In terms of evolution alone, rocky can't compete with Saul.

After a great war and transformation, sol is now the best of the sub heavenly Father class strong. Only when sol can walk out of the thunder and storm, can he really enter the ranks of the heavenly Father class strong.

Rocky, not to mention the heavenly Father level, has not even reached the sub heavenly Father level, but is just the peak of the third stage.

But it was just such a big stage of evolution that rocky was far better than Saul in terms of lethality, power and efficiency.

Different from Saul's traditional self groping growth, rocky has been in the arms of arcane soon after his real arcane road appeared.

Once upon a time, the powerful divine character and divine power were washed and turned into the most original power, which was condensed in the resonance between rocky and the universe. According to Rocky's idea, under Jarvis's continuous deduction and improvement, the skills were more and more in line with the operation of the laws of the universe, and more in line with the law of attack.

It's also a force. Sol is only used to swing with a hammer, while rocky is used to pry the law will of ice attribute.

The biggest difference is Rocky's diversified and skillful use of power, just like the difference between humans and animals, which is more intelligent and efficient.

If it's a real fight between life and death, sol is naturally strong, and can directly rely on his strong brute force before rocky is ready, causing heavy damage to rocky.

But if it is such a premeditated and prepared war effect, even if sol has exhausted his strength, he can't match Rocky's perfect skill.

It's not that Arcane road is no better than self groping evolution in life and death, but rocky is more inclined to be a fort mage.

In the competition between the self groping evolutionary road and the arcane Road, Saul lost completely.

And seeing this scene, Steve, Hobbes and others, who had already begun to incline to the road of arcane magic, looked in the direction of Tony and Jordan.

This is a good opportunity to really promote arcane road.

Tony and Jordan look at each other, Tony is to step forward, and said: "it's time to witness the real technology!"

With a big x, Tony is quickly covered by nano armor and directly bumps into the swarm of insects like a wild animal. Then, on the armor, a series of arcane runes flow, forming a kind of strange energy resonance, just like an ultrasonic wave, spreading in the silent parts.

"Biological control!"


Along with Tony's cold words, more than thousands of insects suddenly became stiff in the swarm. The flesh, bones and crustaceans in the body turned into the purest biological bombs, just like fireworks, exploded in the crowd, forming a shocking scene.

"Mechanical control!"

"The earth is in control!"

"Energy resonance!"

One voice after another came out of Tony's armor. It was almost visible to the naked eye. Countless pieces of broken equipment, armor, guns and so on scattered on the battlefield seemed to have been given life. They began to repair themselves, forming a huge and ferocious self-propelled gun. Even tanks and fighters with exhaust gas gathered together, To form the same war machine as in the war against hegemonism.

Then, the earth surged. Under Tony's control, one strange battlefield terrain after another was quickly formed, which was more suitable for the operation of self-propelled guns, mechanical fortresses and war machines.

These weapons of war, driven by a strange energy, form one terrorist fire network after another, and contain the dense attack routes of the Zerg in an instant.

With the release of a series of strong skills, Tony's armor energy is also a little dim.

At this time, Jordan did not know when he had come to the front line of the battlefield, with a sword in one hand and a gun in the other. With a rare solemnity, he yelled out: "strength! Speed! dexterous! Defense... "

One by one, the basic physical skills are lit up. At the foot of Jordan, the aura of arcane rune is blooming.

Almost visible to the naked eye, Jordan's physical fitness, with a rocket like speed crazy up.

"Dark sky

"The mark of death!"

There are also two auxiliary skills blooming, the power of darkness, covering all the perception of those insects, the power of death, marking the biggest weakness of those insects.

At this moment, Jordan, with an unprecedented strength and speed, rushed into the insect swarm. The fierce and violent spear fell like raindrops. The spear speed was extremely fast. Every shot burst out the right energy, killing the Zerg easily without wasting any power.

In the high-speed movement, Jordan has an explosive sense of power, but the holy sword in his hand is the most dazzling light, like a dazzling and violent sword dance among the insects.

Where Jordan had passed, it was like a white wave. All the insects had no resistance at all. The originally dense formation was easily separated by Jordan in less than a moment.

Along with the division of Jordan, Tony's control of a large number of mechanical storms, is in a more violent way, to eliminate those separated insects.

The perfect cooperation of the two people is like an eraser, wiping those terrible insect tides away from the battlefield one by one. Even the endless stream of new forces in the empty passage can not make enough supplement to the insect tides.

It's an easy attack for both Jordan and Tony.

Jordan's life evolution degree is enough to support this kind of fierce battle, just like the perpetual motion machine. After the first shaping and condensation, Tony's mechanical storm only needs to replace the energy source, and can never stop breaking out. Even if the equipment is damaged, Tony can repair it in an instant.

It was just two people. After only two hours of clearing, the whole battlefield was suppressed, and even the empty passage was blocked.

Above Jordan and the large group of mechanical storms, there is a silver gamma ray storm, which, like the moon, slants into the void channel. With the help of the void channel split by the Zerg in countless years, we are blatantly exploring the void world.