Forgotten city, a city that seems to have been completely forgotten by human beings on earth, has no law, no order, no basic security, and even the first feeling after being raised is that this kind of city should not exist at all, and the people in it do not deserve to live!

But when a city, nearly ten million people will disappear in people's sight, the heavy atmosphere is still unacceptable.

You know, even the biggest catastrophe in the history of mankind on earth, the Second World War, the number of casualties was only less than 70 million.

In such a short time, one seventh of the casualties in the second world war appeared in the sight of Jordan and others.

If the only one in the crowd is untouched, then mieba is the only one.

After all, as the most iron hearted director of the universe and Family Planning Commission in history, the number of creatures killed by mieba is far more than the total population of this forgotten city. I don't know how many times.

Of course, mieba is not a fool. At this time, he will not show his indifference and disdain. But without anyone's attention, he looks at Gu Yi's soul gem on his forehead. After staring at it for a long time, he clenches his fist and feels his own strength. In the end, he doesn't choose to do it directly.

Even if there are infinite gloves and two infinite gems in hand, mieba is not sure enough to deal with Gu Yi.

The idea of exterminating hegemony is not mentioned.

At this time, Gu Yida took a compassionate look at the city of oblivion and said, "phoenix is the connection point of all beings, or the possible existence in the future. It is the creator and source of all spiritual power, but it has no entity. It can only release this power by relying on the existence of creatures."

"The life body parasitized by the power of the Phoenix must have enough particularity to accommodate the unlimited amplification of its own emotional and spiritual power by the power of the Phoenix. Otherwise, the parasitized life body can't bear this power and will lead to its own disintegration..."

The so-called sacrifice plan of Mephisto is different from that of Jordan and others.

In the understanding of Giordani and others, Mephisto's so-called sacrificial plan is to offer life, soul and other things to the evil god just like sacrificing to the evil god, and then the other party will give some edge power to the evil god.

But actually, it's not.

The power of the Phoenix itself is one of the top powers in the infinite multiverse. There is no need for the so-called bullshit sacrifice. The so-called sacrifice is just that Mephisto has mastered a way to communicate with the Phoenix, guide its power, and let it choose a suitable host.

The host that Phoenix needs, either can bear the infinite destruction emotion, or can bear the explosion of infinite emotion.

In Mephisto's plan, the so-called forgotten city is not included. Instead, he hopes that the power of Phoenix can come to hell. Whenever a demon can inherit the power of Phoenix, Mephisto can control the power of Phoenix by swallowing it.

But unfortunately, Mephisto's plan is out of the question. In the Inferno controlled by Mephisto, there is no devil who can inherit the power of Phoenix.

Without finding a suitable host, the power of Phoenix can't help spreading to the city of forgetfulness.

This forgotten city is also shrouded in the scope of Mephisto's sacrificial planning.

In fact, the scene of all things withering and dying seen by jordani and others is also that people can't bear the power of the Phoenix, the power of body disintegration and escape, destroying everything in the forgotten city.

After listening to the explanation of master Gu Yi, Jordan and others all looked sad and indignant, but they had nothing to do.

As Jordan said before, even if people rush into this shrouded area, it will not help at all. Instead of saving anyone, they will put their own lives into it.


The death of the forgotten city continues. Steve, who is already in tears, suddenly butts his shield against the wall beside him, and then says with determination: "we need to fight back!"

Everyone knows what Steve said.

Nick Frey's face twitched again and said, "Captain, the battle plan will take time..."

Frank stood up again with a cold face. His eyes were as bright as blood, and he said, "Nick Frey, don't mention your shitty battle plan any more. The alien race has eroded your interior. They are very clear about all your plans. The only thing we can do now is to kill these dogs as soon as possible!"

"There is no need to prepare, there is no bullshit plan, use all the power that can be used to cut the red skeleton, alien race, Mephisto and other enemies out of the earth, and fight head-on and cut off the grass roots."

Frank's words were rough, even without any feelings, but they were bloody and violent.

Nick Frey instinctively opened his mouth, but in the end he couldn't say a word.

With such a wave of sacrifice, Mephisto has already destroyed a city, nearly ten million people, and billions of people in the whole earth. He can't help but suffer such misfortunes several times.

While Nick Frey was still hesitating, master Gu Yi suddenly changed his face and said, "he found it!"

As soon as the voice of master Gu Yi fell, he saw that in the endless blood light of the forgotten city, a red awn spread and fell into the land opposite the forgotten city, and disappeared.

There is also a red light, actually from the empty city nothingness, straight towards the direction of Jordan and others.

Boom boom!

Carol, Jordan, Tony and others, almost at the first time, broke out an unprecedented attack, trying to break the red light in the sky.

But no matter how fierce the attack, how burst of energy, in the face of that red light, the moment will be eliminated, even to stop the other side of the slightest speed can not do.

Hongguang Tianjiang, however, is rare and does no harm to anyone, and finally falls into Natasha, who has been in a state of ignorance and watching the play.


A red flame suddenly burned on Natasha's body, but it was strange that there was no temperature at all, and even Natasha's clothes were not damaged, making her whole person suspended in the air.


Seeing this scene, Jordan's eyes suddenly split, and his body speed just like a blink rushed into the air, reaching out to pull Natasha out of the fire.