People in the Avengers alliance admire and hate Nick Frey, the big spy leader. They admire him for giving up his life and death for the sake of the overall situation of mankind and making efforts again and again. But they also hate him for making contributions to the earth and leaving behind all kinds of tails and future troubles.

From the serpentine shield army incident, to the holy city incident, and then to the skulu Secret Invasion incident.

Although many of these things have been accumulated on the earth for a long time, in any case, these things are exploded in the hands of Nick Frey.

For example, the future war crisis faced by the Avengers alliance and all mankind today is rooted in the fact that Nick Frey, a bastard, took in the aliens exiled to the earth by the skulu empire.

A few decades ago, those scurro exiles had no foundation and could only rely on Nick Frey.

But a few decades later, those sculu people had already contacted the sculu Empire and formed a situation of Secret Invasion of the whole earth. Even Bolivar got the sculu people's deformation gene before he was able to produce active metals and intelligent life.

It's the stupidest thing to investigate the fault now. People can only unite to make up for the fault.

Nick Frey is not good at fighting, but if he only controls the situation, controls the situation and plots, he is a good hand.

More than 80% of the mess that had been put on the Avengers alliance was soon taken over by Nick Frey.

Nick Frey analyzes intelligence and makes plans on the space ring, and seifer uses his huge influence on earth to carry out operations and promote development.

On the other hand, after getting enough material and data, Tony and Dr. Benner immersed themselves in the laboratory for three days. The first emotion detection and connector successfully appeared in human history.

It just looks like an upgraded version of lie detector, but in fact, the difference between the two is even more distant than the gap between heaven and earth.

Lie detector, is just the use of ECG, blood circulation and other medical knowledge, for people in the process of speaking, emotion caused by physical reaction of conventional judgment.

The emotional detection and connector can directly capture the emotional energy and reflect people's subconscious reactions such as happiness, anger, sadness and happiness in the most intuitive form and data.

What's more, it can be directly put into people's emotions, allowing one person to experience the most intuitive emotions of another person.

Telepathy in disguise and spiritual connection!

When Professor X saw this, he even felt frustrated and unemployed as the master of spiritual ability.

"Falk, if this thing becomes popular, what secrets do people have? Damn Tony, how can you invent this kind of abnormal thing?"

"Indeed, if this thing is popularized, can a good man be found in the human world?"

After the appearance of this thing, the Avengers alliance all know, immediately set off a shock.

Even Tony and Dr. Benner, after hearing all kinds of opinions, had a dignified manner.

As everyone said, everyone has his own secret in his heart. Once this kind of thing is popularized, it will even subvert the whole human order. No matter good or bad, when everyone has no privacy, no one knows how chaotic the world will be.

"First, it's used to help Joe and connect him with the real gem. After Joe recovers, we'll discuss whether this thing should be sealed up."

In the end, it was Steve who spoke and made the decision.

All the research data have been completely sealed, Tony and others, soon with this only emotional detection and connector, came to Jordan's medical cabin.

Carefully inlaid the real gem on the instrument, controlled by the manipulator, the whole instrument soon covered Jordan's forehead.

And just as the instrument was covering Jordan's forehead, a rose red gem suddenly appeared in Jordan's broken divine space.

It was almost the first time that Jordan noticed the change.

This is Jordan's divine world. Originally, everything should exist in nothingness, which requires Jordan to explore and master little by little with enough thinking and mental will.

Even when Jordan is intact, it will take countless years to accumulate and explore to completely master the inner world of Godhead.

But now, the gem of reality, which is already in the transformation between the virtual and the real, is connected with Jordan's spiritual will, and everything becomes very easy to do.

Almost for the first time, Jordan's whole mind drifted away, attached to the real gem, sensed the power of the real gem, and then suddenly said, "have light!"

In an instant, Jordan's broken and dark divine world suddenly lit up.

If it's in the real world, Jordan still needs to provide energy, or even pay a price, if he wants to motivate the real gem.

But in this spiritual and divine world, everything is nothing in itself, which is manifested in another way, and it is only enough to spend a little spiritual energy.

It can even be said that as long as Jordan's spiritual will is strong enough, with the help of real gems, Jordan is just like God in this godly world.

Cool, it's so cool!

"Have a body!"

"A cigar and a whisky!"

"Manifesting the divine form..."

After getting the real gems, Jordan enjoyed himself in the spiritual world, but soon he began to do the right thing, manifesting his original broken divine world in a way that he could see and promote.

It's like a vast ocean with countless islands scattered, and it's like a deep starry sky with twinkling stars.

In this Godhead world, every fragment of manifestation is the most intuitive manifestation in the process of Jordan's life evolution. Even Jordan himself does not know the principle of this evolution.

For example, a person is born to be able to run, jump, eat and drink, but he may not fully understand his body structure, or even know how many bones and viscera he has.

To control the divine world is to control your body completely.

First of all, we should clearly understand every structure and bone of the body, and then we should master the connections between these structures, and learn to use these connections to make ourselves strong.

The same is true of ability. Jordan needs to know every bit of knowledge about the evolution of life in this broken Godhead, and then use this knowledge to promote the Godhead to bond together.

In the end, we can use the connection between this ability and the body to make life evolve and sublimate.