There is a silver light in the sky, which is very fast, but it does not cause the slightest change in the surrounding environment, there is no sound roaring, there is no air waves rolling, it is like that the silver light in the sky, into the air, has become a part of the air.

This is a very abnormal picture, giving people a strong sense of separation.

You know, even Carroll, after the speed reaches the limit, can reach the speed of light for star travel, but also can't be separated from the impact of flying on the surrounding environment, because the role of force is mutual, as long as the object, flying in the air, will inevitably produce force friction.

However, the figure on the silver skateboard appeared directly in the abandoned factory, but the Avengers didn't feel any energy reaction.

"Shette, the enemy is here!"

In the Avengers alliance, people are chatting with each other on the communication channel. Clint, who is known as eagle eye, finally discovers the arrival of the silver figure when he subconsciously observes the surrounding environment.

Whoosh, whoosh!

And at the moment of discovering the silver figure, Clint had shot three arrows in succession, with extremely fast speed, towards the key of the silver figure in midair.

However, when the three arrows were about to hit each other, the silver figure stood up the skateboard at his feet strangely. The three arrows were as if they were in a deep pool, and even a splash could not be splashed and disappeared without a trace.

At this time, the Avengers alliance also found the silver glider.


As one of the three mangs of the Avengers alliance, sol broke out a thunderbolt after Clint's defeat, smashing his meow hammer at the silver glider.

However, the shock is that the silver glider in the middle of the air, even a trace of energy leakage, a hand, then out of thin air to fly to the side of the meow meow hammer, together with sol, was also hit to fly, hit a piece of steel shelf, in a mess.

"Hell, what kind of ability is this? Why can't we detect a little bit of energy fluctuation?"

"No matter what ability he has, capture the other party first and say it!"

The deformation of the steel around Tony made the whole person scream, and after sol was beaten away, Carol rushed to the direction of the silver glider.

The intense energy light forms a kind of light on Carroll. With extremely fast speed, it directly hits the silver glider, bumps it into a steel shelf, causing a series of collapses.

But then, the collapse of the steel ruins all over the sky, and quickly floated, even Carroll, the whole person, floating in the middle of the air.

At the same time, the silver glider slowly floated from the ruins of smoke and dust, there was no energy fluctuation around him, and his pure silver face frowned tightly.

At this time, Tony, Steve, Natasha and others all appeared around the silver glider. They had a strong tendency to start immediately.

"Search the current planet information!"

After being surrounded by the crowd, the silver glider said, "Ping, sister, do you want to clean up because you are big?"

"That's right, our captain and the United States have been raising their hips..."


In the Avengers alliance, a group of cold guys yelled out directly. After half a year of cultivation, these guys not only had a strong sense of war, but also had a sense of flying because of their great progress.