At the beginning, the space ring defense system was just a pure super defense war fortress, in order to guard against enemies from outside the earth and quickly break into the interior of the earth, causing too much damage to the earth in the war.

But with the development of time, with the more and more close combination of the supreme sanctuary and human beings on earth, the space ring defense system is highly integrated with the seal of Argo motorcycle, and now it has become an indispensable part of the rapid development of the earth.

However, as a result, the demand for energy and energy of the whole space environment defense system has doubled. For example, the infinite energy reactor developed by Tony at first can no longer support the operation of the whole earth defense system.

Only when there are space gems and time gems that can provide unlimited energy, can the whole earth defense system be truly fearless of all external enemies.

Now, when the earth is facing disaster, namiba is turning back on the water temporarily, taking away the gems of space and time, and setting up the whole earth's defense system again.

The eternal palace in the eternal city is not disappointing.

The eternal family has accumulated a lot of super information over the years. It is unknown how many white dwarf meteorites have been collected in the universe and piled up together to create the eternal palace. Its energy level is as deep as infinite gemstones.

What's more, even with space gems and time gems, human beings on earth could not really use the real power of the two infinite gems, and could only use them as passive energy sources.

But the eternal palace is different. It is the super heritage of the eternal family. Naturally, it has a way to use the energy of the eternal palace and integrate it into the whole space ring defense system. It may not be as long as infinite gems, but if it is an instant explosion, it is sharper than unlimited gems.

When the whole defense system was supported again, Jordan and others were greatly relieved.

Subsequently, the whole defense system was launched, and the accompanying interstellar network and detection system were also launched in the mighty. Then, a sharp alarm was heard in the whole space ring, and even in all the important organizations of the coalition government.

"It's mieba's legion. The other party's action is very fast. In three hours at most, it will enter the solar system. We need to make a decision in the shortest time!"

Tony is a master of information technology. When people in the coalition government were still in chaos, Tony had sorted out the intelligence and information from the detection system.

With Tony's voice, Jordan and others, who have just relaxed, are nervous again.

Steve was the first to say: "can we detect the number, equipment and commanders of enemy legions..."

Tony's face was not very good-looking, and said: "it's the dark elves army and the vanguard army. This should be the ebony throated army that mieba's men conquered the dark elves in the space. But we can't see who is directing the battle with our detection technology!"

Just when Tony looked very ugly, a portal opened, and Nick Frey, with the same black face, walked up to the crowd and said, "no, this time, it's the invasion of the exterminators. We've got some information about ham in the Kerry empire. In addition to the vanguard army and the dark elves army on the surface, the Zetas The red king army of Casa has been assembled in the galaxy, and can be inserted into the battlefield of the solar system in a very short time! "

It's not just going all out. Under mieba's command, there are only two legions, the vanguard Legion and the zitari Legion. Now, there are another army of the dark elves and the red king.

This kind of power equipment, even if it is to fight a long-term interstellar war with the three great empires in the universe, is completely enough.

Nick Frey, Tony, Steve, Carroll and others are constantly discussing how to deal with the war, but at this time, Jordan is constantly turning in his mind, always feeling that something is missing.

And Jordan's performance is similar to that of the mages from the supreme sanctuary, such as Stephen, calicias, modu, etc.

These people also do not adapt to this kind of war considerations, but as the earth's defenders, they are all waiting for the earth's defensive counterattack.

"Joe, I remember that you have always been brilliant, handsome and resourceful. Don't you have any suggestions for the arrival of the army of exterminators?"

Wang is also in the mage team. He has a good relationship with Jordan. He scowls at Jordan and makes fun of him in a low voice.

Jordan's egg hurts. If it's normal, he will accept all the praise, and even blow for three days and three nights. But now, let's forget about the real war deployment.

It's so different from this kind of real war deployment. I'm just a salted fish killer.

He took out two cigars and handed them to Wang Yi.

"Go out and have a good time together," said Jordan

Wang sniffed the cigar expertly. His face showed some emotion and said: "it's not very good. Everyone is so anxious to find a way. Ah, if the teacher is here, it would be better. With the teacher's ability..."

Wang some garrulous said, Jordan whole person, at this time is suddenly like being struck by thunder.

I finally found something wrong.

Since jordani and others solved red skull and Mephisto in Asgard, guru Yi disappeared.

In an instant, Jordan grabbed Wang's arm and said, "Wang, where is master Guyi now?"

It is reasonable to say that in the face of such a severe form of war on earth, master Gu Yi should have appeared long ago, and even the hermit big brother Odin should show his face.

"Tony, can you get in touch with sol and rocky?"

A series of questions flashed in Jordan's mind, followed by a sense of extreme uneasiness. Jordan directly interrupted the discussion of Nick Frey, Steve, Tony and others, shouting.

In an instant, all the people present were stunned.

Before long, Tony's face changed slightly and said, "I can't get in touch. The signals from Saul and rocky are not on the earth!"

"Jarvis, project a real-time satellite map of Norway's North Sea region right now!" he said


With Jordan's voice falling, a scene of smoke and debris appears in everyone's eyes.

The entire North Sea of Norway, more than tens of kilometers of no man's land, has almost all been broken open and submerged by the sea.