The shock of the eternal palace is even stronger than that of Asgard's golden palace. The white on the walls is highly concentrated from the energy of half the sun.

The surface temperature of white dwarfs is 8000K, and the stiffness is far beyond human imagination.

But it happened that before endless time, the ancestors of the eternal race were able to build such a huge and shocking palace. If you look at it, you can imagine the power of the eternal race when it was the most powerful.

In this very shock, Jordan, Giselle and may, led by Jennie, entered the palace.

The guards of the palace are a group of people who are more powerful than those eternal people on the sea. Everyone's strength has reached the peak level of the second stage, with hundreds of people.

"Tina, my king..."

"I've met my king..."

These people, when they met Jennie, each of them saluted respectfully. It seemed that everyone was sincere, not a bit reluctant.

Even Jordan couldn't help but wonder how Jennie, who was just an ordinary person a few years ago, managed to clean up these powerful eternal people in just a few years.

You know, even the little sister HeLa of Asgard, who came out of the underworld of Heim and went to the throne of Asgard, even with orthodox blood and the support of Odin, spent endless efforts. After a real battle of "twilight of the gods", she really became the king of Asgard.

If you want to be a king, it's not just a matter of having great power.

The human heart is the most difficult thing to figure out. Thousands of people have thousands of ideas, not to mention a group of eternal people who have gone a long way in the evolution of life.

It seems that seeing the doubts of jordani and others, Jennie suddenly said: "a few years ago, I met a dying eternal people in South America. With his help, I opened the power of eternal blood hidden in the depths of gene, and came to this eternal King City..."

There is a kind of person who is born to be the name of the protagonist, just like Zhang Wuji, Duan Yu, Xu Zhu and so on.

Jennie, in a sense, is the same.

A few years ago, Jeanie had a conflict with gizel, who forced her away from New York and saved an old man named "zulas" in South America.

This old man is an eternal leader of the eternal race in the era of the Greek Protoss. At the peak, he was able to stand on an equal footing with Zeus, the God King of the Greek Protoss, and formed an alliance of the United community.

At that time, the Greek Protoss had left the earth and established a huge cosmic force in the universe.

With the departure of the Greek Protoss, human beings on earth began to treat the eternal race as the Greek Protoss, which caused a huge contradiction between the eternal race and the Greek Protoss at that time.

After that, a large-scale war broke out between Greek Protoss and eternal race.

In that war, the Greek Protoss was permanently expelled from the earth, and the eternal race was also greatly damaged. Even zulas was severely damaged by Zeus, and zulas's daughter fell into the war completely.

After the end of the war, in order to ease the relationship with the Greek Protoss, zulas gave up the position of leader of the eternal race to others. With his seriously injured body, he disappeared into the eternal race and hid in the ordinary human beings on the earth.

Endless years, let once incomparably powerful zulas, the injury worsened to the limit, life is not long.

As it happens, Jennie's appearance fills zulas with the last piece of comfort in his heart. Even zulas changed Jennie's name to Tina, and let her return to the eternal King City and inherit zulas's leadership in the past.

It is with zulas's reckless foreshadowing that Jennie can easily become the queen of the eternal family after she comes to the eternal King City. With the help of zulas's legacy, Jennie opens the eternal Palace which has been sealed up for a long time and is loved by the whole eternal family.

Listening to Jeanne's words, Jordani could not help but make complaints about it.

Odin, the old man, once canonized himself as the prince of Asgard, but Odin's goods, and zulas, whom Jennie met, are far from each other.

Madder, there is no comparison between people.

There is also a natural opponent between gizel and Jennie. Even the power of inheritance is an old opponent.

Jizel inherited the blood power of Zeus, and Jennie got the inheritance of zulas.


Among the little complicated ideas of Giordani, people soon came to the interior of the eternal palace. They didn't stop too much. They went up all the way, and in a short time, they came to the eternal palace, which is the second highest in the whole palace.

At this time, the Great Hall of eternity was already full of many visitors.

The robust and tall mieba, the queen of Atlantis, and a large number of acquaintances surprised Jordan for a moment.

However, what surprised Jordan most was that after a short period of time, Jordan actually met Ares, one of the champion gladiators, here again.

Compared with the relationship with mieba and the queen of Atlantis, the friendship between Jordan and ares is much more pure.

In a sense, between Jordan and Ares, also can be regarded as a friend of life and death.



Old friends meet again, or is worth gratifying, the first time, Jordan and Ares two people, came to a heavy hug.

"Ares, didn't you go to the airspace of the universe to look for the lost mount ospirin of the Greek Protoss? How could it be on earth? What a surprise

Jordan asked, hammering ares on the chest.

Ares's face changed a little, and said: "I have found the holy mountain of ospirin, which has become a ruin. All the gods of the past have fallen. I got a clue in the lost temple. Ares, the God of war of the past, died on Diana, her niece, whose power was brought back to the paradise island on earth, So I came to the earth! "

Ares has been looking for the power of Ares, the former Greek god of war.

This is what Jordan has known for a long time, but Jordan did not expect that ares would find the earth all the way from the space.

But that's a good thing, too. Jordan raised his eyebrows and said, "have you found any sign of Paradise Island?"

With a look of joy on his face, Ares looked at the nearby Atlantis and said, "I also want to thank the queen of Atlantis. With the help of Atlantis, I have gained the lost dignity of Ares, the former God of war, among the deep-sea relics..."