The sudden recovery of jordani is a great surprise for the Avengers. Especially in the current situation of the earth, the return of such a top fighting power of jordani can bring incomparable help.

Avengers base, east coast of New York.

Jordan doesn't like to stay on the space ring very much. Looking up is the darkness of the universe. In the divine world, Jordan has had enough of the feeling of suffocation.

So the Avengers alliance gathered again in the Avengers base in New York, which had not been used for a long time.

There is no doubt that Giordani's joy of rebirth, old friends gathering and lovers on his side is beyond doubt. Barrels of whiskey and Cuban cigars are popping up like chimneys.

After a full day and night of Carnival Party, after enough rest, the Avengers alliance gathered in the conference room to introduce the current situation of the earth to Jordan.

Thanks to the good and evil detector invented by Tony and Dr. Benner, the scurus have already withdrawn from the earth. Even if there is a little left, it is only to maintain the connection and cooperation between the earth's human beings and the scurus empire.

With the allies of the skuru Empire, the mountain pressure from the Kerry Empire has naturally become a lot easier.

However, on the earth, the newly emerging intelligent life is a headache for the Avengers alliance, aegis, coalition government, military and so on.

With the monitoring of good and evil detectors, the intelligent life can't secretly corrode the high level of human beings by sneaking in.

However, these intelligent life, occupying the north and south poles, sometimes invade human society, forming a huge burden on the development of the earth.

Today's intelligent life has developed into a sign in a short time, with 20 million people.

According to Professor X and Wan ciwang and others, the initial infection potential of these intelligent mechanical life has been completely exhausted, but if these intelligent mechanical life can not be quickly eliminated, when these intelligent mechanical life grow to a certain extent, it will give birth to a self splitting function.

Although this way of self splitting reproduction has great shortcomings and hidden dangers, if it can not be contained, with the passage of time, those shortcomings and hidden dangers will gradually be made up.

Finally, when the intelligent life grows to a certain extent, it will still form a situation of future war on the earth.

It's not easy to deal with intelligent life.

Ordinary soldiers and people with extraordinary ability will be greatly constrained in the extremely cold environment of the north and south poles. Once weapons of mass destruction are used, those intelligent life will choose to destroy the earth's ecosystem and die with mankind.

It would be a drop in the ocean if only the Avengers alliance and other powerful people could destroy these intelligent weapons.

Bolivar is a native human on the earth. He has experienced countless events on the earth in the past ten years. He is very accurate about human weaknesses.

Hearing this, Jordan also has a headache.

Although the future war crisis experienced by Professor X and Wan ciwang has been delayed a lot because of the efforts of jordani, Tony and others, the so-called future war crisis will break out one day if these intelligent weapons can not be completely eliminated.

After understanding everything clearly, there is no good way for Jordan, but in terms of intelligence and intelligence, Jordan may not be able to compare with many people in the Avengers League.

However, Jordan, who has gained the peak combat power, decided to go to the city of intelligent life in the Antarctic region for some exploration and understanding.

Now, although Jordan has not really entered the heavenly Father level, he is already on the way to the heavenly Father level. In a sense, he can fully compete with the mieba who once attacked on a large scale in the space ring.

In the beginning, the extermination of hegemonism had already realized the way of self balance and was evolving towards the heavenly Father level.

In a sense, it is a kind of practice of self balance. That kind of action of balancing the universe can increase the favor of the will of the universe for exterminating hegemonism, and make exterminating hegemonism enter the heavenly Father level more quickly and efficiently, and even go to a very high level in the heavenly Father level.

Collecting six infinite gems and directly solving the problem of cosmic balance with a resounding finger method is a shortcut for mieba on the road of life leap.

The original extermination of hegemony was able to conquer the universe with one enemy.

Jordan doesn't think that he can't even deal with that group of intelligent life. When there is no plan, pushing all forces is the key to the victory of the war between human beings and intelligent life.

With no one else in the Avengers League, Jordan soared directly from the Avengers base and headed for the South Pole.

This time, Jordan didn't use the portal to move fast, because he had accumulated a lot of energy and depression during the hundreds of years of the divine world.

Limit speed flight, for Jordan, is also a way to vent.

Compared with once, Jordan, who has mastered the essence of power, has been able to fly easily with his body, and the speed of flight is no different from Tony's steel armor.

In less than half an hour, Jordan crossed half the earth like a meteor and smashed in the direction of the Antarctic intelligent city of life.

There is no other fancy, only strength and speed, with a fierce and crazy situation, Jordan directly hit the energy shield of the intelligent life city in the fastest and most ferocious way.


Under the fierce impact of Jordan, the super energy shield, which can withstand the strike of nuclear weapons, is like a broken glass mirror.

Then a shadow of a man collided with a heavy steel building on the outskirts of Zhizhi life city. The whole city was shaking violently. Dozens of high-rise buildings collapsed, and the steel structure became distorted and cracked.


From the smoke and the crater, Jordan let out a loud cry.

Trapped in the divine world for hundreds of years, Jordan felt that he had a new understanding of Carroll, hawk, sol and other people's reckless attack mentality.

If you want any fancy skills or miscellaneous plans, mang is right.