If you want to really carry the whole eternal King City, even if the strength of Jordan and Carol is enough, you need to run in the posture.

After several attempts, the whole eternal King City was like a huge ship. It was turbulent on the sea for several times, splashing huge waves, but it was never able to fly into the air.

In fact, the combat cooperation between Jordan and Carroll is quite good, but it's still difficult to achieve the same speed under the situation of one man carrying one side.

Once someone is too fast, or too hard, the whole eternal city will present a rollover situation.

If we just push the city into space, it's not a big problem, but then we have to integrate the whole eternal King City into the space ring defense system. This imbalance will definitely cause great damage to the eternal King City and the space ring.

"Well, Carol, you wait in the sky. Let's change the position of you up and down!"


Mulder, I suspect that you bastard are driving and taking advantage of me. There's a lot of evidence.

As a bad ass make up with Hobbes and Deckard, Carol always wants to make complaints about Jordani's indifferent attitude.

However, the enemy, time is pressing, Carroll eventually chose to secretly endure, stare at Jordan one eye, from the bottom of the sea out of the air, came to the sky.

Then, Jordan in the sea, quickly came to the point of the eternal King City, right in the middle, his hands pushed to the bottom of the eternal King City, the power of holy light, with Jordan's hands as the core, spread in all directions.

It's like a holy and bright flower that slowly envelops the whole eternal city.

After the power of the holy light spread from the bottom, it closed slowly and formed a real energy like a rope in the sky.

Carol instantly understood what Jordani meant, and he could not make complaints about what he was doing in Tucao. He stretched out his hand to hold the bright rope and lived in full swing.

At the same time, Jordan at the bottom of the city, behind him, 12 pairs of holy light wings spread out in an instant, and each fan will inevitably roll the endless undercurrent, shaking the sea water under the eternal city out of the terrible undercurrent.


Under the joint efforts of Jordan and Carol, the whole eternal city was shocked in a short time, but it pulled out a water column of tens of meters high, and finally broke away from the adsorption of the sea and stayed in the mid air.

At the same time, a large amount of sea water absorbed in the city of eternity, like a ten thousand ton ship, fell into the ocean and rolled up huge waves.

"They really made it!"

After Jordan and Carol brought the eternal city into the sky, Vic of Atlantis stood beside Atlantis on the sea. His face was shocked and exclaimed.

"Yes, they did..."

As the queen of the kingdom of Atlantis, Atlantis thought more than Vic, and her expression was more complicated.

However, at this time, Tony and Carol did not notice the expression of Atlantis. After pushing the whole eternal city into the sky, they soon contacted Tony and others.

"Tony, what's the status of the cleanup on the space ring defense system?"

"Well, it's easier than I thought. Boom, Shetter, Clint, look at the enemy clearly. Your little bitches almost hit me!"

"Tony, you are really cheap..."

Among the earphones, there was a faint roar, as well as some jokes from Tony and others.

It shows that the pressure of Tony and others is not too great, while Jordan and Carol have stabilized their speed and pushed the whole Eternal City forward slowly towards outer space.

In less than two hours, Tony's voice came again from the earphone.

"Joe, the battle on the side of the space ring is over. Where are you now? Oh, sheter, you've really carried the whole city to the space, eh..."

"I have captured your position and will send stabilizers and aircraft to assist you..."

With Tony's voice, in the flight route of Jordan and Carol, soon a light blue portal was opened, and a large number of boosters, stabilizers and flying equipment broke out of the portal, just like butterflies, under the control of Jarvis, they fell into the eternal city.

With the sound of mechanical clasps, a large number of boosters and stabilizers will stabilize the eternal city. The pressure on Jordan and Carol is also relieved.

At the same time, in the sky, a large number of aircrafts lead the way forward, and even launch the traction function with those boosters. The flight route of the eternal city is planned in a very short time.

With Tony's help, Jordan and Carol don't have to fly around with their heads covered, just follow the direction of the aircraft's traction.

After a full four hours of flight, the whole city of eternity has completely broken away from the gravity of the whole earth and came into space, and its flight speed suddenly soared.

In a short time, under the promotion of Tony and Carol, the whole eternal city has come to the first core area of the space ring defense system.

Compared with the whole space ring around the earth, the whole eternal city is no longer so huge.

At this time, the first space ring, under the control of Tony and Jarvis, was pulled by the second and third space rings, temporarily disconnected and operated by itself, splitting into a huge gap.

"Check rotation speed..."

"Traction angle is being calculated..."

At this time, the whole eternal city, in fact, doesn't need to be pushed by Jordan and Carol. The buoyancy in space is great. With a large number of boosters and stabilizers, and the traction above the space ring, the whole eternal city begins to steadily embed into the space ring defense system at a slow and stable speed.

At the same time, a large number of mechanical tools began to operate in the foundation of the eternal city, completely connecting and integrating the whole eternal city with the space ring defense system.

If it is a perfect fusion, it will take a long time to polish it.

However, if it is only a preliminary integration, the speed of penetration is extremely fast. A large number of steel, lines and so on are penetrated and connected together.

In a short time, the eternal palace, as a huge energy source, began to carry out energy conversion and thoroughly integrated into the whole space ring energy system.

Even the seal of the Argo motorcycle, after losing the gem of space and time, became bright again, inspired the shield and enveloped the whole earth again.