In 57 A.D., the earth, the city of dawn.

Ironically, in the next 50 years, the so-called city of dawn is actually a forgotten city in the era of Jordan and others, a city once full of crime, filth and darkness.

Under the endless encirclement and pursuit of intelligent life, the once forgotten city, because of its special geographical location, environmental conditions, and the underground city extending in all directions, was once the last city of hope for human beings on earth in the era of intelligent life. It was here that the final battle of falling from the sky broke out.

A huge stone carving, broken, fell into ruins.

The place where jordani and others appear in the future is the place where the head of the huge stone carving will be noticed.

Looking at the stone head with endless thoughts scattered among the ruins, all of them had a strange feeling.

Saul was the first to say: "this is a great stone carving creation. In this broken statue, I saw the wailing of a world, and felt the sculptor's hope in the endless mourning..."

Saul is a super savage in the Avengers League. But for the same reason, because of his thousands of years of growth, behind his reckless character, Saul has also received the top Royal higher education of Asgard, especially in wine, art and other aspects, and has great attainments.

What Saul saw was the artistic attainments of the stone carving.

In other people's eyes, what they see is another kind of feeling. Just at the first sight when they come to the future, the desolate, sad and cruel world opens up a corner in front of everyone.

Professor X sighed a little and said, "this is in the 52nd year of the age of intelligent weapons. The army of intelligent weapons led by the king of the stars broke the last city of dawn and overthrew the statue under the crown of Jovovich. More than 50% of the 40 million people who once survived in the city of dawn were killed on the spot, and the rest of the people also fled in all directions..."


Can not bear this kind of from the last generation of desolation, Jordani can not help but make complaints about it.

Natasha came to Jordan, took his arm and said, "honey, do you have any special ideas when you see your statue in the future?"

Jordan shook his head and said, "it's a little strange, and it's uncomfortable. It's not like I can do it."

A desolate land, let the avenger alliance people talk about.

Just then, in the sky like an eternal night, there was a buzzing sound, which floated with the wind.

At this moment, you suddenly jump to a towering ruins and boulders on the journey, and look in the direction of the wind.

As vigilant as the journey, there is Clint after vacanda's recovery.

"Someone's coming!"

"The army of intelligent weapons has found us!"

Almost at the same time, Clint and ZhengTu sent out the alarm, such as Professor X, magneto, twinkle, Pope and so on. They suddenly became nervous and on guard.

Carol frowned and said, "what are you afraid of? How many intelligent lives have come here. Just kill them!"

At this time, the magneto king, through the induction of the earth's magnetic field, had captured some information about the intelligent weapon army, and said: "it's just a small army under the command of the Spider Queen, which has about 400 intelligent weapon lives! We must move as soon as possible, otherwise, even if we kill this army, the army under the command of Spider Queen will soon come to encircle us! "

It's not easy to deal with those low intelligent life, but it's also easy to deal with them.

After all, whether the Avengers alliance or Professor X, magneto and others are at the top of the human race in the same era, it is not a problem to eliminate these 400 low level intellectual lives.

But wan ciwang and others have a better understanding of this era and the horror of the endless army of intelligent weapons.

Although all the Avengers are arrogant, they are not reckless.

Before understanding this era, Steve stood up first and said, "listen to magneto, this is not our era. We need to respect this era and not underestimate any enemies!"

At this time, ZhengTu and Clint had already jumped down from the rubble. Clint was the first to say: "those are 20 strange spaceships, like containers, less than hundreds of miles away from us..."

The journey followed Clint's words and said, "yes, we must stay away from the edge. Follow me. I know a way to avoid the exploration of intelligent life!"

After that, without the slightest pause in the journey, he directly picked up Professor X, just like a sensitive rabbit, bouncing in the ruins of the battlefield, and soon found a passage to the underground.

The Avengers alliance all looked at each other, and finally they took action one after another. They followed the journey, magneto and others to enter the passage, followed the dark road and meandered underground.

Before long, people came to a rough hall hundreds of meters deep underground.

The whole hall is similar to the pattern of the ancient Orient, with flying eaves, tiles, and mottled beams. It has an ancient and vicissitudes atmosphere, which makes people feel inexplicable grief.

After entering the hall, the Pope began to move quickly, and shot several strange runes on the stones in the dark hall. Then, in the hall, the dim lights began to light up, and there were a series of strange runes, which seemed to form a strange formation, forming an invisible shield.

"Oh, Shetter, is this arcane Rune? It looks like my personal knowledge. Damn, what does this strange energy circuit mean? Why does it spread to this angle? It's not right... "

After entering the hall, the Pope, journey and twinkle began to move rapidly, which seemed to be stimulating some equipment.

And Tony, looking at the specious arcane runes in the hall, fell into a state of bewilderment and obsession.

Magneto Wan came to Tony and said, "this is a great legacy left by the most creative and intelligent Ms. Morgan stark in the era of intelligent instruments. We combine this Rune with the Oriental geomantic omen array to form a unique shelter, which can shield the detection and search of intelligent instruments' life. If necessary, we can use this Rune to protect the environment, We can make the final transfer through this array! "

Listen to magneto's words, Tony's mouth is wide open.

"Little Morgan? What happened to my baby daughter in the future? "

"Damn it, I must kill these bastards..."