The combat effectiveness of the Avengers alliance has never been underestimated. It has solved 400 intelligent life soldiers just like withering and decaying. That kind of toughness has shocked Wan ciwang, Professor X and others.

Wan ciwang and others finally understand why the Avengers alliance has the courage to come to this future era and assassinate Bolivar.

With the strength of the Avengers alliance, if there is a certain degree of help, maybe it can really succeed.

"Professor, the teleportation array has been set successfully. We can transfer at any time!"

Just as Jordan and magneto were staring at each other, the Pope came out of the hall, glanced at the crowd and said.

Beyond the Pope, people can see that inside the hall, a small altar has been built, on which the six pointed star array, geomantic array, etc. are drawn. They are connected by arcane runes. The combination of Chinese and Western looks messy, but it also gives birth to a strange aesthetic feeling.

Tony found the strangeness of this method of transmission in the future at a glance, and the analysis of those arcane runes invented by him was extremely fast.

After a few simple glances, Tony said, "let me guess where we are hiding this time. Wow, on the Himalayas, on the top of the snow peak, this place is remote enough. Speaking of it, if you live at that altitude for a long time, will it affect your skin..."

Poisonous tongue is Tony's natural gift, which can't be changed.

Originally, Jordan also thought, in case Tony's words angered Wan ciwang and others, how should he remedy it.

But at the end of Tony's words, a touch of sadness appeared on his flashing face and said: "this world, it has not snowed for a long time! The energy of the sun is swallowed by the intelligent weapons. All the living water on the earth's surface has been completely frozen a long time ago. This is a world without water. Without water, where is the top of the snow mountain

In a word, let Jordan, Tony and others be silent.

Although we have seen the tip of the iceberg in the cruel future world, with the flashing words, the original touch is only weak, and it is magnified infinitely.

People think about it again. They had a glimpse on the ground before.

Although the sun in the sky is dim, causing the whole world to fall into a night, but people really didn't notice that it was an icy world.

Although Tony has some poisonous tongue, his nature is not bad. Some people can't accept this cruelty and say, "it's impossible. If the sun has already fallen, how can there be any living things on the earth? All life can't leave the sun and water! In a lifeless world, no one can persist for 50 years... "

Without the sun and water, there would be no life. This is common sense.

But just at this time, Professor X, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly said, "no, there is still the last hope in the world. Pope, adjust and change the transmission coordinates. Let's go to the last holy city!"

Professor X's voice square falls, Wan ciwang, twinkle, Pope, PHS, journey and so on, all jump up in surprise, one by one look at Professor X fiercely.

Professor X ignored the public's attention and said: "what Jovovich and Mr. Tony said is reasonable. If Bolivar's plot can not be destroyed, it will become a time closed-loop dead end. This is a hopeless world, even the last holy city, is also a kind of false hope. All we can do is to break the situation!"

"This should not be the world we live in, this should not be the end of our human race, our ancestors should not die in the cruel war, our future generations should not linger in such a broken world..."

Professor X's words are not too sonorous and forceful. Even Professor X himself has some weakness, but the insistence and desire contained in them make people tremble.

Magneto hesitated for a long time and said, "old man, are you sure you want to do this? Holy city is the last hope of all human beings. If it is also detected by intelligent life, we will become the ultimate killer of human extinction, and there will be no chance of light reappearing in this world. "

Professor X watched magneto quietly and said, "is there any hope in our world now? The sun has already fallen. Even if human beings are just like mice, how long can they last? "

"Intelligent life is growing, and their pace is always expanding. We are hiding in the darkest corner. How can we have the power to compete with intelligent life?"

"What they are doing is what we should do before the sun goes down..."

Wan ciwang and his party were silent for a long time. Just like a shark, Wan ciwang grinned and said, "you're right, old man. It's our connivance that led to the fall of the world. If we had the courage to win with intelligent life earlier, the situation might not be as bad as it is now!"

"Pope, change the transmission coordinates. We are going to the last holy city to fight bravely for the final victory! This is our destiny. We are opening up a new way for future generations. This is our mission. Even if we die, we will be remembered by the future. "

With the words of magneto, an inexplicable morale rose among magneto and others.

Compared with Professor X, magneto is obviously better at inspiring people.

The Pope clenched his teeth and quickly ran to the hall. In a short time, he had adjusted the transmission coordinates and welcomed the people into the hall again.

"The coordinates have been adjusted. I have set up a self destruct device here. After we leave, everything here will be completely destroyed, but I don't know if it can hide from those damned intelligent bastards..."

Those intelligent life, with the most top technology, power, as well as a computer like meticulous thinking.

Any trace left in the hall will be captured by those intelligent creatures, just like the most powerful hounds in the world.

Looking at the Pope's uneasy expression, Tony laughed, took out a crystal like thing, and said: "add this thing to the self destruction system. When those intelligent weapons come, they will explode. Maybe there will be a surprise!"

The Pope was stunned and said, "what is this?"

Looking at the crystal like object, PHS suddenly turned pale and said, "I feel a deadly threat in this thing. It's like this is the source of swallowing the world..."

Everyone was shocked by the words of PHS.

Jordan's face ached and he said, "Tony, can this be..."

Tony laughed and said, "yes, this is the miniature version of the material and energy splitting bomb, which is used to deal with Bolivar's mace!"