Carroll, sol, Hobbes, Pietro and other guys are very arrogant one by one, especially Carroll and sol, because they suffered a small loss, the strong gas engine formed a strong light and lightning, flashing in the mid air.

The battle with the exterminator army has added a lot of confidence to these guys. After all, the exterminator force is one of the top forces in the universe.

Even the army of exterminating hegemonism is on the earth. After half a year's cultivation, the Avengers alliance is stronger than ever. Of course, they are not afraid of anyone and power.

Of course, this is just the idea of one of the Avengers.

At this time, Jordan, looking at the calm and calm Silver Shadow man like a sculpture, the whole person has a very painful feeling.

Star eater, one of the top big guys, is more ferocious than Domaine to some extent.

For dimensional demons like domam, there are still ways for the earth to resist. After all, domam's power will be greatly reduced after leaving the dark dimension, and he has a lot of experience in dealing with dimensional demons in the supreme sanctuary.

But the planet devourer is different. He is a top man who is active in the galaxy all the year round. He can break out at any time and even be a stronger one. Even the seal of the Argo motorcycle may not play too much role in the planet devourer.

Jordan just wanted to say something.

At this time, between Jordan and the Silver Shadow Man, a dark light spot suddenly appeared, and then quickly expanded to the size of a basketball, followed by a strong light burst, Jordan and the Silver Shadow man had not reacted, they had been directly blown away by the light.

Until then, in the light, dark green shadows rolled out.

These dark green figures are roughly humanoid, but they don't have a hair. They are covered with a kind of wet and tough skin. Behind them are a pair of demon bat wings. There are three eyes on their forehead. Under their chin are tentacles. On their claws and soles, they all carry webbed wings from the West.

In the presence of these monsters, the Silver Shadow Man is extremely fast and efficient. Even in this fierce battle, there is no emotion in his voice.

At this time, the Avengers alliance did not care about the contradiction with the Silver Shadow Man, and soon formed a circle of encirclement. They used their own means to limit the endless stream of alien space creatures to a certain range.

However, this kind of fighting is very disadvantageous to the Avengers alliance.

The strength of these alien space biochemical people is not very strong, but after each biochemical person's death, they will quickly turn into blood, and fuse with the dark light of the core, forming a kind of bacteria blanket, which is growing and spreading slowly.

Not long ago, in the depths of the fungus blanket, a huge Pillar had grown, like a strange living creature, covered with evil eyes.

At the moment when those eyes opened, the rainbow rays all over the sky flew out, forming a huge fire gathering force, directly hitting Hobbes, Tony, hawk and other people to fly away, opening a gap in the encirclement.

With the rapid spread of the bacteria blanket, even if it is burned by Natasha, Heidi and others, as long as the flesh and blood of the biochemical people are scattered, it will grow fast again, and with the death of more and more biochemical people, there has been a battle of this level on the bacteria blanket. For the Avengers alliance, the intensity is not much, even 10000 One hundred thousand alien creatures can't do any harm to the Avengers.

But this continuous stream of biochemical people and the growing bacteria blanket is the most disgusting battle of the Avengers alliance.

These things are bigger than those hell demons who attacked the earth at the beginning.

"Only the queen of Zerg can sense the Zerg heraldry, and these Zerg in the alien space can nurture and evolve the queen of Zerg only after they have collected enough geocentric energy!"

"In terms of the magnitude and potential of this planet, when the whole planet is fully eroded by a quarter, it will be able to reach the scale level of cultivating the queen of Zerg. At that time, this planet will become the base and springboard of the galaxy with abundant alien space. Once it spreads, it will become the biggest lethal pathogen in the whole universe!"

"My master, the great planet devourer, is to clean up the existence of similar planets..."

The Silver Shadow man does not have any wisdom and speaks in an orderly way, but the meaning of his words is to let the planet devour the whole earth, so as to solve the crisis of the spread of alien space Zerg.