It is different from the reckless fighting style of Saul, Carroll, Hawke and Hobbes, and the skill flow fighting style of Steve, Clint and Decker.

Jordan was born as a killer. He never paid attention to fancy things in fighting. He only wanted the final result. He always looked for the right opportunity to kill after observing the weakness of the target.

Bolivar's strength is far beyond the imagination of the Avengers.

The combination of stellar genes and active metals endows Bolivar with unlimited potential for growth, while the extinguished sun and the annihilated human beings of an era endow Bolivar with almost unlimited capabilities.

Only the power of Giordani is not in the replication of Bolivar.

The mark of death marks his weakness. The power of destruction gives him unprecedented lethality. His fighting intuition in the extreme state gives him keen insight.

When he stabbed out the bright light, Jordan even felt that the whole world seemed to be at a standstill.

In Jordan's eyes, Bolivar's action, Hobbes's flying and the lightning in the sky seem to have slowed down countless times.

This kind of state even reminds Jordan of the skill of bullet time that he has not paid attention to for a long time.

One shot will kill!

Jordani has this confidence, but just when the magic wand is about to stab Bolivar, in the almost static world, jordani suddenly finds that Bolivar's eyes are turning, with a kind of tyranny and killing intention, staring at himself like a cold poisonous snake.

Knock NIMA, it's cold!

Jordan's mind, just gave birth to such an idea, sure enough, that Bolivar's original almost static slow motion, in an instant become as fast as lightning, a hand block Jordan's stab out of God, a hand like a hammer, directly hit Jordan's shoulder.


Jordan's almost static state of the world was broken, and the whole person was just like being hit by a space warship. He flew hundreds of meters upside down and collapsed a steel building, and the whole person was buried in the ruins.

At the same time, Bolivar also raised his injured left hand. In the palm of his hand, there was a wound pierced by shenmang. There was a surge of liquid metal constantly, trying to repair the injury. However, the terrible destructive power was constantly breaking out a destructive power, killing the active metal completely, turning it into iron slag and falling on the ground.


Jordan lifted the ruins all over the sky. His shoulder blades were almost broken. He looked at Bolivar with one arm drooping like an angry tiger.

"This is the power of destruction in the war of falling heaven?"

Bolivar's attention at the moment is not on the Avengers alliance, but on the wound of his palm, with an extremely dignified look on his face.

With Bolivar's words, in the dark sky, there is a ray of sunshine, like a bright sword, piercing the decades of darkness on the earth.

The cries of killing and explosions, like tsunamis, seemed to come from nothingness.

With the help of arcane rune, Tony's nano armor constantly repairs itself, but Tony's face shows a dignified look and says: "FAK, this damn Bolivar?"

Tony yelled, and the others were not in a hurry to attack Bolivar.

All of us are attracted by the sudden sunshine and noise. We look around, but we can't see anything extraordinary. In the end, we can only turn our attention to Tony.

Tony looked ugly and said, "Bolivar recorded the node of the earth's frequency change on his own body!"

With a drooping arm, the holy light and life energy were pouring down like money, repairing his own injury and saying, "Tony, if you can explain it more clearly, everyone will thank you very much!"

Tony couldn't laugh or cry and said, "it's not easy to explain! To make a long story short, this Bolivar has left his last protection, and the destructive power on you is the key to open this protection. Once this protection is opened, the energy of entropy drastic change gathered by the two times will envelop Bolivar and its surroundings, causing an unknown change! "

"What kind of change?" he asked

Tony's face was livid, and he said, "it's not clear what kind of changes will take place, but it's very likely that we will enter a field of wandering in time and space."

Just as Tony's voice fell, the palm of Bolivar's hand, which was pierced, suddenly burst out a dazzling light, which made everyone unable to open their eyes.

After more than ten minutes of light shining, Jordan and others have just gradually adapted to the present environment.

However, it is very abrupt that people seem to have moved from the earth in the dark age to another era. Endless flames are burning in the sky, countless intelligent life and human beings are fighting on the ground, the seal of Argo motorcycle is constantly broken, and the space ring defense system is falling from the sky.

Jordan and others, like passers-by hiding in another dimension, watch all this happen, but they can't participate in it at all.

Only that Bolivar, the palm of the light gradually disappeared, replaced by a burning flame of destruction of the sword, inserted in its palm.

And it's another Jordan who holds the sword of destruction.

Jordan watched as Bolivar and "himself" were fighting frantically on the crumbling space ring, and the whole person presented a state close to Sparta.

After a long time, Jordan said, "Tony, what's the special situation?"

Tony also had some egg pains, and said: "well, we should be under the influence of the drastic change of entropy, crossing to the moment of the sky falling battle. This should be your last battle in the future era! Perhaps, after you hang up, without the interference of the timeline, we will be able to appear on the stage! "

Maybe, maybe, maybe, seems.

Jordan looked at Tony speechless, this extremely unreliable words, should not be said from a rigorous scientist.

Do you want any more green lotus!