Casillas and Carroll found a suitable meteorite in an asteroid belt near Pluto. With the help of Casillas, they successively opened several super long-range portals, and then brought the meteorite directly into outer space near the earth. Carroll then pushed the meteorite to accelerate and impact the earth.

If the plan has not yet started, Casillas will take another trip and let Carol pause for a while, it is not a problem, but the key is that when Casillas returns to the earth, Carol has already started to accelerate the meteorite.

Today's earth, the atmosphere has been thin to the limit, Carroll for the meteorite to promote acceleration, only a short time, can be completely launched.

It's not too difficult to push a meteorite toward the earth at a certain speed.

But it's very difficult to stop such a 100 meter meteorite with a certain acceleration.

In Tony's calculation, this 100 meter meteorite can smash and roll the whole earth. In the absence of weapons such as ultra long range missiles and laser cannons, it is more difficult to stop this thing with the individual strength of the Avengers alliance than to persuade a lion to eat vegetarian food.

After hearing Casillas' words, the whole mirror space is dead.

For a long time, Saul's reflex arc was very long and said with a smile: "isn't that good? Three hours later, when the meteorite hits the earth, we can break the time loop, and we can have more time to find Bolivar, the damned dwarf... "

Dr. Benner took a silent look at Saul and said, "breaking the time loop means that we will be trapped in this era!"

Sol was stunned for a moment, and his face became very ugly. He roared: "Ma jaafak, I know we will be trapped in this era. Why did we put forward this rotten plan before?"

Dr. Benner pushed his glasses and explained: "the meteorite impact on the earth, breaking the time closed loop of entropy upheaval, is a continuous process. As long as we can kill Bolivar in that period of time, we can go back to our time before the entropy upheaval is completed, and this process can last about 47 minutes!"

According to everyone's plan, we should first seize Bolivar, then hit the earth with a meteorite, kill Bolivar in a short time, and return to the past with the help of Tony's shuttle device. It's reliable, perfect, and time is enough.

The point is, they haven't found Bolivar yet.

The city where Bolivar is located is somewhat unexpected. The damned Bolivar is hidden among millions of teenagers.

To find Bolivar in three hours is more difficult than looking for a needle in a haystack.

"So we're going to live in this damned time?"

I don't know who it is. Suddenly, such a sentence came out, which suddenly made everyone in the avenger alliance irritable.

This is almost a hopeless situation.

Just as the mood of the people became more and more irritable and the atmosphere in the whole mirror space became more and more restless, suddenly one star after another began to twinkle in the dark sky.

Time goes by bit.

More than half of the three hours have passed unconsciously.

And at this time, the Avengers alliance people, also began to find the sky in those twinkling more and more frequent stars.

"You bastards who only know how to enjoy themselves, don't you have a person to support me?"

"Damn, these intelligent lives are just as annoying as flies..."

The Avengers haven't figured out what happened to the frequent twinkling stars in the sky. Carol's angry roar has come from the communication channel.

After coming to this era, for the convenience of communication between people, Tony transformed a special signal transmission equipment with the help of some scientific and technological products seized from those intelligent machines.

This special signal transmission equipment, far less than the era of jordani and others, covers a vast area, but it can also cover more than half of the earth, and even transmit to the outer space near the earth.

Carol's roar from the communication channel indicates that Carol has pushed the meteorite to the surface of the earth.

And according to Carroll's complaint, it is very likely that those intelligent creatures have noticed the plan of the Avengers alliance to hit the earth and are intercepting Carroll at high altitude.

Jordan's face suddenly surprised, and said: "mad, we should have thought that we don't have large-scale long-range weapons, but there will always be those damned intelligent weapons."

"Carol, give up that damned meteorite and let those damned intelligent creatures destroy it..."


Jordan's voice hasn't finished yet. In the communication channel, there is a surge of electricity. It's obvious that Carol broke his communication equipment in the battle with those intelligent weapons.

However, Jordan's words, also let the presence of other Avengers alliance, completely awakened.

"Tony, have we located Carol? We have to get there, stop Carol, let those damned intelligent creatures destroy the damned meteorite!"

"Wait a minute, I'm already positioning..."

Anxious waiting, not long after, Tony quickly reported a coordinate, Casillas, Stephen, modu, flashing four people, do not want to, directly open the four portal.


At the moment when the portal was just opened, a violent explosion came quickly. In the dark sky opposite the portal, Carol was just like a female god of war, shining with sunlight all over her body, directly smashing one missile after another in the sky.

Occasionally, intelligent life pilots want to attack the falling meteorite, which is also smashed by Carol at a very fast speed.

Then, the meteorite and Carol, from the view of the portal, flash past at high speed, and continue to impact toward the earth.

"Grass grass grass, we have to intercept in front of Carol!"

"Damn it, when Carol was so dedicated to her job, why didn't she see such a crazy woman when she was fighting against ba..."

The cassilias four quickly closed the portal, made some calculations, and then opened it again to intercept Carol and the meteorite.

At the moment when the portal opened, we could see that Carroll came directly into the mirror space of the Avengers alliance with a terrible light.

"Wipe, Carol, you have the wrong number..."


"Dry pear Brewing..."