this organization.

Another example is Dr. Benner, Giselle, Heidi and other people whose blood lines have changed, they also have to go through enough values and loyalty tests.

This expansion will also be screened by Nick Frey, Tony and Steve.

Clint and Hobbes, on the other hand, will be incorporated into the aegis. Authorized by Nick Frey, they will use the powerful intelligence network of the aegis to investigate the affairs of the aliens who have already had clues. If there is any accident, they can even kill and exterminate by force.

As for Jordan and Natasha, they are going to investigate the eternal race.

After all, some of the most obvious clues about the eternal race that people have found now are around may Riley. Behind may, there may be Jane, the lover of Jordan.

After assigning their respective tasks, Jordan and others soon left the secret base of the dark avenger.

New recruits will be supplemented from Avengers and aegis, such as Dr. Benner, Giselle, Heidi, Mindy, Dr. PIM, Mary Jane, etc. those who are experienced and have the same temperament will become the first batch of recruits after strict investigation and testing.

For example, Stephen, Colson, Wanda, Pietro, Peter, Harry, ant man and other people who are inclined to the state of Notre Dame will be included in the list of members of the second batch of enrollment expansion, as additional personnel to be determined.

Clint and Hobbes have the same clear mission. They directly arrest, interrogate, and then execute some high-level aliens who have been found by the aegis.

Rough work, even bloody.

The main thing is that it's not appropriate to give two people too much meticulous work.

As for whether Clint and Hobbes have complained or not, it's not in everyone's consideration. At this time, Jordan, with a slight pain, follows Natasha and comes to New York City, a secret safe house of Natasha.

The former Shura arena is still continuing, which is not so easy to settle.

Since she came out of the dark Avenger secret base, Natasha has ignored Jordan.

Until I came to the safe house, I looked at the detailed information about gizel, Heidi, may, Jennie, Serena and others on the whole wall, and even the information about any woman revealed by Tony, Clint, Hobbes and others occasionally in their not very strict voice, all arranged neatly on it.

Jordan, all of us, have some Spartans.

Mad, I have a spy girlfriend. I'm under a lot of pressure.

"Honey, these..."

Seeing these things, Jordan didn't dare to pretend to be a dead dog any more. He was so cute that he laughed at Natasha and asked.

Natasha is very calm glance at Jordan, said: "these are our love process, you have done sorry for me, if one day break up, these are the things I used to deal with you!"

Jordan shivered and laughed more and more. He said, "no, nata, you are the woman I love most in my life. Unless I am disabled or dead, I will not let you leave me. Nothing can stop my love for you..."

Natasha Li did not pay attention to jordani either. She went to the other room of the safe house, but there was a smile on her lips.