They didn't walk very fast, but with the influence of Jordan and others, it didn't take long for them to come to the core palace of the eternal King City.

From a distance, the huge palace is more like a mountain.

A gentle slope straight up, facing is a huge wall with a lot of magic lines and energy defense facilities. The whole wall is integrated with the mountains, and a ten meter gate is opened in the center.

Through the outermost gate of the palace, you can see snow-white fortresses like javelin, which are inlaid on the mountains. The mountains are piled up and piled up until the highest point. The whole mountain top is carved into a huge magnificent palace, and each blank wall is full of mysterious runes.

In the rear of the palace, there is a straight cliff, which is integrated with the whole sea.

It seems that this palace group is like a hedgehog like war fortress in the wilderness era.

Jordan felt great admiration for the people who designed the palace group, but he also felt a pain. After a long time of doubt, he could not help but ask: "Jennie, this palace group seems to have a very complete defense measures, but if it is used to defend the powerful universe life..."

Jordan didn't make his words too clear, otherwise he would have lost face.

When life evolves to a certain extent, not only the life level is changing, but also the strength, speed, ability and so on will become more and more extraordinary.

Even pure physical evolution like green fat hawk can jump tens of meters, even hundreds of meters.

Although the walls and defenses of the palaces seem extremely strong, they have no significance for the evolution of a certain degree of extraordinary existence.

Jennie smiles and explains, "I know what you want to say, but this is the most sacred place of the eternal race. You can try it. Here, all the supernatural powers will be checked and balanced."

Jordan raised his eyebrows slightly, and then he was ready to float into the air.

However, when Jordan just had this idea, a huge and invisible force, like a shackle, wrapped inside and outside of Jordan's body, like an incomparable chain of order, bound Jordan firmly on the ground.

However, Jordan feels that the original power of his arm and finger is becoming obscure and difficult to maintain. Even when he reaches the limit, Jordan can reach the level of three feet at most.

Of course, if we use the power of the sub heavenly Father's law, Jordan may be able to float higher, but Jordan has a hunch that even then, he can never float more than three meters.

When the magic power is removed, Jordan's feet burst out, using the purest physical force to bounce up. A huge gravity suddenly blesses Jordan, which makes him pull down after jumping two or three meters.

At the same time, gizel also tried to make a collision with his wristbands, and the powerful force of thunder ran through. However, he only flew less than 10 meters and landed on the ground, exploding a little spark and completely dispersing.

You know, this is jizel inherits the thunder power of Zeus, the most powerful God King among the Greek Protoss. At the level of jizel in the third stage, even a skyscraper can easily run through, but in this palace group of eternal King City, there is no trace left.

Wait until Jordan and gizel have finished their attempt.

Jennie just said: "this mountain range is a holy city cast by the ancestors of the eternal family, who gathered the cosmic consciousness and tore up the space from the deep space of the universe to find a huge white dwarf meteorite and seal its internal energy thoroughly."

"In the ancestral plan of the eternal race, this will be the last fortress of the whole eternal race. It is said that it is in response to the creator of the eternal race and the arrival of the group of gods again!"

White dwarf meteorite!

Jordan, gizel and may are all amazing. This kind of writing is amazing.

White dwarf meteorite is a kind of meteorite that can be born occasionally after two white dwarfs collide and explode violently. It is more rare than the Wulu metal in Asgard.

Wulu metal is just a kind of metal spewed out during the weakening period of stars, while white dwarfs are the last Crystal left after the complete annihilation of stars.

The mountain fortress in front of us looks like a group of white palaces. In fact, it's half the sun.


A fortress of this level really has the natural restraint against the extraordinary. Let alone the thunder of gizel, even if the Star Destroyer bombards the city wall, it may not be able to leave any traces.

Mad, it's so different!

Jordani make complaints about the tuckus, "the creator of the eternal family?" God group? Is it the enemy? "

Jennie shook her head, looked puzzled, and said, "in fact, I'm not particularly clear. The history of the eternal race is too long. Many living ancestors have long disappeared in the universe, and many of the history of the eternal King City has been broken."

"I only know that at the beginning of the birth of the eternal race, it is said that some groups of gods came to the earth before the endless history. Taking the ancient human as the experimental target, they carried out some experiments. Only then did the ordinary human, the eternal race and the abnormal race appear. Millions of years ago, the group of gods once came to the earth again. At that time, The Greek Protoss has become the past, the ASAR Protoss has entered the universe, and the earth has suffered a great deal. The God Group is furious, and appointed ordinary human beings to become the master of the earth. "

"According to legend, there are 1265 celestial gods in the universe. Each member of the celestial gods has the power of the father. One day, he will visit the earth again. If the development of human beings and the eternal race is different from the expectation of the celestial gods, the celestial gods will wipe out all the creatures on the earth."

"This fortress is the preparation made by the ancestors of the eternal race for the rumor of the destruction of the world!"

Either it's a legend, or it's before endless history.

Listening to Jennie's words, jordani had a feeling of huge head.

At the beginning, when Jordan was just an ordinary killer, he felt that the assassin League, CIA and other organizations were huge and dangerous.

Later, Jordan began to make preparations for the invasion and extermination of the Zetas he knew.

After a long time, Jordan was strong enough to reach the level of sub heavenly father. He was no longer afraid of alien invasion and the family planning action of exterminating hegemonism. However, hell and endless abyss appeared again.

In this case, life has been very difficult, and now there is a special group of cosmic gods.

Marvel Universe is really a very dangerous world.