Led by Tony and supported by Nick Frey, the project slowed down after all.

All new types of knowledge and technology have never been achieved overnight. It takes a long time, continuous investment, constant exploration, and step by step to mature.

After a few words, Jordan just let the two ambitious guys go.

In the end, the God making plan is successful, but now it can only be promoted to a certain extent in a small scale. Only when the dimensional search technology is really mature and the resources and accumulation on the earth are enough, can Tony's "era of all gods" really be unfolded.

Just when Tony and Nick Frey cheer each other up and dyke and Clint are a little disappointed, the second invasion of the void Zerg finally comes.

Compared with the first attack that was not even a trial, this time the void Zerg was obviously aggressive.

The queen of Zerg in the void mother nest didn't send the Zerg that was produced wantonly like cannon fodder to fill in the numbers. Instead, she directly took out a large number of elite Zerg from the secondary mother nests of other void channels, cooperated with the infinite engineer Zerg, and formed a real war.

Among the Zerg, there are not all kinds of evolutionary ways like intelligent life, but more like assembly line products.

The queen of Zerg is extremely difficult to cultivate. Once it appears, it can evolve a void camp of Zerg into the existence of mother's nest headquarters. Every queen of Zerg is the source of terror that can fight with the father level strongmen.

Lord Zerg control the secondary nest and void channel, which is the existence of the third stage.

However, the strength and flexibility of these Zerg are very great. The powerful Lord Zerg can even fight against the sub heavenly Father Zerg. The weaker Lord Zerg may not even be able to fight the demigod created by Tony.

But elite and engineer Zerg are quite mature in breeding and evolution.

Because these Zerg are the foundation for zerg to attack the infinite dimensional world. They can hatch and modulate at any time and any place. They can be cultivated as consumables.

The last time the Zerg attacked the earth, they were also engineers. But in fact, after they hatched, they were sent to the battlefield. They didn't have any time to grow up. They just fought with the earth as larvae.

This time, those Zerg people gathered from other empty passages are all adults.

Every engineer level Zerg is a super soldier like the captain of the United States in the World War II era, and has an invulnerable carapace. For the earth, this level of army is a disaster.

Inside the defensive circle, the military still had the idea of humiliation. It gathered the world's most elite mechanized legions, tanks, rocket guns, armored vehicles and so on to form a torrent of steel, ready to give those Zerg a head-on heavy blow.

As a result, after a round of salvo fire by those mechanical forces, those terrible Zerg only left some corpses, and then submerged all the tanks and armored vehicles like a huge wave. In an instant, they ate up and gathered again to form a huge wave, and they came to the real defensive circle.

"Fire, even if the enemy collects our attack information, we must not let these damned insects cross our defense circle!"

"Yes, outside the defense circle, there are 30 million New Yorkers. The coalition government has started the New York Immigration Program without affecting people's livelihood. Anyway, we must stick to it for more than three months!"

"Then fire!"

In the military's combat conference room, general Ross, war machine and other high-level military officers gathered together.

At the critical moment, these people, who were once split up by the power strife, eventually united and formed an unprecedented cohesion.

"Pulse force suppresses Zerg attack, Gauss force calls me one by one!"

"Pull all self-propelled guns to the front line, set to attack all insects within 200 meters!"

"The miniaturized electromagnetic railgun began to store energy. Once there was a breakthrough in the defense circle, it would smash those insects hard for me..."

The earth has already experienced all kinds of wars, such as the invasion of zetary, the invasion of hell, the invasion of Kerry Empire, the invasion of exterminating hegemony, and so on. It has been more than ten years since the earth came into contact with the universe.

It seems that in many cases, the Avengers are at the front.

But that's just because a group of Avengers are too enthusiastic and always want to isolate the war from the earth, so they decapitate again and again.

The military is not really incompetent. Almost every top military officer actually has a powerful secret force.

This time, the war took place inside the earth, even very close to New York.

The coalition government and the military are no longer able to target extraordinary forces such as the Avengers alliance. For the first time, all the secret forces of the military have appeared in front of the world.

Soon after the orders were given, a group of soldiers carrying energy sources, wearing heavy armour and holding huge and strange guns, just like a city wall, stepped into the well-established defense cluster building with the sound of regular steps.

Then, a number of shooting ports, just like the women's stacks of the ancient city wall, appeared in front of those heavily armed soldiers.

"One volley, Gauss sniper ready!"

Among the specific electronic communication channels of the military, strict military orders were issued rapidly.

Soon, the guns in the hands of those heavy soldiers turned like giant guns, and the violent blue light fell into the front group of Zerg waves with a kind of rain like intensive attack.

Boom boom!

The attack of these rotating cannons is not too powerful, but the moment they fall into the insect swarm, they burst like air bombs, forming a huge impact.

From a distance, this round of volley, as if there were blue raindrops burst open, abruptly overturned the black wave of Zerg, rolled back.

"Gauss shaped charge, sniper free fire, priority to kill organized charge group!"

Whew, whew!

With the fall of another military order, the purple light is like a red nail cutting through the void, leaving a series of burnt and twisted space dents on the battlefield.

Then, one after another, the Zerg was killed and injured instantly.

These Gauss snipers are extremely accurate, basically each shot can directly kill a Zerg, or even a little more powerful, can be one through two, one through three.

Under the planned attack target of the military, the Zerg charging camp, which was full of rhythm, was immediately disrupted, and a large number of Zerg on key nodes were killed on the spot, causing chaos after chaos.