A whole wall of information, intelligence, evidence, let Jordan understand, what is my spy girlfriend.

But fortunately, at this time, it's not the time to settle accounts with Jordan. Natasha also knows the priority of things. After taking some equipment from the room, she goes back to the wall again.

Jordan is also very thick skinned, said a lot of love words, holding Natasha said: "dear, so much information, why don't you include it in the computer, with the help of artificial intelligence, it should be faster to sort out information."

Natasha looked a little serious and said: "the Internet is not secure, especially today's earth. Many of the most core confidential information, including the aegis and the coalition government, will not leave any files on the Internet, but will be recorded on paper."

"In the last two months, more than 40 people have just been caught from aegis who are good at camouflage, including several scurros..."

Jordan frowned slightly and figured it out.

The speed of lifting the earth is too fast. In just a few years, it has gone through a lot of feats that the cosmic forces need to spend hundreds or even thousands of years to achieve.

On the one hand, it has something to do with the accumulation on earth. Since the 1990s, the aegis and other forces have accumulated a lot of black technology.

On the other hand, talents on the earth are pouring in. Not to mention other people, just Tony and Dr. PIM, each of them can save the earth a thousand years of development time.

The infinite energy reactor and PIM deformation technology guarantee the unlimited energy supply of the earth and the rapid development of the earth by leaps and bounds.

In this case, it is not surprising that those cosmic forces will send spies to the earth.

For these trivial things, Jordan doesn't care much, because the most cutting-edge technology on earth at this stage is in the hands of the Avengers alliance, and Tony's virtual network technology, even in the whole universe, is unique.

Matrix technology, and even later arcane technology, after coming back from Asgard this time, Tony, who absorbed Asgard magic technology, will certainly update the network of Avengers alliance again.

These are all virtual technologies created by Tony. If these can make those aliens steal secrets, Jordan dares to write his name upside down.

After hearing Natasha's words, Jordan quickly finds arilia from the backpack space.

At the end of Asgard's study, Tony immediately updated several artificial intelligence he controlled, such as Jarvis, Veronica, etc., including arilia of Jordan, who was also updated by Tony.

Other people worry about insecurity on the Internet, but Jordan doesn't.

Soon, arilia controls the floater, comes to the front of the wall, projects a blue light curtain, and scans all the information on the whole wall.

"Arilia, key words: Eternal race, alien race, alien race, mutant, superpower..."

"I need to know who is behind the fire..."

According to the U disk information given by rocky, Jordan made several guesses and let arilia directly start screening.

Compared with manual filtering, the filtering of data and information is more sharp and faster by artificial intelligence.

In just a few seconds, arilia has automatically popped up a lot of relevant photos, surveillance, videos, and even some conjecture results of simulation calculation in the house price.

"Natasha has a high degree of credibility, but there are secret data collection and weakness search. Once her relationship with her host is broken, there is a 78.42% chance that she will retaliate with high intensity."

Among the projections, the first piece of information summed up is the evaluation of Natasha.

Looking at the scene, Natasha sneered.

Jordan, on the other hand, was sweating a little on his forehead and said: "nonsense, you're an artificial mental retardation. You know what feelings are. Fake is all fake. My love with my dear Natasha is stronger than gold and deep as sea..."

As a man with a strong desire for survival, Jordan taught arilia a lesson for more than 30 minutes at the first time.

For a long time, arilia lost her voice and popped up a few messages again.

"Gizel, with high credibility and no change, has a 83.88% chance of becoming an eternal family after gene recombination!"

"Heidi, with a high degree of credibility, has no change for the time being. After the accident, great life evolution occurred, and the gene spectrum is 56.41% similar to that of the alien race."

"May Riley, whose credibility is medium or low, has a probability of more than 92.13%, is an eternal race after genetic recombination. In the Church of life, there are a large number of eternal races with semi awakening state, and the key markers are ikaris and Gilgamesh. There is insufficient information to show their origins, with a probability of more than 77.47%, which is an eternal race hidden inside the earth."

"Serena, the credibility is medium, more than 99.78% of the probability is alien, there is no sign of contact with other alien, more than three years, there is no information, the key mark is Diane huimante, more than 94.23% of the probability is extraordinary, the last clue of the disappearance of Serena!"

"Jennie fox, formerly known as Tina, has a moderate or low credibility. She has a 96.55% or more probability of being lost forever. She is mainly marked with may Riley, Icarus and Gilgamesh, but the data is insufficient..."

As Jordan said, although arilia is now a very mature AI, she will still become an AI when it comes to human feelings.

According to arilia, of Jordan's three girlfriends and three lovers, except for one Natasha who has a high degree of trust, the others are questionable.

Wait, it's not that arilia saw Natasha right in front of her, so she showed it on purpose.

In that case, I'm afraid the artificial intelligence has already been refined.

Silently looked at Natasha around, sure enough, looking at the results of arilia projection, Natasha's body, showing a very satisfied look.

Although in this calculation, Natasha is only the purest human blood in her body.

"Honey, the results have come out. Where do you think it is better for us to start the investigation?"

"All right, all right, dear, you has the final say!"

"You are wise. Let's start with the Church of life. I'm very interested in those two people who are highly suspected of eternal race!"