As master Gu Yi once said, no one else can help on the road of life leap forward. For the exploration of the divine world and the control of the cosmic knowledge, we can only rely on our own spiritual will, long years and great perseverance to master and comprehend little by little.

Only when we understand the true meaning of our own power, can we really grasp our own power, and through the power, we can achieve the resonance of the laws of the universe, conform with the universe, and rely on the power of the universe to upgrade our own life level.

From sub heavenly Father level to heavenly Father level, it's almost stronger and fiercer than all the previous life leaps combined.

Jordan's spirit and will in the Avengers League, in fact, has been regarded as the top.

But even so, in the broken world of divinity, he stayed for more than 100 years, even hundreds of years. Rao Shiyi's will was extremely tough, and he was almost not driven crazy, tortured and collapsed.

This is still the result of real gems hanging. If there were no real gems, Jordan would not be able to succeed in that broken Godhead world for thousands or tens of thousands of years.

At that time, Jordan will inevitably end up with a mental breakdown and physical disintegration.

Good fortune and bad fortune depend on each other. This heavy blow can be regarded as a blessing in disguise.

After learning all the power and profound meanings recorded in his own Godhead, Jordan began to push the fragments of his own Godhead towards the center of the Godhead world in a specific track and direction.

It's a matter of great care to glue the divine personality, because the universal meanings in those divine personalities are connected and separated layer by layer. If the order and direction of the glue are not right, Jordan's final divine personality will be completely different from what he imagined.

Just like sulfur, saltpeter and charcoal, different proportions make different gunpowder, which may be fireworks gunpowder or black gunpowder.

In the process of promoting the fusion of Godhead, Jordan wants to ensure that the fusion of Godhead fragments and Godhead fragment generals is consistent with the true meaning of his own power.

Fortunately, with the gem of reality as the plug-in, with his spiritual strength, Jordan first condenses the divine image he needs into a complete virtual image, and then pushes the fragments of the divine image into it one by one.

Jordan also doesn't know how long he spent in this process. When the last piece of Godhead fragment was completely returned, Jordan felt that his whole Godhead world suddenly became alive. With his breath and breath, the light on the Godhead was also uncertain, which was related to himself and the universe, Forming a strange resonance.

In a sense, some of these things are like the development of their own small universe, and they follow the path of Greek Protoss.

But if you think about it carefully, whether Greek Protoss or ASAR Protoss, in fact, the root cause is the eternal race. It is normal that there are some similarities in the way of life evolution.

With the glued divinity becoming more and more stable, the cracks on it began to fade in the breath of Jordan, and even Jordan's body was growing in the breath resonance at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, Jordan can finally say with pride that he is a man who can become stronger by breathing.

This is a good thing. It represents the true meaning of power that Jordan understands. It fits perfectly with a certain law in the universe, and even has great benefits for the perfection and supplement of the laws of the universe. Otherwise, the will of the universe would not favor Jordan so much.

With the last crack on the Godhead disappearing completely, Jordan, who had been floating in the Godhead world, had an unparalleled sense of transparency.

In the past, Jordan's spirit and will were trapped in the Godhead world. The Godhead world was broken, and he did not move the true meaning of power and the universal law recorded in the Godhead. Therefore, it would be extremely difficult for Jordan to go through the Godhead world and return to his body. The biggest achievement was to open his eyes and show that he was not dead.

But now, Jordan's mind just moves, and the whole person's will has instantly returned to his body. With the expansion of breathing, the strange energy that originally ran rampant in Jordan's body, just like a tame River, gurgling and flowing into Jordan's new spirit.

With the transformation of the Godhead world, the conflict of the original five power attributes suddenly stops, constantly arranges and combines, forming a new power.

This power, which is also the most compatible power of Jordan, such as the way of breathing, is born to control.

It's not life, it's not death, it's not light, it's not darkness, it's a strange power that changes endlessly. If you have to name it, Jordan prefers to call it reincarnation.

Life and death cycle, light and dark alternate, after destruction, the birth of all new.

This kind of power is perfectly in line with the Oriental attribute called reincarnation of Jordan in his previous life.


At the moment when Jordan took control of his body, the whole medical cabin, under the vibration of Jordan's muscles, turned into pieces all over the sky and burst into pieces in all directions.

To regain his new life, Jordan couldn't help but howl.

Just as Jordan was venting the emotion of being trapped for hundreds of years, seifer dodged the flying debris in a corner of the medical laboratory, looked at Jordan with interest, and said: "this strong man, there are women in the room. Do you want to put on a dress? Or... "

Saifu's voice interrupted Jordan's emotional vent.

Jordan just found that he was a little chilly, but looking at the Saifu's different from the past cool and gorgeous style, the delicate, suddenly let Jordan's heart a hot.

"Damn bichi, your retribution is coming!"

"Yes? How do you want to get back at me? "

"Ma jaffak, you'll know..."

Jordan, who has been reborn, has accumulated hundreds of years of depression. At this moment, like a torrential flood, he swept through nassifer, opened a portal and went directly back to his home in New York's central building.

Jordan vowed to return all the six hats on his head to Saifu at one time.