It's really very, very helpless to meet Saul, who is so reckless. From time to time, he comes up with some ideas of arrogance, glory and male chauvinism. When something happens, people are unprepared and can't laugh or cry.

This time is no exception. The Silver Shadow man just slowed down his speech by one minute, and sol did a stupid thing.

Fortunately, after the debris of the Zerg's coat of arms is destroyed, not only the Zerg in the alien space can't receive the information ripple, but even the planet devourer in the universe will lose the sense of the Zerg's coat of arms.

Although the Silver Shadow man looks paralyzed and indifferent, he is still very kind and has a sense of justice. He promised all the Avengers that he would go to the universe and stabilize the planet devourer temporarily.

After the fragments of the Zerg's coat of arms gather again, the Avengers alliance can contact the Silver Shadow Man, and the other party will personally come to the earth to take away the fragments of the Zerg's coat of arms completely.

Without the constraints of the Zerg badge, the ruins of factories around New York will no longer be a big problem. With the passage of time, the door of different time and space in the void will soon be made up by the power of the void.

Without the threat from the alien space Zerg, the Avengers alliance soon returned to the normal pace of life.

At this time, New York, and even the whole earth, have gradually adapted to the changes from the new power center system. The former large consortia, dirty politicians, gang members, etc. have gradually disappeared under the suppression of the extraordinary strong under the new system. Even in places like hell kitchen, public security has become stable.

In a sense, it is also a necessity of historical development.

The information of the universe and interstellar constantly appears on the earth, and the former thermal weapons have become no longer dominant. In this era of great power belonging to itself, power itself has the control over power.

For example, in the invasion war of the anti hegemonic army announced by the new coalition government, people can clearly see that the Artillery Corps under the anti hegemonic army have the ability to ignore the basic gunpowder weapons.

Even the qitarui people, such as the vanguard guards, even the large caliber machine guns, need a high degree of fire concentration to kill them. With the speed and strength of the vanguard guards, they have been able to rush into the front of the army and directly fight close to each other to form a great lethality.

In that war, the ordinary army on the earth was as weak, pitiful and shivering as the schoolchildren who were abused by the strong basketball man more than two meters high.

Among the whole military, only some special elite, such as the giant army, the venom army and the space tank army, could barely collide with the cannon fodder army under mieba.

On the contrary, the superheroes who spontaneously went to the battlefield have made great achievements in all areas of the battlefield.

In this way, with the promotion of the new social promotion order, the originally excluded and suppressed forces, such as the magic academy and various trade unions, are growing up quietly.

Technology and civilization have not declined in this progress.

After all, people like superheroes and extraordinary people only account for a very small part of the total population of the earth. What's more, even if they become extraordinary people, no one will like the primitive and chaotic world.

New forces, new order, everything is changing in a way that is not so chaotic, but extremely fierce.

The most obvious thing is that chivalry, witch culture and magic civilization, which once disappeared on the earth, began to revive and become popular culture.

Hollywood's various retro knights, mysterious witches, fantasy world and other blockbusters are on sale.

New mysterious shops, gene companies, Knight's training ground, witches' monasteries, alchemy laboratories, etc. are springing up in people's eyes in modern commercial ways.

There has never been a lack of mysterious and extraordinary people on earth. What people lack is the awareness and exploration of these mysterious and extraordinary cultures.

Central Park building, top floor.

Looking down through the huge French windows, Jordan began to see more strange people wearing armor and cloaks in the bustling streets.

Whether or not they are truly extraordinary, people have begun to pursue the power itself.

Jordan can't say whether it's good or bad. He even feels that he can't recognize the reality of the world and the future direction of the earth.

"Mei Riley, I swear, if you move my lipstick again, I will throw you down from the top of Central Mansion, and you have to recognize a reality, your age is no longer suitable for pink department, respect yourself, OK?"

"Well! Heidi Shaw, you occupied my closet first, and you don't have to envy me that I can return to my youth. When you become an old woman of more than 100 years old, you can come and ask me. Maybe I will be merciful and give you a lost gift of life.... "

Just as Jordan was lamenting for the fate of mankind and melancholy for the future of the earth, from the two opposite bedrooms behind him came the fierce quarrel between Heidi and may.

Like turning on a switch, jizel, Selena and Jennie were soon involved in the quarrel.

In an instant, Jordan looked out of the window, the world change of that kind of pull away feeling, like the mirror hit by the awl, rare and incomparable.

What special human destiny, what special earth future.

This kind of daily quarrel, even the occasional hand, is too real.

It's impossible to avoid it. Ever since Tony, Steve and others jointly drove him out of the avenger base, Jordan knew that he had to face the reality anyway.

Jordan dares to swear that he never thought about opening a harem or something.

Even if it's a break-up, Jordan is prepared.

But now the situation is that none of Natasha, Giselle, Heidi, Jennie, may, Serena will agree with the other.

Emotion is not important any more. Slag man is not fit to talk about emotion at all.

The important thing is that whoever goes out first loses.

For six girls, now, Jordan is at best a tool man. Maybe only enough time can he really get along well with his family.

Of course, in this process, Jordan must guarantee that Wanda will not come back to his home to carry out some mysterious plans, such as stirring up dissension, diverting trouble from the East and killing people with a knife.

For example, this time Heidi's pink lipstick and Mei's wardrobe occupy events, which will inevitably be the shadow of Wanda.

This sister is white heart ache, is really can't see oneself this elder brother a little bit good.

Just at the time when Jordan's heart was very sad, a soft body stuck on his back, a wine red charming head, came from under his arm to Jordan's arms.

"Are you not going to persuade me? Or just get Wanda out of the house! "

"Natasha, you know, Wanda belongs to old maxiff..."

"Stop, in that case, you've said it 10000 times. I don't want to hear about it today. Why don't I do something fun?"

"No, it's just after noon, in broad daylight..."

"Honey, I'm going on a mission tomorrow. It will take at least ten days for Trask industries to lurk. You don't want me to give you a hat of forgiveness color, do you?"
