The secret base of Tesla industries is not hard to find, just under a supermarket not far from the building.

For Natasha, the gate in the supermarket is almost nonexistent, so it's very smooth. After avoiding two not very strict patrol guards, Natasha comes to a hidden elevator on the third floor underground.

This is Natasha's only difficulty in sneaking into Tesla's industrial secret base.

This is the only way to the secret industrial base of Tesla. There must be sufficient monitoring conditions inside. Let alone sneak in without monitoring. Even if you just start the elevator, you may be noticed by people in the secret industrial base.

This is also a rare situation that Natasha encountered in countless diving missions.

Natasha is better at communicating with people, using routine, and then mixing with them to get what she wants. However, the staff in this teslak industrial secret base are the least.

During her ten days at Tesla industries, Natasha didn't even meet the staff of any secret base.

This kind of work, should let Heidi that small wave hoof come, this is the work of the commando.

I make complaints about it. Natasha did not give up his immediate task. Instead, he placed several small instruments near the three floor of the underground base near the secret base.

In a short time, in the middle of the three underground floors, bursts of fire alarms sounded.

It is also one of the means that spies often use to sneak into the mission.

Sure enough, after the fire alarm sounded, it soon attracted the attention of the underground secret base. Soon, the supermarket security personnel arrived.

However, Natasha's layout is very clever, the security personnel did not notice anything unusual.

The only thing that makes Natasha a a little impatient is that even if there is a fire at her home, the staff in the secret base still don't have any intention of coming to check.

But Natasha was very patient. After three successive fire alarms, the elevator, which had been quiet, finally opened slowly.

Out of the elevator came Bolivar, who was only one meter high.

On his side, however, were not the staff of any secret base, but two robots about two and a half meters high covered with silver snake scales.

The two robots are sealed and slender, but they have a sense of power. On their faces, there are only two protected light spots, which look like Asgard's destroyer armor.

This made Natasha more confused.

One fire alarm after another is very suspicious, but normally speaking, Bolivar should not come out to check directly. After all, as a big boss, he doesn't even have a horse!

Natasha's doubts didn't last long. After Bolivar took the two robots away, Natasha quickly walked out of the mirror space, flashed into the elevator, and then activated the disposable mirror space instrument again, waiting for Bolivar's return in the elevator.

Tony's arcane technology is developing very fast. Now he has been able to transform the magic of many holy places, and has developed many disposable arcane tools.

Natasha's favorite is this kind of disposable image space, which is a good tool for hiding, hiding, escaping and attacking.

The only pity is that this kind of arcane technology is still in the initial stage of development. Similar arcane tools can be developed, but the cost is extremely expensive. Even within the Avengers alliance, there is not enough supply.

If this kind of arcane tool can be supplied in large quantities and at a low price, Natasha even feels that the earth can start to consider the reverse spy input to the skulu empire.

Just as Natasha was daydreaming, Bolivar quickly returned to the elevator with two robots.

Di Di Di!

As soon as the two robots returned to the elevator, the bright yellow eyes of the two robots quickly turned to light red and issued a very slight alarm.

Even in the mirror space, there is still a need for energy supply. The special residual energy attracted the attention of the two robots.

Fortunately, even in the magic of the supreme sanctuary, mirror space is a relatively profound magic. Even if the two robots detect the residual energy, they can't find any clues.

After hearing the alarm, Bolivar scanned the elevator for a long time and took out at least ten kinds of special instruments to scan, but he still couldn't find anything suspicious.

"Is there something wrong with the x-energy reaction device? There's no reason... "

Along with Bolivar's slightly puzzled murmur, soon, the elevator went down, after a distance of more than tens of meters, it slowly stopped.

The elevator door opened quickly, and Natasha saw a huge underground space as bright as day.

Neat and clean underground factories are as spectacular as rows of fields. Countless parts are assembled into complete robots under automatic processes.

In the whole underground space, there is not even an employee. Even if some key parts are needed occasionally, the robot is also operating.

There must be a big secret in this secret base of Tesla industries.

This is Natasha's first reaction.

Otherwise, no matter how large and confidential the factory is, there should be at least human employees to control it, unless these robots of Bolivar have the same level of intelligence as Jarvis.

Artificial intelligence, robot!

Two related words, in Natasha's mind flash away, immediately let Natasha ring out a not very good memory, and related to it, is a war between human and intelligent robot.

It can't be aochuang!

It's impossible. In the socovian war, Austria has been completely eliminated. Natasha was personally involved in the battlefield cleaning and statistics at that time.

At that time, every robot, semi robot, and even any electronic and mechanical products in the whole city were completely destroyed by the human army.

Even after the ruins, socovia was blocked by the army for several months.

But there is not even a human employee in this level of secret base. Did Bolivar invent an artificial intelligence system himself?

No, if there is a new AI on the Internet, Jarvis should be able to discover it.

You know, since the war with aochuang, human beings have been on great alert for the existence of intelligent machines and life. Any in-depth research on artificial intelligence must be strictly recorded.

Except for Jarvis, which was invented by Tony, all strong artificial intelligence is not allowed to exist. Along with Friday, Veronica and arilia, which were invented for Tony, they are also subject to extremely strict restrictions.

Weak artificial intelligence can never completely replace human beings.