Carol is a crazy woman. When she is reckless, even Jordan and sol are not rivals.

To push the meteorite to hit the earth, Carol also made great efforts to blow up the intercepting intelligent fighters and missiles, not to mention, the whole mirror space.

The energy of space and dimension burst in the void, directly forming a huge ring portal.

Originally, it would take more than an hour for the meteorite to hit the earth. However, with the acceleration of the super large portal, the 100 meter meteorite has just hit an ice sheet like a shell in a moment.


The friction between the thin atmosphere and the meteorite also erupts the same terrible high temperature and mushroom cloud as the explosion of nuclear weapons. At this moment, the infinite glacier is smashed and vaporized, forming a ring-shaped shock wave and rushing away in all directions.

At the place where the meteorite landed, a huge crater spread in all directions in a spider web pattern. The powerful shock wave was like a heavy blow from an extraterrestrial God, which made the whole earth stagger. The endless impact force was like the force of a decadent fist, tearing out cracks like a rift valley on the thick ice sheet.

The portal opened in the middle of the sky, under the impact of this mushroom cloud, instantly annihilated.

Under the impact of this terrible force, even if they can barely protect themselves, they are also swept up into the sky by the powerful impact, and directly swept out by the energy tide. I don't know how many meters away.

The boundless energy tides are like the waves of the sea.

At this moment, the earth's rotation is greatly changed by the impact force. In this era and 50 years ago, the frequency of the earth's magnetic field was abruptly separated. Bolivar planned a time closed loop that didn't take long to form. At this moment, he was distorted by the terrible energy of entropy upheaval.

Just for a little longer, the tide of space-time energy caused by the drastic change of entropy can completely tear up the whole time loop.

And this process, in Tony's calculations, takes 47 minutes.

Similarly, Giordani and others need to kill Bolivar completely in the 47 minutes, and then use the time-space shuttle device to go back to the past era. Otherwise, Giordani and others will be completely left in this era. After 47 minutes, the past and future caused by entropy upheaval will be completely changed, Jordan and others don't know what will happen in this era.

Even in the process of the past and future changes caused by this drastic change of entropy, it is unknown whether there will be any changes in Jordan and others.

And at this time, there is no need for Giordani and others to look for Bolivar.

When the meteorite hit the earth and the frequency of the earth's magnetic field changed, Bolivar, for the first time, roared angrily in the city of human cultivation base.

He wasted many years of hard work and pushed forward the plan that he did not know how many years ago. In one day, it was completely destroyed. Let alone Bolivar still had the soul and emotion of human beings. Even if it was an iron knot, in this case, he would be angry and come out of the iron slag.

"Guys, the instruments left in the city of human cultivation base have locked Bolivar. It's time to perform real technology!"

Tony's voice, in the middle of the communication channel.

As a group of Avengers who have experienced many battles, I don't know how many hardships they have experienced and how many sinister thugs they have solved.

The more time we encounter a crisis, the more people like Jordan tend to burst out with unprecedented potential.

Tony had left enough backhand in the city where Bolivar was hiding very early. If it wasn't for the meteorite hitting the earth, Bolivar might continue to hide his tracks.

But as long as the Bolivar showed a trace of horse's feet, Tony left behind, can quickly lock the trace of Bolivar.

Portal after portal opened in the void.

Casillas, modu, Stephen and shimmering quickly and accurately locked the coordinates of Bolivar, while Giordani and others jumped down from the portal in the middle of the air and bombarded Bolivar fiercely.

The heavy and boundless meow hammer, with lightning chains all over the sky, is like a thunderbolt spear falling from the sky.

However, if Bolivar could become the ancestor of intelligent life, his own ability would not be inferior to those so-called advanced intelligent life, or even more powerful.

The fist covered with steel scales is like a steel cannon, which directly attacks the meow hammer in the sky.

The shape formed by Zhenjin gene is immune to almost any form of energy shock. The terrible fist will directly smash the meow hammer which is upgraded to level 7.

At the same time, the clothes on Bolivar's body were also split. After all, Bolivar showed his original appearance as a dwarf, but this dwarf, like nidavi's dwarf, had a full height of 67 meters, and his muscles showed a metallic luster.

This is hawk's gene, with infinite power potential.

Bang bang!

One punch after another, Saul, hawk, Carroll and Steve fell into the ruins of the city like flies.

Bolivar has innumerable genetic forms, including Peter's sensitivity, Pietro's speed, hawk's power, Saul's explosive power, and Carroll and Hobbes' defense.

The Avengers alliance swarmed on, but in an instant, they were beaten by Bolivar.


Jordan originally wanted to rush up. Seeing this scene, the whole person braked in mid air, and the terrible power of death enveloped Bolivar.

The mark of death.

The only weakness was in the middle of Bolivar's abdomen, marked by a gray black cross.

It was only at this time that Jordan gathered the power of destruction, just like a Tyrannosaurus Rex. At the moment when Bolivar just smashed Hobbes, the whole person, with the shadow, cut into the front of Bolivar. The terrible power formed a brilliant divine awn at Jordan's fingertips and stabbed directly at Bolivar's weakness.