Tesla industries, in the power system of the earth, is a huge financial group. Although it can't compete with stark group, it can almost compete with Norman Osborne group.

Moreover, like Norman Osborne, the founder of teslak, Bolivar teslak, is a top scientific leader in biological science and genetic science.

Different from Osborne group, Tesla industries is not very interested in the so-called super soldier serum, genetic medicine and so on. Instead, it focuses more on the research of human gene itself, and is better at simulating human beings to create some humanoid robots, anthropomorphic mechanical tools and so on.

Even Tony's stark industries often order all kinds of mechanical arms from Tesla industries.

What's more surprising is that since all kinds of troubles such as superheroes, mutants and aliens came to the earth one after another, the industry of Tesla has not declined, but has stepped into a new level, climbing up the relationship with the military. For a long time, it has been conducting secret X gene research.

A few months ago, since Nick Frey promoted the transformation of social order within human beings, the superheroes and mutants who are gradually in power have begun to crack down on those forces who illegally study the extraordinary power on a global scale. Even the Osborne group has been suppressed for a long time because of the use of super criminals for living research.

However, the Tesla group still has no change. Until now, it has appeared in the public, and even replaced stark industries and Osborne group to become one of the top star industrial groups on the earth.

All this is naturally due to its founder, Bolivar.

It has to be said that as a dwarf who can be included in the ranks of the disabled, Bolivar teslak can be regarded as a model of hard struggle, worthy of learning by tens of billions of people around the world.

It is different from the super consortia inherited from Tony, Norman and other families.

Bolivar's birth is not very good, but his small body contains an enviable intelligent brain, which shows surprising wisdom at a very early age.

During his college years, Bolivar had conquered dozens of problems in human genetics, promoted the emergence of more than 70 kinds of specific drugs, and obtained the first pot of gold.

When he entered the society, Bolivar soon established the Tesla group with his first pot of gold.

With his skillful commercial means and political skills, Bolivar was able to walk in the center of power in the era of superpower, coalition government and new coalition government, and gained a lot of wealth and political capital. At the same time, Bolivar's disabled appearance was well hidden, and many risks were avoided.

Until now, Nick Frey has chosen to work with Bolivar to develop a gene recognizer against the skurus.

Due to the extremely powerful camouflage and latent means of the scurus, the Avengers alliance has just unanimously passed the investigation on the sneak in of the teslak industry.

This kind of sneaking investigation has not been certified by the aegis, just to ensure that the birth of the gene recognizer will not be controlled and used by the skurus.

With Natasha's popularity all over the world, this kind of spy work can no longer be carried out by Natasha.

But unfortunately, in the Avengers League, in addition to Natasha, there is no other suitable person.

Heidi can also do espionage work in a sense, but what he has mastered more is the assault fighting skills of MI6, which is not professional enough.

Clint and dyke are barely half spies, but their personalities are not suitable.

Fortunately, Natasha has got half of the power of the Phoenix. After a long time of development, she has dug out many abilities of the power of the Phoenix. It's not difficult to confuse and influence ordinary people's senses.

Even if it is a good strength of the extraordinary ability, a inattentive will also be on Natasha's way.

This ability can't change Natasha's appearance, but it can make people have a very high degree of kindness to Natasha, which is hundreds of times easier to die for.

Although she has not carried out this kind of sneak investigation work for a long time, Natasha has not forgotten her almost innate skill.

In just less than a week, Natasha entered the Tesla industry, and was promoted from an ordinary office clerk to the personal assistant of the chairman of Tesla.

Chairman of Tesla, that is, the talented dwarf in his 60s, Bolivar.

Unlike Tony, a playboy like a shopkeeper, or Norman, a dictator who holds everything in his hands, Bolivar is more like a real modern manager, equipped with more than ten staff and assistants.

But even at this stage, Natasha found that in the Tesla industry, it is still impossible to touch the key to the gene reactor.

In the Tesla industry, gene reactors are actually very mature and popular.

If it wasn't for Nick Frey, who is still negotiating with the skulu empire in the outer solar system and doesn't give enough authorization to Tesla industries, Tesla industries will even be able to directly launch gene reactors on a large scale around the world in a very short period of time.

According to common sense, this kind of thing that has been popularized, even in ordinary companies, should also have a mature industrial chain in people's sight.

But in Tesla industries, all the gene reactors come from a secret base.

All the production materials, production processes, and even the production workers are not visible in the whole Tesla industry.

Natasha can use the power of Phoenix to directly promote Bolivar's kindness to herself.

But in this critical period when the new coalition government is just in power, there are too many people watching Bolivar, the chairman of the newly rising star enterprise. Natasha can't promote all people's kindness. That's unrealistic.

Fortunately, as an old spy, Natasha has found out the location of the secret industrial base of Tesla in this week.

On the 10th day of entering Tesla industries, Natasha changed into the sneaking leather suit she hadn't worn for a long time and prepared to sneak directly into the secret base of Tesla industries to obtain a wave of intelligence.

Natasha is very confident, because this kind of thing, Natasha is very good at.

Sneak in, look for information, get information, and then easily slip out, at most in this process, only a few people are dizzy.

The only trouble is that I seem to be a little plump recently. The sneaking leather coat is a little tight. Some positions even need to be greased before I can get in.

It's time for a wave of weight-loss plans to start when the task is over.