Jordan and Frank are grasshoppers on the same rope. Naturally, they won't question Frank's motives. However, after Frank takes Jordan and frank out of the dungeon, such as Carol, a hot tempered steel lady, can't help breaking out.

On a remote path outside the scavenging area, Carol's light shines. He pulls frank, who is leading the way, and says, "Hey, our task is to find a way to sneak into the control area of red skull and destroy the other party's sacrifice plan, instead of hiding and crying for Dad, OK?"

In the Avengers League, Carroll is more playful than Hobbes, dyke and Clint. For a long time, he speaks sarcastic words one by one.

Frank didn't get angry when he was held by Carol, but the kind of forbearance silence in his eyes made his heart palpitate.

Seeing this scene, Jordan stood up and prepared to make a comeback, saying: "Carol, it's all his own people..."

When Carlton got angry, he was about to take a stab at Jordan.

Just at this time, Frank suddenly looked to the deep direction of the scavenging area, which was exactly the direction of the underground city. A blood red light burst out from the underground, just like the most sharp laser knife, cutting the earth and breaking the city of the sky.

The bloody light filled and enveloped almost the entire scavenging area. The periphery of Jordan and others was only less than ten meters away from the bloody light.

People can clearly see that on the street more than ten meters away, the people who were in chaos suddenly became quiet. Once they were touched by the bloody light, the whole person seemed to be engulfed with all the vitality. Even the flesh and blood were dried up into powder. When they were blown by the wind, they disappeared.


Looking at this scene, Jordan and others, with no other words to express, can only spit out such a classic Western curse.

Frank saw that the blood light didn't spread to all of them. He just sat down on the ground heavily, not only physically injured, but also under incomparable pressure in his heart.

"Some of you have been corrupted by the abnormal clan. The news you get is 24 hours behind. All the enemies in the place controlled by the red skeleton have been evacuated, leaving behind only some monsters who only know how to kill. The sacrifice of Mephisto has already been completed, the whole underground city, even the whole forgotten city, It's just a huge trap waiting for you to come... "

Frank's many words revealed a lot of news.

What makes people tremble most is the withering of the whole city of oblivion, more than millions, even tens of millions of people.

"Damn asshole..."

Tony is an arrogant Nini with a knife mouth and a bean curd heart. Although she looks like a hedgehog on the surface, it's hard to get close to her, in fact, her heart is not lack of kindness above human nature.

In the original Marvel world, the last hard shouldered nuclear bomb of the zetary invasion is the ultimate ring finger in Avengers 4.

All these can prove that Tony's inner kindness, as well as the spirit of self sacrifice.

Seeing that the life of the whole city was gone, Tony was almost in a flash of anger. He was about to start the armor and rush to the center of the sacrifice.


At the critical moment, Jordan grabbed Tony and shook his head firmly.

"F.. K, let go, it's human life, more than 10 million human lives..."

Tony struggled fiercely, but he was still held by Jordan, even using the Holy Light magic to imprison him in the same place.

Different from the typical superhero thinking mode of Tony and Benner, Jordan himself never regarded himself as a real superhero. He often participated passively in everything.

The disappearance of a city gives Jordan an unparalleled shock in his heart, but he is not as angry as Tony and can't control his emotions.

"Tony, calm down, you can't save them, and all of us can't save them!"

"Mephisto's sacrifice has been completed, and this power has been reaped for the living beings, even protected by the laws of the universe. Damn, I can't even understand what kind of power it is!"

"But I can guarantee that no matter who comes into this power now, he will die..."

Yes, the current bloody light is not really destroying the forgotten city, but just like an eraser, erasing the whole city out of thin air.

To be exact, this kind of power is similar to the materialization ability of real gems, but it has a totally different feeling.

It's so weird that it's like someone outside the whole world, even the whole universe, holding a paintbrush and eraser, using this region as a Sketchpad to depict what he wants.

That is a kind of incomparably huge, burst, at the same time incomparably contradictory will.

Just peeping through the power, Jordan can feel a kind of cold from the bottom of his heart, even more terrible than the mysterious huge eyes in the endless abyss that Jordan once saw.


Just as Jordan pulled Tony to roar, an orange portal was opened, and Gu Yi, with a soul gem inlaid in his eyebrow, came to the crowd with his clothes floating.

At the same time, a large number of blue portals have been opened under the space ring defense system.

Aegis Nick Frey, coalition military, Eternal Clan, mieba, Ares and others all received the news and gathered at the place where Jordan and others were.

"This is the power of the Phoenix, an omnipotent cosmic power from the white hot room of the ten dimensional space, which we can't resist. He is looking for a suitable host for this power!"

Master Gu Yi was more erudite. He recognized the source of this power at the first time.

However, the vast majority of the people present are not very interested in this almost incomprehensible existence, and most of them are concerned about the lives of millions of people in the forgotten city.

"Master Guyi, if you think about this kind of existence, will he really be interested in the so-called sacrifice and human life? Have the people in the city of oblivion... "

Nick Frey's responsibility and sophistication enable him to maintain a trace of calm at critical moments.

But even Nick Frey, an old man who has only profit and loss, dare not even tell the death of millions of people in the forgotten city at this moment.