Abnormal race is a wonderful race. It doesn't have any positive feelings, and it is especially keen on mutation of race gene. In other words, the more children born in abnormal race are not like themselves, the more happy they will be.

On the contrary, those gene mutation is not obvious, will be regarded as deviant, expelled from the group.

Alexander, the ancestor of vampires and werewolves, was actually a transgressor. Because he looked too much like human beings, he was thrown out by the abnormal race when he was very young.

But even so, Alexander inherited the recessive gene of the abnormal race. In the sixth century, he was infected with the plague, which led to some gene mutations in his body. He awakened the long and long vitality of the abnormal race and called himself the undead.

It was not until Alexander's two sons, one turned into a vampire and the other into a werewolf, that the abnormal race accepted the existence of these two clans in the dark. Even the vampire elders and many werewolf leaders didn't know it. In the group of vampires and werewolves, many people had already colluded with the abnormal race.

The reason why Jennie can get a lot of information about beehives, abnormal families and so on is that Jennie has her own insiders among the abnormal families.

And this insider is Serena, a vampire who is also one of Jordan's lovers.

In fact, after Jennie gave some information about the abnormal race, Jordan thought of this possibility almost instantaneously.


Jordan's face is not very good-looking, even some sharp eyes, and more, is a deep egg pain.

At the beginning, Jordan strongly intervened in the affairs of the eternal race because he was worried about Jennie. After joining the eternal race, he held a grudge against Natasha, gizel and Heidi, and even became a dark villain, making some big moves to split the human race.

After all, this kind of thing is not uncommon in the society, especially in the marvel world after all kinds of changes, all kinds of wonderful super villains emerge in an endless stream.

When he came to the eternal King City and learned about the internal situation of the eternal family, Jordan was relieved.

At the very least, you and Jennie will not really go to the opposite.

But this breath hasn't been exhaled completely. In Jennie's mouth, she immediately gets the news of Serena, a vampire who has gone deep into the abnormal family.

It's very special. I'm tired.

In the face of Jordan's tense expression, whether it's gizel, may, or Jenny, it's obvious that they have just a bite of lemon.

However, this time is obviously not a good time to be jealous and angry. Jennie said: "yes, in fact, the abnormal race has invaded the vampires and werewolves at a very early time. But in the past, the strength of the abnormal race was not enough to compete with the eternal race or rule the whole human race, so these vampires and werewolves who took refuge in the abnormal race, There was no sign of it

"After beehives, aliens, mutants, and mephistos all joined together, the abnormal race has begun to expand and develop. Two years ago, it began to incorporate those deviant races that had been expelled by the abnormal race. The two groups of vampires and werewolves are all within the scope of the abnormal race."

"The original genes of these deviant populations, after all, are born out of the abnormal race. After joining the abnormal race, they can often get great strength improvement. In the outside world, these people are also called freaks, and they can't really integrate into the human group, so this part of the plan of the abnormal race is very smooth."

It's a natural thing.

Vampires, werewolves, mutants, sea monsters, trolls and so on, these extraordinary monsters, in fact, have never ceased to exist on earth. Many legends, unofficial histories, novels and so on in human society are not all fabricated out of thin air.

These species rely on human society to live, but because of all kinds of strange, unable to integrate into human beings.

Now, there is an ancestor of these species, and they have a great power, even a plan to rule the whole earth.

It's not surprising that these monsters will submit to and join the forces of the abnormal race.

But Jordan still didn't believe it and said, "where's Serena? I don't believe Serena will really come together with a bunch of monsters... "

Unlike other monsters, the power of Serena's blood, in Alexander's body, has made up for the genetic defects, will no longer be confused by blood fever, will not be injured by the sun, and Jordan, the human lover, has long been perfectly integrated into human society.

Other monsters may take refuge in the abnormal race, but Jordan firmly believes that Serena will never.

Jennie nodded and said, "you believe Serena! But you're right. The abnormal group did find Serena through the vampire group, but Serena only joined the abnormal group on the surface. In private, she has always had a very close contact with me. The eternal group can get so many plans and information about the abnormal group, and Serena has played a great role in it! "

To put it more bluntly, Serena is now, in fact, an undercover in the abnormal family.

In the past, Serena killed powerful enemies such as victor, Marcus, William and so on. She has a huge prestige among the vampire group. Therefore, even within the abnormal group, Serena can be regarded as a high-level party. Otherwise, Serena can't get hold of the core conspiracy plan of the abnormal group.

After hearing Jennie's explanation, Jordan's egg was very painful, but he was also worried.

Listening to Jennie's narration, we can see that the cruelty and abominability of these abnormal groups are more terrible than the most ferocious criminals in the society.

For ordinary people, Serena's strength is pretty good, which can be called extraordinary, but if it is in the abnormal race, which has been against the eternal race since ancient times, Serena's strength is not worth mentioning.

It seems that she had guessed the worry of jordani long ago. Jennie said, "don't worry about your little lover's accident. Serena and a vampire named Dracula got the blood nucleus left by the ancestor of the ancient blood clan and mastered the extremely powerful blood clan magic in the ancient blood clan, even compared with Thor, Thor and Dracula in your Avenger alliance Hulk and others are the same