A long time ago, shortly after contacting magneto Wan, Professor X and others, the Avengers alliance knew that they and others had all died in the early stage of the future war.

At the beginning, the Avengers felt strange, like listening to a story.

But in this era, the Avengers have seen some real traces of their own death, such as the broken statue of Jordan in the ruins, and the arcane knowledge left by Tony in the ancient underground palace.

These things, people seem to be familiar, but with a unique sense of alienation and strangeness.

It was not until all these things were put in front of the public that they realized that this was not the time when they were waiting.

Just as the crowd looked curiously at the actions of the Pope, the journey and the twinkling, as well as the strange style of the underground palace, a strange alarm suddenly sounded in the hall.

PHS face suddenly flashed a touch of fear and pale color, said: "they found us, are chasing underground!"

Wan ciwang's face changed and said, "how can it be so fast?"

Through the self-made electronic instruments left along the way, PHS can sense many actions of the intelligent mechanical life coming from the pursuit. Its face becomes pale and says: "these intelligent mechanical lives seem to have solved the mystery of arcane Rune and geomantic omen, or they have found out how to find our trace. There are still more than ten minutes at most, They will come to us and we have to move as soon as possible! "

Ten thousand magnets hate Tucao, "the Pope and the way of the journey, as soon as possible to make complaints about the transfer, flashing, PHS, the two of you cooperate, open the attack gate!"

Wan ciwang, shimmering, Pope and others cooperated very closely, and the division of labor was also quite decisive.

With the help of Professor X, we can connect twinkle with the soul of PHS. PHS provides a lot of information, and twinkle quickly opens one portal after another.

At the same time, the king of magnetism made a crazy move. At this moment, all the ruins of steel that had been piled up in the underground hall turned into spears and dragons. They broke out of the portal and nailed the intelligent life on the ground or trapped in the passage.

Not to kill the enemy, but to delay.

Jordan and others looked at the extremely skilled cooperation of magneto and others, and suddenly had a strange feeling. They didn't expect that the portal could still be used like this. At this moment, the cooperation of electronic technology, spiritual ability, space-time transmission and metal ability was dazzling, but it was clear-cut, and burst out with amazing combat effectiveness.

Hobbes looked at this kind of precise coordination, touched his bald head and said, "was our combat coordination a little too rough?"

It's not just Hobbes who has this feeling. Jordan, Steve, Tony, Saul, Natasha, Carol and all of them have a sense of inexplicably short.

Tony didn't admit defeat and yelled at Jordan.

The two good friends have a tacit understanding.

Jordan quickly takes out a huge steel box from the space backpack. Tony activates it quickly, and the clattering sound rings. The tiny cabin doors on the steel box are opened, and groups of mechanical detectors, like wasps, break out of the steel box and spread to the underground passage.

After seeing this scene, Stephen, Casillas, modu and Wang soon put on a pair of glasses and said, "maybe we can have a try!"

The glasses on the faces of the four are actually Tony's matching smart glasses, which can see every move of those detectors.

And unlike the flickering low-efficiency portal opening, Stephen four, with the arcane Rune on the detector, can open dozens or hundreds of portals in a single thought.

In an instant, the gateways, like dense windows, appeared in the hall.

Then, the Avengers alliance began to act. Carol's speed was the fastest, and his whole body was burning like a shooting star. He went in and out of the portal like a shooting star, smashing every intelligent life he saw.

Saul's meow hammer turned wildly, which directly triggered the thunder storm in the distance and blasted the intelligent weapon life troop carrier on the ground.

Clint's arrows, with strange energy, like raindrops, pass through the portal and fall on the intelligent life.

Steve and Hobbes were even more fierce. One with shield and the other with Zhenjin directly rushed into the portal and sealed the two channels completely.

Natasha, Heidi, and gizel work together, and the thunder and fire surge, just like the super long-range Fort mage, which vibrates in the channel.

Serena is a ghost. In the dark, she can be regarded as an unparalleled assassin. She haunts the shadows. Where she passes, the heads of the intelligent life are directly removed.

The Avengers have always been the best in terms of combat power.

No matter in the past, now or in the future, this level of combat effectiveness, in the whole universe, anywhere, can burst out amazing power.

With the cooperation of the Avengers alliance, it took less than ten minutes for almost all the enemies to be cleared.

In the process, Jordan, a lazy guy, didn't even make a move.

After seeing this scene, Wan ciwang and others, who were very nervous, soon showed a dull feeling.

On earth, magneto Wan and others, because of the reasons from the future, did not participate in many battles of the Avengers alliance and others, and were almost under house arrest on the space ring in disguise.

It's the first time for wanciwang and others to really see the combat effectiveness of the Avengers alliance.

The Avengers alliance, in many cases, just lacks inspiration, combat experience and combat effectiveness.

Unlike Wan ciwang and others, they can only rely on their limited strength to find all kinds of fighting ways through various extreme ways and strive to survive.

After learning the fighting methods of magneto and others, the Avengers alliance can easily recapture and even do better.

After the surprise, Wan ciwang and others relaxed a lot. Looking at Jordan and others, they also became respectful.

No matter when, the admiration for the strong will never disappear.