For Jordan, it's like an exam to reshape his divine personality, restore his consciousness and realize his life transition.

Before getting in touch with the gem of reality, what Jordan needs to face is an exam that he completely doesn't know. Even the exam questions, he has to find them bit by bit, and then spend a long time thinking, trying, and finally finding the answer.

When all the questions on the test paper are found and all the questions are answered, this test is the final end.

The appearance of real gems, like a lamp and a book, directly illuminated all the examination questions. Not to mention, it also enabled Jordan to quickly read the books, learn the theory of examination questions and find the answers.

Although it is still a complicated task to learn and solve these questions completely, compared with before, this task is much easier.

In the divine world, Jordan is constantly looking for and learning the secret of his own strength.

And in the outside world, there is not much change on the body of Jordan, but the gem of reality starts to shine, with rose red light, and the absorption of energy starts to become faster and more fierce.

After connecting Jordan's spiritual will with the gem of reality, master Gu Yi came again to check Jordan's physical condition.

From the mouth of master Gu Yi, we know that Jordan has been in the process of recovery, but this recovery process still needs some time.

After getting enough answers, the Avengers didn't stay in the medical room.

After all, on today's earth, there are still many hidden dangers and troubles. No one knows whether the Secret Invasion of the sculu people is still going on. In addition to the Secret Invasion of the sculu people, there is a hidden threat to intellectual life.

All of these need to be solved bit by bit by members of the Avengers alliance and many like-minded people like Nick Frey and seifer.

Fortunately, because of Jordan's reason, Tony and Dr. Benner jointly invented the emotion detector, which can help a lot in this process.

Emotion detector is a great threat, but it also has a great effect.

Under the discussion of all members of the Avengers alliance, including Nick fry, seifer, Ross, James and others, the whole emotion detector was removed from its functions of emotional connection, multiple secret detection, etc., and only the most basic concept of good and evil was retained, and then mass production began.

This final version of the mood detector, with human continuity and security as the bottom line, sets a warning line of good and evil.

With this device, the Avengers alliance, aegis, even the coalition government, the military and so on, will soon be able to eliminate sculu, intelligent life, and even anti-human elements who are malicious to human beings.

In the full three months, among the aegis, coalition government, military and many other large human forces, all kinds of assassinations and battles continued.

Led by the Avengers alliance and assisted by aegis, all of us are frantically eliminating hidden dangers in the human order system.

A large number of scurros, intelligent creatures, even cyborgs and human spies were screened out one after another, and then they were annihilated by members of the Avengers alliance and the aegis Bureau in a sudden manner.

In this case, because of the alliance agreement just signed between Nick Frey and the skulu empire in the outer solar system, the skulu people chose to retreat on a large scale when they were unable to penetrate the high level of human beings.

On the contrary, those intelligent lives, when there was no way to retreat, had to stand up at last. Under a surprise attack, they broke the military defense in the west side of New York, gathered together with Bolivar and other advanced intelligent lives, formed a debris flow, and began to carry out crazy destruction and plunder in human society.

Those intelligent mechanical life are extremely difficult to deal with. In the case of ability sharing, each intelligent mechanical life is extremely powerful and has extraordinary ability, and its ability is changeable. With the acquisition of solar energy, it grows day and night.

And these intelligent life, regardless of the cost, are also crazy transformation, infection of new human beings, become intelligent life.

Although this kind of infection of intelligent life will continue to shrink with the decline of the level of intelligent life, and even will not be able to reproduce in the end, this high-speed infection in a short period of time still drew up a large army, and established two intelligent life cities in the Siberian Plateau and Antarctica, near the extreme day and night.

These intelligent weapons are extremely smart and cunning. At the beginning, they even captured a number of space fighters and spaceships, hoping to rush out of the earth and escape.

If it wasn't for the space ring defense system, it would have been succeeded by these intelligent machines.

Even if the plan to rush out of the earth fails, the north and south poles chosen by these intelligent weapons still have incomparable restrictions on human combat.

In the extreme cold zone, even ordinary people with extraordinary abilities can't stay for a long time. On the contrary, the intelligent life can adapt to the bipolar environment very easily.

A large-scale human army can't enter the field of intelligent weapon life to fight for a long time, and a small-scale attack by those with extraordinary ability may not be able to clear up the gathered intelligent weapon life even if the Avengers alliance is fully mobilized.

These intelligent weapons continue the strategy of the ice giants. If the Avengers alliance and human forces are too tight, these bastards will trigger changes in the magnetic field of the north and south poles, smash icebergs and disintegrate the whole earth's ecosystem.

Treachery, cunning, powerful, learning ability is very strong, there is an unparalleled cruel heart.

In this case, the Avengers alliance, the coalition government and the military can only take relatively mild measures to encircle the two cities.

While the Avengers alliance, aegis, coalition government, military and other powerful forces are working together to discuss how to deal with those intelligent weapons, in the secret medical room on the space ring, Jordan's self recovery has gradually come to the end.

For the earth, for the outside world, time is just a few months past.

But for Jordan, in the broken divine world composed of spiritual will, Jordan doesn't know how long he has been addicted like a madman.

The change of thinking is extremely rapid.

For normal people, it only takes 0.018 seconds for a thought to come into being.

And for people with extraordinary abilities like Jordan's, the generation of thinking ideas is ten times or 100 times faster than ordinary people.

An idea of an ordinary person is equivalent to spending a second in the spiritual world.

The average person's time in three months is 550 times of that in the spiritual world, or even longer.

It will take at least one hundred decades.

Jordan absorbed all the secrets and knowledge from the countless broken divinities and put them into his own use, which became his own understanding and inside information.

Now, it's time for Jordan to completely glue together these broken gods and rebuild them.