In the world of marvel, the multiverse is no secret to many strong people.

Just like Gu Yi, after he became the supreme mage, he once followed the ancient magic gods and traveled in the infinite world of the multiverse.

Different from the concept of infinite dimension and dimension, multiverse is a concept of higher dimension.

If the concept of space is a three-dimensional existence, then after adding the time axis, it will be a four-dimensional world, the parallel universe will be a five-dimensional existence, and so on.

The multiverse, at least, is a seven dimensional existence.

Human beings, even powerful to the level of heavenly Father, are just three-dimensional things living in the four-dimensional world.

For the multiverse, the whole universe where Jordan and others live is just like a grain of sand at the foot of human beings.

The power of Phoenix can directly delete a part of the multiverse. We can imagine how powerful it is.

As for the Phoenix itself, it is already at the level of ten dimensional omnipotent universe. That is to say, any universe, any plane and any time line related to marvel can not affect the power of the Phoenix.

However, Phoenix itself is an invisible, unknowable, audio-visual and perceptual existence. Only in the white hot room of the primitive universe can it condense its form, and then spread its power to the universe with the help of projection. With the help of the existence of creatures, it can derive its own consciousness.

The power of Phoenix, the power of chaos and the power of goblin are known as the three ancient powers in the universe.

Compared with these three ancient forces, infinite gems can only be regarded as the existence of younger brother level.

Infinite gems are just a kind of embodiment of the power of the laws of the universe. They are just a few stones that were accidentally born in the big bang of the universe, just like a few stones that were sent out in the process of human growth.

The three ancient forces are the law itself, which is similar to the essence of human beings.

In fact, Jordan, even the Avengers, aegis and many other people have seen one of the three ancient forces for a long time, and it is the most powerful chaotic force among the three ancient forces.

Wanda, the Scarlet Witch who once coveted Jordan's body, has the power of chaos.

It's just that Wanda's development and control of its own power are seriously insufficient, and it can't exert the power of chaos at all.

In this way, a girl like Wanda is also a kind of unpredictable existence. Once out of control, it is easy to destroy the earth, delete reality and make something out of nothing.

Whether it is the power of chaos, the power of Phoenix, or the power of goblin, itself is a kind of unsolvable thing.

However, those who have a little shallow foundation or insufficient strength do not even have the qualification to understand this kind of power. In the hall of eternal palace, only those who are like the queen of the eternal family and the tyrant can know how terrible the so-called power of the Phoenix is.

That's why when mieba said the four words "the power of the Phoenix", the whole person seemed to be a bit out of place.

After getting Jennie's affirmative answer, even the domineering people like yimieba were silent on the spot.

It took a long time for mieba to recover, saying: "the conspiracy and plan of the abnormal race must be stopped. The power of the Phoenix, especially the power of the black phoenix, must not appear in the universe."

If the power of black phoenix is controlled by evil people like honeycomb, it will be an unimaginable disaster for the whole universe.

"I agree that the Avengers and aegis can use all their forces at any time, as long as they can stop the conspiracy and plan of the abnormal race!" he said

Jordan and mieba are already the two most powerful people in the hall of eternal palace.

The power behind them is also beyond the reach of all the people present.

Seeing the solemn words of Jordan and mieba, even Alana, who hated the hell devil, didn't say anything more. Obviously, she realized the seriousness of the matter.

Until this time, Jennie just said: "since everyone has agreed, we need to discuss how to deal with the impending crisis."

"The main enemies we are facing now are the beehive and the Hydra organization under its control. They have occupied the whole forgotten city and connected with the underground city of the abnormal race. A large number of abnormal races are even enough to form a huge army. In human society, there are mutants and alien races echoing with them!"

"The most difficult thing to guard against is Mephisto from hell. We have enough information to prove that Mephisto has passed through the passage of hell and come to the world. It is even possible that Mephisto carries the will of the abyss demon in his body..."

The combination of a large number of villains is also the ultimate reason why the eternal clan has to send out signals for help to all branches.

And there are not many supporters coming to the eternal King City.

For example, Ares and others, though powerful, are relatively few in number. They may be able to deal with the strong among some enemy groups, but they can face a large number of enemies, and their role is relatively limited.

Another example is the flow of Atlantis. In the endless prehistoric era, the kingdom of Atlantis was destroyed by the invasion of hell demons and endless abyss. After its full recovery and return to the underwater world, it also suffered a devastating disaster of underwater monsters. Its fundamental impact is still the side of the dungeon.

Now to save a large number of hells, Atlantis will certainly not do her best.

Only jordani made a quick decision and said, "the Hydra side can be dealt with by the aegis. The mutants hidden in human society can also be restrained by X-Men, including the alien race, the abnormal race, and Mephisto. The Avengers alliance can also go all out, but our understanding of the abnormal race is very Limited..."

Jennie said quickly, "the abnormal race, also known as the abnormal race, is an alternative life born after a part of human gene mutation infinitely long ago. The only thing they have in common is that they have no common ground, and even there are great differences between the children and parents of the abnormal race!"

"These abnormal people hardly have any positive feelings. All positive things, such as the love between parents and children, the love between husband and wife, will not appear in these abnormal people, and they worship their Creator, the group of gods!"

"In human legends, such as trolls, ogres, sea monsters, mermaids, banshees, and even vampires and werewolves, in a strict sense, all belong to the abnormal..."