Perhaps it is because we got the news ahead of time that the military really showed a kind of shocking terrorist combat effectiveness in dealing with the second invasion of the Zerg.

The pulse weapon has a strong impact and shock effect. It has been specially transformed into a rotary gun by the military. Its powerful firepower can form a very strong blocking effect on those Zerg like the tide.

The sniper battalion, which is composed of continuous Gauss rifles, hides behind those pulse machine gun troops. It doesn't need to worry about anything. Just put the auxiliary sniper eyes down one by one and output them all madly.

It's just two troops. They have completely stopped the fierce Zerg army.

Although this level of defense and this level of war is not as grand as the magnificent space war in the war of extermination and invasion in the past, it is more fierce and violent.

More than tens of thousands of human troops, and the nearly endless Zerg, are engaged in an unprecedented fierce battle in a battlefield less than ten miles around.

Guns and bullets, just like the storm, cover all directions and interweave into the giant net of death.

Zerg fierce, even countless casualties, there is no morale on the fall, just tirelessly through the terrible flesh and blood battlefield, again and again toward the periphery of the impact.

The battle only lasted less than four hours. The whole ten kilometer battlefield was covered with flesh and blood. Even the ground was raised by two meters.

And in this kind of intensity of fighting, not only the soldiers of the military have been highly tired, but also the guns in the hands of the soldiers have almost reached the limit.

"Sir, do you want to carry out the blocking plan and start the defense rotation?"

"Now clear the battlefield with incendiary bombs! Then release the cloud bomb, create a high temperature vacuum zone, and try to stop the enemy! "

"Yes, sir!"

In the military's command center, Jordan and others looked at the battlefield pictures uploaded from the big screen. They were also shocked by the military's arrangement and combat effectiveness.

For a long time, maybe it's because the Avengers have been working hard to save the world.

Jordan and others, in fact, despise the coalition government, the military and others. They always feel that these individuals occupy a lot of resources and will only be strong at home, or even drag their feet by bickering. Once they go abroad, they never engage in personnel affairs.

It was not until this moment that Jordan and others discovered that in such a real war of Legion confrontation, even the Avengers could not do better than the military.

The Avengers alliance is generally powerful. In that kind of sudden explosive war, it can form a role similar to that of ancient heavy cavalry. It can enter the battlefield, kill the general and seize the flag, and form a key role in the war by defeating the main leader of the other party.

But in fact, the Avengers alliance has only a few dozen people, plus the periphery, only a few hundred.

In such a continuous front of real hard power, it is ultimately up to the army and the vast majority of people to win the final war.

It's like the Zerg, the three empires of the universe, the endless abyss and so on. Once a war is launched against the earth, it will continue for several years, decades, or even one of the two sides in the war will die.

In such a war, in addition to the father like Jordan and Carol, who can constantly supplement themselves through the laws of the universe, even Saul, Tony, Natasha, and Giselle can cause a great range of damage in a short time, or even change part of the war situation, but they can't last.

Tony is the first one to see through this point in the Avengers alliance, so all of Tony's research for a long time, whether it's popularizing the arcane profession or studying the national God plan, is to enhance the strength of the earth and all human beings. Only when the strength of the vast majority of people is improved, can the earth save itself in the future cosmic situation.

Just when many people in the Avengers alliance were distracted, the order of the military headquarters had been issued to all parties.

At the periphery of the defense circle, military vehicles that looked reckless and ferocious began to start. Different from the armed vehicles such as rockets and missiles used to be used by the military, after space wars again and again, the military has also carried out numerous updates on land equipment.

The vehicles are deformed, and the projectiles that don't look amazing are ejected from the dense launchers. In a way of ejection, they are extremely accurate and fall on the battlefield.

Boom boom!

Then, after the bullets landed, a strange resonance was formed, and the lines of fire spread, dividing the battlefield into separate areas.

Then, energy flames, just like magma gushing, emerge from the ground, using biological meat as fuel, forming a sea of magma fires one after another.

The battlefield division of this situation does not seem to be as fierce as the overwhelming bombing and burning, but it can form a lot of barriers, forming a very strong buffer and blocking effect for those Zerg like the tide.

Each piece of lava fire has different properties. Some are specialized in melting insect beetles, some are specialized in melting the flesh and blood of the Zerg

The battlefield, which is heavily divided, can let the Zerg remove the violent impact in silence, and melt on the battlefield unconsciously.

"Targeted incendiary bombs work well!"

"Indeed, fortunately, there are some Zerg samples collected in previous battles. Otherwise, it's not easy to clean these Zerg nutrients in a targeted way!"

"The army has begun to change, right? We must be prepared to stay here for a long time

Orders from the military command were issued in an orderly manner.

At this time, most of the Zerg's flesh and blood had been burned up on the battlefield, and all the Zerg's nourishment that had been accumulated on the battlefield had been burned to white.

But after a while, the Zerg that emerged from the void passage has changed again, and a group of Zerg troops with high fire resistance attribute have come.

Seeing this scene, several high-level military officers all burst into laughter.

"Just know that these damned insects will have such skills. How are the cloud bomb and frozen bomb prepared?"

"Sir, the plane can take off at any time!"

"Well, then give these damned insects a big gift!"

With the voice of the military high-level down, on the big screen, one bomber after another, like a flock of birds, dive down from the distant space carrier.