The netherworld Zerg are crazy. For the gamma ray bursts in the sky, after losing the first round of flight, the Zerg soon organized the second round of attack.

Compared with the insects that were not prepared enough for the first time, this worm was gathered from other empty passages, which was extremely fast, fearless of fire and equally aggressive.

In the face of this wave of insect attacks, most of the Avengers alliance did not move, but gave up the battlefield to the two brothers sol and rocky, who were constantly spraying each other.

In a sense, it is also a collision between the asgardian way of evolution and the arcane way.

In order to show fairness, sol, who used hammer to testify, even gave up his beloved hammer in this battle and entered the battle directly with his bare hands.

War after war, metamorphosis after metamorphosis, today's sol, after preaching with a hammer, has already realized the control of his own energy. Even without a hammer, he can also urge the power of lightning and storm to fly at a high speed in the air. When he reaches out his hand, countless thunder snakes gather and form a spear interwoven with lightning in his hand.

The red cape was raised high, Saul's blond hair was suspended in the air, and with an amazing roar, he threw the lightning spear in his hand again and again, pierced the insects, and then burst into pieces among the insects, forming a very fierce lethality.

At this time, rocky, watching sol burst out, the whole face is more and more smiling.

When Saul broke out frequently in the mid air, and the whole person was a little exhausted, ready to break into the insect swarm by physical strength, rocky just flew to Saul's side, with the symbolic smile on his face and white teeth, and said: "stupid brother, is this all your strength? Is that all the glory of Asgard? "

As far as stimulating sol is concerned, rocky is absolutely the best in the Avengers League. He has his own irony ability. For sol, he can reach the max level in a very short time.

At this time, rocky suddenly raised his hand, and one diamond ice mirror after another appeared in the mid air, dense, forming a strange sequence.

Then, rocky points out that an ice blue laser falls on the diamond ice mirror in the center, and the ice blue light shoots wildly in the sky, and then refracts one ice blue light after another. In the constant refraction, it accumulates more and more.

When the sky covered ice mirror can't bear the energy of the ice blue laser, with the wave of Rocky's hand, the sequence of the sky covered diamond ice mirror turns slowly, forming a kind of light almost like raindrops, falling madly towards the insects in the mid air.

The raindrops are endless. It seems that only the ice blue laser with the thickness of thumb has accumulated incredible power in the crazy refraction. After penetrating the layers of insects, the terrible power of ice breaks out. Even the corpses of those insects are frozen into ice crystals and fall to the ground.

The ice blue rain for more than half an hour made the temperature of the whole battlefield drop by more than ten degrees. The insect corpses scattered on the ground were wrapped by ice crystals, flashing a kind of dreamy color.

The duration of the ice rain soon ended. With his own efforts, rocky organized the crazy attack of the Zerg for more than an hour. As for the killing of the insects, there were countless, accumulating a thick layer of ice on the ground.

Everyone can see that the power of rocky is far less than that of sol before. Even after more than an hour of continuous attack, rocky seems to still have some spare power.

But it's not a big wave of output. With the help of the extremely rigorous ice crystal sequence refraction, the lethality of this ice rain has been pushed to the limit, and almost every trace of every millimetre of power has been properly used.

Saul naturally realized the weakness in this contest, but he still roared out in defiance and said: "Rocky, the real strong man, never disdains to show off his skills. Only strength is the real glory. In the name of Thor, I call for the appearance of thunder cloud and storm..."

In a hurry to lose, sol, regardless of his previous pressure, reached out to call miao'ernier, and turned wildly in mid air, gathering storms all over the sky. What's more, a series of terrible thunderstorms were generated in the storms.

After a moment, it was like thunder falling from the sky. In a ferocious way, it also fell like raindrops towards the insects on the ground.

These thunderbolts are much more powerful than Rocky's icy blue laser. Each thunderbolt can split the insects and leave one big black pit after another on the ground.

It's just a thunderstorm of this level, even if sol has exhausted his strength, it can only break out for three or five minutes. It's shocking enough on the scene, but it's far less effective than Rocky's continuous rain like attack on the battlefield.

But people also saw that Saul was absolutely unconvinced.

As Kee Mei, who has cheated sol for hundreds of years, rocky once again shows a smile that makes people very familiar, but wants to punch hard. With a bit of grace in his heart, he says, "so, what do you want to prove, that milnier is really one of Asgard's most powerful artifact?"

Saul faces a red face. "Bad ass, the hammer is my life. It is part of my strength. Only by such a powerful attack can we destroy enough powerful enemies, and the real strong ones must be brave to the higher."

Just as sol roared and forced himself to defend himself, rocky didn't know when, but also took out a spear and pointed to the ground. Under the influence of the blue light, the ice that was originally covered with the ground floated up one after another, making a kind of fine tremor sound.

Then, with a little sweat on Rocky's forehead, the trembling ice crystal suddenly broke into the most delicate existence. There was a tiny ice blue light refracting in the infinite ice debris, and finally it broke into a piece, forming a blue ripple, spreading in all directions.

In the place where the blue light wave passed, everything, as if time had stopped, stood still in an instant.

Absolute zero!

If the power can be raised to the limit, in theory, it can even freeze space and time. In terms of power alone, it is no worse than the thunder storm gathered by nasol.